
Monday, July 22, 2024

Oops, I Forgot

This week I did not stick to my plans for meals or days very well but we had some extenuating circumstances. Then to top it off I forgot to post my menu Sunday, so today's post is both meals and joys.

Sunday: We had a pretty typical Sunday. We did not go to church, but watched it via the streaming service. Both of us were still struggling with Covid fatigue. Luckily for TheHub we had some beautiful peaches for his all time favorite dessert. (That joy is his not mine because I do not like cooked fruit)
Hamburger patty, corn on the cob, coleslaw, peach cobbler

Monday: I woke and was overly warm. It is not unusual because a lot of days I am hot when I wake, but I noticed it got a little warmer as the day went on. I really did not think a whole lot about it, because TheHub sets the thermostat up higher at night. It was only in the late afternoon that is got much warmer and when TheHub called that he was on his way home, I suggested if he wanted anything other than leftover peas and warmed squash he might want to stop and pick something up. My joy for the day is that he does not mind a little recreational shopping at Publix
Rotisserie chicken, leftover lady peas,  sautéed squash, kale pineapple salad

Tuesday: I woke and immediately realized the air conditioner was not working. We had several oscillating fans leftover from the lake place in our basement, and we have ceiling fans in the den and bedroom. Using those, the day was bearable, and because we had no air, I declared the day would be spent in front of a fan reading. (I do seem to be able to justify reading anytime)
A second joy for the day was having cold salads in the refrigerator
Leftover Asian noodle salad, kale pineapple salad

Wednesday: Hooray, the a/c repair guy was at our house by 7:15! I am not sure in an Alabama summer day, anyone is more appreciated than the a/c repairman. Thank you Dave! After he left I was able to get ready to go to my Happy Place in relative comfort.
The participants at Independence Place were celebrating Christmas in July, so what better for them to make than frozen hot chocolate! 
I got home later than I had planned and once I talked with TheHub nothing I had on hand to make sounded good to him (He not so secretly wanted Captain D's).
He stopped on his way home from work and bought us dinner. It is not my favorite but I did not have to cook, so I am not complaining.
Fish sandwich (me) fish plate (TheHub)

Thursday: I spent most of the day doing things I should have done Tuesday but it was too hot to do them. It is much easier to do chores when the house is cooler. 
We are having terribly muggy weather, and neither of us wanted to eat hot food. Instead I made my home variation of a salad a local restaurant serves every summer.
Hot and Hot tomato salad

Friday: Another day and I read a lot more. There were a million things I should have done, but I didn't. Instead I am claiming I was busy exercising my mind.
TheHub and I both had a hankering for the same thing for dinner. I could have made it, but it is easier to just pick it up, and, all things considered, I will opt for easy. All I had to do was throw a simple fruit salad together.
 Pizza , fruit salad

Saturday: This was a busy day for us. It began with our usual running around in the morning followed by Son3 and DIL3 coming in to spend the night. 
DIL3 was one of the performers at The Independence Place "Sounds of Summer" fundraiser. They had only been here a few minutes before we had to leave to go to a pool party that doubled as a retirement party for TheHub. 
The hosts are fabulous at entertaining and there were a ton of people there from the office. 
We had to go dressed for the fundraiser which was very close to the retirement party. I would not have preferred to wear what I was wearing at an outdoor summertime party, but you have to do what you have to do. 
We left the party, cranked the car a/c to full blast so we could cool down a little, then headed to the fundraiser. It was a successful event and best of all the participants preformed a couple of numbers for the crowd. Watching them made me want to cry happy tears.
After the event was over we all came home, ate doughnuts (Krispy Kreme to the rescue) and talked about the evening.
Basic Fundraiser dinner (roast beef, green beans, mashed potatoes, tossed salad, bread pudding) 

Sunday: We had a wonderful leisurely breakfast with Son3 and DIL3 before they got ready to head back to Nashville.  Shortly after they left we heard to announcement about the presidential race, and were pretty much glued to the tv the rest of the day. 
Since we had gone to the fish market Saturday morning we were set for dinner.
Broiled scamp, corn on the cob, tossed salad

Meal plan (What a joke) for the week
1. Mexican chicken salad on greens
2. Spaghetti, tossed salad
3. BLT salad
4-7 We are visiting our SIL so who knows what/where or when we will be eating

Books read in July
Lady Tan's Circle Of Women
The Everlasting Meal
Listen to the Colors
The Night Parade
Disturbing The Dead
Hitler's Furies
That Night in the Library

Have a great week with whatever plan or no plan works for you.

May all your weeds be wildflowers.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Some Things Get Better With Age

Unlike me, some things just get better with age. My knees continually let me know that I am not a kid anymore, but I digress.

If you have been reading my blog you know I have been griping talking about the need to have lunches available for the recently retired husband. One of my new lunch criteria is to have something that will be available and withstand time in the refrigerator for some do it yourself option.

I am also pretty simple minded when it comes to Google. I think I searched "easy lunch ideas", and sat with a pen in hand to make a list of potential lunch meals. 

When I found this one I decided I would give it a try, since it said in the recipe that holding time only improved it. 

Kale pineapple salad

2 big bunches kale (stem removed and finely chopped*)
20 oz. can crushed pineapple in its own juice ( all I had on hand)
1/3 cup lemon juice
1/4 cup avocado oil ( only neutral tasting oil I had on hand)

Wash, dry and chop the kale and put in a big bowl (emphasis on big) with an airtight lid. In a smaller bowl mix the wet ingredients and pour it over the kale. Toss it, then toss it some more, and toss it a thrid time just for good measure. Put the airtight lid on the bowl and stick that puppy in th fridge for at least 24 hours. Magic occurs during those 24 hours and all the bitterness leaves the kale and you are left with this absolutely delicious salad. The original recipe said to sprinkle sunflower seed over the top when serving, but we have not done that evn though I have them available. It has been delicious without them.
The upside is that it will keep in the refrigerator for several days, thanks to the "staying" power of kale

I will admit I was skeptical, but the first time TheHub tried it he suggested we keep it all of the time. I honestly agree with him. We have been eating this all week and the kale is still nice and crispy.

In a couple of weeks we are leaving to begin a road trip to Portland, and are purchasing a portable refrigerator to take with us. 
Instead of eating lunch out everyday en route, we decided we would pack easy lunch items  and just pull over at roadside rest areas for picnic lunches. 
This salad will be making the trip out, and when we get to Portland I will make another for the return trip. It is that good!  

If you are looking for a tasty side salad or lunch option you might want to give this a try. I am really glad I did.

* I did a coarser chop.  A finer chop would have a better mouth feel.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Ahh Alabama

 So you have a truck and the a/c goes out?  
No problem

A couple of bungee cords, a window unit, and some redneck engineering skills and you are back in business

Sorry for the blurry photo. My Beloved Sister took it while we were driving down I-65

Monday, July 15, 2024


It is seriously summertime here and its hot. Damn hot!

Monday: TheHub worked from his home office most of the day while I did very little. We were both still feeling exceptional tiredness after the Covid onslaught and felt like doing little.  
I was scheduled to volunteer at Independence Place, but did not want to risk still being contagious. I could not bear the thought of passing it on to even one participant, but I really did going.
This was the first "normal" week  (day) we had following  TheHub's retirement and it is going to be as big of an adjustment for me as it is for him. 
I have lived most of our married life as a stay at home mom, then after the kids were grown and gone, just a stay at home whatever.  Consequently, after the kids left, I had no one else to consider (other than the years Mom and Dad needed help) on a daily basis. 
TheHub's job was extremely demanding and for past 4 years I was in almost complete control of my week days and most weekends while he basically gave his life to the company. This change was abrupt!
Fortunately there were a few things left for him to wrap up, so I guess he is just mostly retired. 
But he's home for lunch! 
I have never done lunch unless it was meeting friends occasionally. My lunch at home was always sitting down with a book and eating spoonfuls of whatever bits and pieces were leftover, while music played in the background.
A dedicated lunchtime ( It seems he thinks noon is an acceptable lunchtime?!?!?!?!) with a lunch buddy is going to take getting used to. I am not sure this old dog is ready to learn new tricks.

Tuesday: I feel horrible for saying this, but one of my biggest joys was TheHub going into the office for 5 hours. While he was gone I got some things done and even had time for a phone call with Sluggy!
He came home for a late lunch, but I did have time when the entire house was mine!  
We are going to need to establish some sort of lunch protocol. All of his working life TheHub ate out at lunch, always eating whatever sounded tasty on any given day.
I don't mind cooking, but I am not going to be in the kitchen all day preparing food, and the rules say you don't get to eat what sounds good, you just have to eat whatever is available. We will see how that works out. I suspect I will need to make several things each week to have on hand for a do it himself meal. 

Wednesday: TheHub decided to go into the office again. I was not complaining! I was able to enjoy uninterrupted coffee time while listening to music and reading blogs. Whoo hoo! Simple pleasures are outstanding!
TheHub called to tell me he was on his way home__for lunch. We did decide to go out for a quick bite somewhere, and decided we will do it once a week, at least for a while.
After we ate we ran by Snapper Grabbers because we were both in the mood for seafood. A true joy was finding Sand Mountain tomatoes there. They are so good and pretty hard to find outside of North Alabama.

Thursday: Retirement is not going to be so bad if TheHub keeps going into the office for at least half a day. I am good to go as long as I can ease into the day with coffee and reading.

Friday: TheHub has been taking my car into the office each day, because his is sick and he can't figure out how to jump it off. It is not my fault he has one of those cars that needs "special" mechanics and has a convoluted engine. 
And I NEED my car so I can go wherever I want, whenever I want to go. 
My car, my car, my kingdom for my car!
I needed to go to the grocery store to restock produce and a pick up a few things I was out of. Wouldn't you know he came home and decided he would go with me. What?!?!?!?! 
You have to understand for decades I have been shopping by myself, I know food prices, and I know what I buy. 
TheHub is an accountant by trade and quite frankly I do not need to know the 1/8 ounce price of every single item I buy, nor do I need a running commentary on what the "best" buys are. 
There is an upside however. He wanted to go out to lunch before shopping so there was no lunch for me to make, and, for the first time in forever, I actually have help unloading the car and putting things away. 
Plus the additional set of eyes curbed my usual secret chocolate purchase. Curses, foiled!

Saturday: I am still overly tired, which I am assuming is from the brush with Covid. TheHub is also very tired. We are ready to be done with it. 
We ran around doing a few Saturday morning errands and were home by 10:45. I am glad we started early because hot and humid was an understatement by the time we returned home.
And lest anyone think I am oblivious to everything going on Saturday, I am not, but my blog is non political, and I prefer to keep it that way.

Sunday: We had a lazy hot day with a lot of reading, then more reading!

Books read in July
Lady Tan's Circle Of Women
The Everlasting Meal
Listen to the Colors
The Night Parade
Disturbing The Dead

Look for your joys, no matter how small. They are always out there*. 

May all your weeds be wildflowers.

*Even though this is a pretty crabby post, I am still joyful.


Sunday, July 14, 2024

Ambivalent About Dinner

I was still tired from the bout with Covid and was not in any hurry to go to the store. I planned no menu and decided I would use as much as possible from food storage instead. Weeks like this are when having an overfilled freezer comes in handy.

Sunday: This is exactly why I freeze anything that is left over. One cup of frozen sauce to the rescue!
Spaghetti with meat sauce, tossed salad
Monday: Again finding a small package of frozen cooked chicken made a quick meal happen.
Chicken and dressing, Greek green beans, brownies (we could finally taste)

Tuesday: A small pack of frozen ground chuck, leftover tossed salad, and a jar of salsa in the refrigerator was the genesis of the meal 
 Taco salad

Wednesday: We actually made a stop at our seafood monger's specifically for this.
Sautéed scallops, coleslaw, Italian bread

Thursday: TheHub had made a special trip with 2 of our sons to Costco last week for the 4 pound pack of Conecuh sausage  I felt so bad then, that I did not process it. I used some for dinner and portioned the remaining in 8 freezer bags for future meals: 
Conecuh sausage, sautéed leftover undressed coleslaw, Italian bread

Friday: We ate lunch out and just moved our lunch meal to dinner
Asian noodle salad, watermelon chunks

Saturday: We went to our local produce stand this morning and dinner planned itself.
Lady peas, okra, fried green tomatoes, sliced tomatoes

What's next? Maybe
1. Hamburger patty, corn on the cob, coleslaw
2. Veggie meal TBD
3. Big salad meal TBD
4. White bbq chicken, green beans, tomato cucumber onion salad
5. Stuffed peppers, new potatoes, Tossed salad
6. Fried rice, Asian coleslaw
7. Leftovers or out to eat

Have a great week staying on plan, going off plan, or with no plan at all

(Don’t feel like you need to read this list. It is really for my benefit)
Used from freezer:
1 bag spaghetti sauce
1 pack cooked chicken
1 pint bag ground chuck
Green  beans
Lady peas
Chicken broth

Used from pantry:
1/2 bag Pepperidge Farm cornbread stuffing
Olive oil
Spices and seasonings
Brownie mix (leftover and unmade from Pip's visit)
Avocado oil
Canned diced chili peppers
Angel hair pasta
John’s coleslaw dressing (once opened moved to fridge storage)
Water chestnuts

Used from fridge: (or countertop produce storage*)
Pint of slightly wrinkled cherry tomatoes
1 large onion
3 tomatoes
1 cucumber
5 new potatoes
Salad dressing
Conecuh sausage
Cheddar cheese
Parmesan cheese

Purchased: for meal preparation for the week
1 lemon
Italian bread
2 tomatoes**
Green onions
Red bell pepper
Green tomato

*Obvious counter storage are onions, bananas, and potatoes, but I will never ruin a peach or tomato by storing them in the fridge. They will not ripen and will do nothing but loose their taste. Instead I will buy just enough to eat right away and some underripe to eat in three or so days

** I had tomatoes and did not need more, but I made an exception for these. The nearby fish market gets tomatoes grown on Sand Mountain (small mountain in North Alabama which has perfect soil, moisture, and heat for incredibly delicious tomatoes) during the summer. When we stopped there they had some, so we snagged a couple. They are honestly the best tomatoes I have ever eaten  and we have been waiting for them all summer.

Friday, July 12, 2024

The Lunch Conundrum

I am trying very hard to adjust to our new normal here, but I am not adjusting well at all. Even though TheHub is going into the office part time each day, he is still home for lunch.
I do not think, since the kids were preschoolers or at home during the summer I ever had to consider making lunch for anyone. And once the kids were old enough to make their own sandwiches, as long as meats and cheeses were in the fridge, they even did that themselves, because they knew when they were hungry better than I did.
Now I have someone here who not only wants to eat lunch everyday (what is this madness?) but he wants it to be something that is pleasing to all of his senses.  For years and years my lunches (if I had them) have consisted of  crackers and cheese or whatever bits and pieces were in the fridge, not what sounded good. (Unless I really wanted a tablespoon of leftover black eyed peas, a half of a tomato and wilted leftover tossed salad)

In order to keep my home from being a crime scene (murder being the option) I have decided I need to make several lunch items in advance, so there might be choices of the self serve variety. Now I just need to figure out what those might be.

This Asian inspired noodle salad is one I decided to try.

1/4 cup soy sauce
1/4 cup sesame oil
1 tablespoon hot chili oil (omit if you don't like heat)
2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
2 tablespoons brown sugar
juice from 1/2 lime
3/4 pound (ish, just eyeball it) angel hair pasta, cooked to al dente and drained
3 green onions, thinly sliced
1 medium red bell pepper chopped
1/2 can water chestnuts. chopped finely
1 tablespoon sesame seed (toasted is better)
2 tablespoons chopped peanuts (optional)

Whisk the soy sauce, sesame oil, hot chili oil, balsamic vinegar, brown sugar, and lime juice in a medium non reactive bowl. (I use glass because I have them)
Put the warm pasta into the mixture and toss to coat well. Let it cool before adding the bell pepper, water chestnuts, and green onions. Eat immediately or stick it in the fridge for later. Just toss again before serving.
 Serve on a plate and sprinkle with sesame seed and/or chopped peanuts.

This was quite good and something I will make to have every couple of weeks. Next time I will add some sliced snow peas or thawed green peas, and some grated carrot, mainly for color. I will also add some Thai basil and lemon grass (if I can find very tender stems which is a crap shoot in Alabama)
It would probably be really good with some diced cooked chicken or pork too, but I am not going to get in the habit of having meats for lunch.

Monday, July 8, 2024

And There Were Joys?

I started this week with the intentions of enjoying Pip for a couple of days, then transforming life back to normal once they left. Well as normal as my new normal with TheHub here would be. Instead even before Pip left for Portland, life threw me a little curve. *
I am more than ready to turn the page on this week.

Monday: Pip's friend, my neighbor, came up to swim and life was perfect. They had a good time laughing and playing until it was time to go to Son2's house for dinner. Son1 and Pip had seen the house when they first bought it, before the renovation really started. They were pretty amazed at the transformation. We enjoyed eating together then they went to the boathouse to try their luck at fishing. 
As soon as we got home, M came up for some more night swimming (until almost midnight) then she and Pip went to her house to spend the night. I mean what is better than a house with 4 kids and 11 pets for an overnight?

Tuesday: Son1 had been feeling kind of bad and, not wanting to be the only one under the weather, he shared it with me. All day I was freezing and it is just too hot here to be freezing unless you are not feeling well.
I felt crappy and spent most of the day sitting in the recliner under blankets while major swimming went on outside. The girls played and swam then ran back and forth between houses several times, ending the night with another late night swim and a farewell until next time. 
Pip is coming back this year at Thanksgiving and even though the pool will be closed she and company can still have a little water time in the hot tub.

Wednesday: Sometime during the wee hours of the morning it seems like I shared this stuff with TheHub. We had a coughing duet going on until it was time to get up and help Son1 and Pip get ready to leave. I hated to see them go but knowing we will see them in August softened everything.
After driving them to the airport TheHub went into the office (so much for retirement huh) and I attacked the laundry. I continued to feel bad and by the time TheHub came home (about 3) he was feeling rotten also. We melted into the couch or the recliner and stayed that way until we summoned the strength to get up and go to bed.

Thursday: The Fourth of July came and went here, with little to no celebration. We decided one of us needed to take a Covid test so I did it. In less than one nano-second the test lit completely and there was no denying it. We had Covid. Further testing confirmed Son1, Pip, Son2 and DIL2 all had it too. 
TheHub and I lounged around (coughing and sneezing) while we watched Nathan's Hot Dog Eating contest. We didn't feel like eating so we thought we might as well watch others eat. 
Then we snoozed off and on while watching whatever was on tv, until after our dinner when we actually watched (and stayed awake for the entire show ) The Capitol Fourth. 
The host kept asking people to take and post pictures of their celebrations while watching the show. We laughed that ours would be two folks wrapped up in blankets watching it. If we both did not look so horrible I might have done it. 
The only thing I will say about our appearance is that we had both showered and dressed (wearing soft laying about shorts and tee shirts).  Fashionable? Not in the least.
So much for our plans for the day. TheHub intended to hit a bucket or two of golf balls and I planned on swimming. Maybe Friday?

Friday: I woke butt early. In fact it was just a hair past dark O' Thirty. This stuff is kicking our respective butts. We are both coughing less, but have no appetites and zero zest for life. I have been doing more laundry, some reading, and taking lots of unintentional naps (while reading or should I say trying to read).
In spite of hoping to feel like swimming, it did not happen.

Saturday: Well if this was not just another day in paradise I don't know what would have been. TheHub and I had decided we would be well on Saturday so we could swim and/or hit golf balls. Covid seemed to have other plans. Though we were no longer sneezing our heads off or coughing all the time, neither of us had the energy to do much of anything. I did catch up reading blogs, but only because I could be on the couch in a prone position with my Ipad propped against the sofa cushions. I am not sure I would have even had the energy needed to physically hold it while reading. Sorry I did not comment but I cannot post them from the tablet and sitting up at the computer for any length of time was out of the question. 
Our day was spent rotating between the couch and recliner, pretending to watch tv while we nodded off for countless naps. 
As much as feeling like this sucks, I am thrilled this variant is so much less severe than the original virus.

Sunday: Another low exertion day. Both of us were feeling much better but mutually decided we would have one more day laying low. The bare minimum was done, just enough to maintain a decent standard of living but there was a good bit of reading that happened. Earlier in the week I had an Amazon package arrive. TO be honest I was so tired TheHub brought it inside and put it on the dining room table where it stayed until early Sunday morning. I was glad to finally open it for it had 3 things I really wanted. Need? Not so much but I did want them. 
Years ago I bought stainless in the same pattern as my sterling. Through the years pieces disappeared, most likely either accidentally thrown away (possible)  or disappeared in cars of various teen drivers (more likely). 
I decided it was time to replace missing settings so I keep it on my Amazon wish list all the time. Periodically the price drops 10 bucks a place setting, and when it does I buy one. Early during the week I hit pay dirt and snagged one. One more and I will once again have a complete set, but I can wait until the price drops again.
Until we visited St Barths, I never knew I would love having an electric kettle. I am sorry I was so stupid to never realize just exactly how wonderful they are. To  those of you who grew up with one and are shaking your heads, what can I say? Sometimes you never know what you are missing!
I also bought a fantastic new to me book The Everlasting Meal. I spent all day reading it and will use it as a reference book as long as I am still cooking. It is technically called a cookbook, and though it does have a lot of recipes, its main function is ideas for totally using every single bit of everything you buy, or grow. 
Now I know to save all the small bits from a bag of chips to use as salt in a savory dish.

Books read in July
Lady Tan's Circle of Women
The Everlasting Meal
Listen to the Colors

Look for your joys. They are always out there even if they are tiny (like having an abundance of Kleenex when you really really need them )

May all your weeds be wildflowers.

*Once again I apologize for leaving no comments on your blogs, but I did at least read them.