
Monday, May 13, 2024

Joys For The Past Week

The first full week of May came to an end much quicker than I ever expected. Countdown for TheHub's retirement continues and though he still has double digit work days remaining, we are now in the teens. I am looking forward to him not having all the stress this job has beaten him up with for many years.
It will be great for him to have it in his rearview mirror as he "rides off into the sunset" leaving it behind*.

Monday: TheHub had to take my car to work. Something is wrong with his and it had to be towed to the shop. Consequently it left me no option but to stay at home. It was not what I had planned, but my days are fairly fluid and it was easy to change. Thankfully it was a beautiful day and there was no reason why I should not sit on the porch, listening to birdsongs, while drinking coffee. 
Other than that the day was filed with laundry, rearranging things, and reading. Did I mention reading?
As an interesting aside, at a little after 11 Monday night I was reading and replying to some blogs. I had just made a comment about being envious of a bloggers travels and asking if it was petty of me, when out of the blue (I am sure, at least I hope,  I accidentally hit something on the computer**) Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D minor began playing. I guess I got my answer!

Tuesday: TheHub's car was not ready, so he had to take mine again. Normally it does not bother me to be at home, but take away my means of escape and I turn into a caged panther, walking back and forth looking for a way to go ANYWHERE. Then I have to remind myself my "cage" is pretty nice and it is not like there are not millions of things I could do/see/clean/read on a day at home.
I did have a phone call with Sluggy which makes any day better. She has interesting (unusual?) people all around her and now I need to look for some out of the ordinary folks around here. Most likely I will need to leave the suburbs to find them though.
TheHub got home a little early. We had planned on going to trivia and this time went a few minutes after 6 so we could get a table. We still did not play officially  but had fun playing along with the "serious" trivia people. The table next to us was stuck on one answer, so we told them what it was. We left before it was over so I have no idea if they won or not, but hope they did.
When we got home we had time to begin a new series "The Tattooist of Auschwitz". I read the book and thought it was good, so I had high hopes for the series. After episode one it looked  like the show might match or exceed my expectations.

Wednesday: I finished my class for the year and afterward we all went out for lunch (way to early for lunch IMO, but majority rules and I followed suit) and had a lovely time with some nice and relaxed conversations.  We decided we would meet for a bite monthly during the summer.
I also talked on the phone with my niece, who is one of the sweetest humans I have ever had the privilege to know. The bonus is being related to her. I hope we can visit her before too long.
Other than that it was just a regular day with a little washing, a little cleaning and some reading.

Friday: I read a lot, caught up on the rest of the laundry, and would like to say I did a ton of housework and had every single thing in place before the weekend, but i didn't. The beautiful day, the porch , and my book were calling me. From the look of the house in the early evening I seem to have obliged. I did make a quick sweep of the house putting up errant objects but that was about it, and amazingly life went on. (One of my joys that I don't mention often is having a partner in life who is comfortable with the way I am)
We usually go out to eat, Friday night, but TheHub had been at a golf tournament most of the day (work related__mostly) , and was hot an tired. We decided instead to have a quick meal in, and watch more of The Tattooist of Auschwitz.
(Another joy I don't mention often is having an overly stocked freezer that allows me to create a quick meal easily. I know I did all the cooking for prepared foods that I froze, but without the space to hold them, I would not have so many offerings to choose from.)

Saturday: We woke and were both ready to do our usual running around, when we got a call from Son2. I had volunteered my vehicle to load and transport things from their existing house to their new one and they were ready to take me up on it. 
When the seats are down I have a ton of cargo space and we made a couple of trips taking both some furniture and boxes over for them, then unloaded and put things where they wanted them. It is funny how some bookshelves, lamps, desks and so forth start making bare rooms look not quite so bare.
By the time we were back home it was a little later than I wanted to start cooking. We managed to snag the last rotisserie chicken Publix had, so I am counting that as another joy. Not so joyful though is that the chicken had gone up another 50 cents. It's now a buck fifty over what it was a year ago. It is still a good deal and much cheaper than picking up food to go, but jeeze, are these price increases ever going to slow down?

Sunday: It was Mother's Day here. At our house it happens without a lot of fanfare, but a house without kids at home is much different that one with it. We went to church, stopped on the way home to pick up a meal we split for lunch, then started to watch the last episode of The Tattooist of Auschwitz. About 5 minutes in, the doorbell rang and DIL2 and Son2 were at the door. 
They came over to wish me a Happy Day, sat and visited for a bit then left. I was happy to see them but did not expect them to drop by. 
Their new place is on the other side of town and they still have a few touch up things to do to the reno.  Since they both work and the weekends are their main workdays they did not need to spend that time coming here. I was glad to hear they needed to go to Costco, which is on my side of town, and were not just dropping by for Mother's Day.
Both the Portland son and the Nashville son called and we had nice conversations with them. Another joy I rarely mention is having devices with great speakers so TheHub and I can both be a part of the call. I would like to see both sons more often, but am so thankful for technology that makes being part of their lives so much easier.

Books read in May:
A Rip in Time
The Lost Symbol

Look for your joys, no matter how small, they are always out there.

May all your weeds be wildflowers.

* I do not think TheHub will completely stop working. Mostly likely he will do some freelance consulting work , but it will be soemthing he enjoys without the day to day stress his current job requires.

**Earlier in the day I had been playing my Spotify playlist If it's not Baroque and that was the next song up list, before I paused it. But talk about timing!

Sunday, May 12, 2024

We Ate and It Was FIne

The week came and went with just a couple of day deviation from the meal plan. It ws not so much that I intentionally stayed on target for the most part. It was simply because I had everything on hand and if I don't have to go to the grocery store for us to be able to eat for the week there is no real reason to change it up (other than a delay getting home which required a small punt.) Honestly even though we did not have exciting dinners everything was fine.

Planned meals:
1. Tacos and all the fixings✓
2. Steak, mashed potatoes, tossed salad✓
3. Taco salad ( had a lot left over from taco night)✓
4. Out to eat✓
5. Grilled fish or scallops, tossed salad
6. Veggie meal TBD
7. Sandwich meal TBD✓

What we really ate:
Sunday: Some of you might do a big Cinco de Mayo celebration. We do it on a much smaller scale.
Tacos w/everything you need added to make them delicious

Monday: The day was pretty but hot. I think summer is here which means a lot of outdoor cooking.
Steak, new potatoes, asparagus, cucumber slices, and sliced tomatoes

Tuesday: We had planned to go to trivia at The Electric. Fortunately we went early this time
Americana salad for both of us

Wednesday: Sandwich night means no cooking
Toasted cheese sandwiches

Thursday: We had taco meat left from Sunday night. Planned makeovers!
Taco salad

Friday: A quick thaw, some dressing, and a little slicing and dinner was ready
Bbq chicken, coleslaw, and cucumbers slices

Saturday: We were riding back and forth between Son2's old and new house, carrying loads to the new house. It was late when we got home and I did not want to cook. 
Rotisserie chicken, tomato slices, pepper strips, cucumber slices and radishes

What might be happening this week:
1. Steak, tossed salad
2. Chicken salad sandwiches with pickles, tomatoes, lettuce, and pepper rings
3. Salad meal TBD
4. Veggie meal TBD
5. Grilled fish, mashed potatoes, coleslaw, hushpuppies ( maybe)
6. Stuffed bell peppers, rice, tomato onion and cucumber salad
7. Out to eat

Have a great week staying on plan, going off plan or with no plan at all!

Monday, May 6, 2024

What a Nice Week

The past week was a lovely week, with large and small joys. 
I truly believe is you look for things that are bad or disagreeable that is what you see most often.  I love the quote that has been showing up on Pinterest boards and Facebook for quite a while 
"Look for the best in the worst rather than looking for the worst in the best" 
Now I am not Mary Sunshine nor am I immune from being upset or angry, but I  understand things happen, and some of them are things I wish did/would not. 
Even so (after a little bit of reflecting and possible not so charming words) I do prefer to look on the bright side.

Monday: This was a stay at home day for me. I had a lot of laundry to catch up on as well as removing any transitional clothes from my closet. 
It was time for a full blown summer wardrobe flip and I was ready for it. I did leave one sweatshirt and one jean jacket for any surprise chilly nights but other than that I am totally done with cool temps. Out with the darks and in with some color!
After dinner TheHub and I started watching Apple TV's Franklin. I loved it, but TheHub was not truly fond of it. I think it is because he usually watches most shows halfway paying attention, and a lot of this was in French with subtitles.

Tuesday: I slept later than I usually do, woke and started getting my last remaining sweaters washed, to dry flat before packing them away.
While I was doing that I was able to talk with my beloved sister and laugh about whatever we laugh about just about every day. (Usually we make fun of bonehead things we have done during our lifetime).
TheHub and I had planned on going to Trivia at The Electric, arriving there about 20 minutes before it was to begin. We discovered we would need to be there much earlier to get a table. I mean, who wants to eat and play trivia while standing? Not us, but it did blow our plans! 
Instead we went out to eat at a diner on the crest and at least got to see a drop dead gorgeous sunset.

Wednesday: I finally made it to class and was so happy to be there without having to stay at home for some service person doing something to or around the house. One nice thing about TheHub's retirement will be that there will be more than one person to be here when things that need someone at home are happening. 
After class two friends who are also in there asked if I would join them at a nearby restaurant. That was a quick yes on my part. 
After lunch I ran a few errands, before heading home to enjoy the rest of the gorgeous day. 
Then  I decided to call Sissie (Kim's twin) and  to tell her I was thinking about her and wish her luck with their big move. After talking with her, I am thrilled I am not moving. Joy can take a strange form, right?

Thursday: This day was almost a perfect day weather-wise. The skies were blue, clouds fluffy, warm temperatures and not a lot of humidity.  The brunt of the pollen is gone and it would be a perfect time to open the pool if there was not a huge pile of dirt on the pool deck. I am tired of dealing with this landscaper having to repair everything he has messed up. And yes I fully understand this is a first world problem, but it has been ongoing since the middle of November and we have lost patience.
Fortunately Sluggy called and I was able to have some laughs (and possibly bitch about the landscaping).
TheHub and I ate a wonderful dinner and finished in time to watch Alabama's softball team lose to Auburn.

Friday: Finally I began the deep and dark cleaning of our bedroom, beginning with just one bookshelf, cleaning out from underneath the bed (found a shoe that had been missing since fall), sorting through jewelry (put an entire bag of costume jewelry in the giveaway stash). I had a very painful realization that I am just too old of a certain age , and will never wear some of the necklaces, bracelets and earrings I have held on to for decades again. Past time to let go! 
I also realized just how many lotions and potions I own. I had always just used the cheap stuff from the drug store for my after shower lotion. I have so many that have been given to me over time that need to be used, and even though I might think I smell like I just walked out fo a French bordello, who cares?  
I am going to use the good stuff!

Saturday: TheHub and I woke, had a cup of coffee and did our usual Saturday runarounds. This week the produce guy had some beautiful plants and one gigantic hot pink flowering plant (no idea what it is) somehow or another found its way into the back of my vehicle. I put it by the front steps and I think it is loving that it outshines the blossoms on the hibiscus plants.
After we returned home we had a ball game lunch (hot dogs) while watching Alabama softball lose to Auburn. Bama's hitting coach is not doing a very good job in our opinions. They tend to swing at trash pitches and take a lot that are right down the plate. Oh well at least this was the last series of the regular season.
After the ball game we did a little around the house before watching the Kentucky Derby broadcast. I have a fascinator I intended to wear while watching but  forgot until it was almost post time then decided it was not worth the effort to get the step stool out to grab it from the top of the closet for just 2 minutes. I am sure I would have looked fetching wearing it with capris a teeshirt, and flip flops.
The race was not over until later than I felt like cooking. Instead we went out to grab a quick bite. (Ah the joy of not having to make dinner.)

Sunday: What a great day! When we woke the day was beautiful, but a tad warm.  We went to church, came home for a quick lunch, (pimento cheese sandwiches) then headed downtown to see the musical, Pretty Woman. To be honest if we did not have season tickets I never would have seen it at all.
I love it when I go into the theater with no expectations. I thought the movie was cute but figured the musical would be pretty lame. Though I do not need to ever see it again, it was a very enjoyable show. The choreography was outstanding, and three members of the supporting cast were truly magnificent. Two of those were in their first national tour, and I imagine we will be seeing them again in some future performance.
Once home we had a slight nod to Cinco de Mayo before settling in to watch "Zone of Interest". I am glad I saw it, but found it painful to watch.

Have a great week and look for your joys, large or small. They are always out there if we look for them.

May all your weeds be wildflowers.

p.s. An aside for one specific joy this week: Our landscaper messed up our sprinkler system which has been difficult to find and repair all the (many) places it was injured. Normally this would not be that big of a deal except that we had a good bit of new sod put in. We have had several early morning or late afternoon showers which has made most hand watering unnecessary.  So Yay for the scattered rain with otherwise fantastic weather.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Close But No Cigars

I had a decent week with meals though I did veer off a little. We ate fairly well anyway and I am usually fine when things change. Maybe this time is as close as I will ever get

1. Fish sandwich, chips✓
2. Steak, potatoes, salad
3. Veggie meal✓
4. Tuna steak, mashed potatoes, some green veggie, coleslaw✓
5. Out to eat✓
6. Tacos  Forgot Cinco de Mayo was Sunday, so moved this to next week's plan
7. Sandwich meal TBD✓


What We Really Ate
Sunday: We took an unplanned road trip to Decatur, then on the way home Son2 called and asked us to come by their house to see the progress they had made with their reno. By the time we finally were close to home for the night it was later than we I wanted to start cooking. Definitely not our norm but McD's came to the rescue.
Fish sandwich, potato chips, handful of grapes

Monday: I bought beautiful tomatoes, cucumbers and squash at our neighboring produce stand over the weekend. That made a veggie meal very easy.
Collard greens, sautéed squash with onions, cucumber tomato red onion salad

Tuesday: We had decided to go to The Electric for dinner and trivia, but there was nowhere for us to sit. Punted and went to Bluff Park Diner. Not where I wanted to go but it was close, open, and had empty tables.
Catfish*, cabbage and green beans (me) or Baked spaghetti, okra, and black eyed peas (TheHub)

Wednesday: TheHub had lunch at Cracker Barrel again and brought home one of the $5 small meals for us to split for dinner.
Meatloaf, tossed salad, mac and cheese (TheHub) raw cauliflower (me)

Thursday: The beautiful day screamed "Fire up that grill" 
Grilled tuna steaks, mashed potatoes, coleslaw

Friday: We planned on watching the Alabama/Auburn softball game and decided it would be a perfect sandwich night.
Pimento cheese sandwiches, cucumbers and pepper slices or chips

Saturday: We did a lot of running around, then did separate projects in the house before watching The Kentucky Derby. After it was over I did not want to cook so we went out.
Jim and Nick's BBQ. Chicken plate with coleslaw and baked beans (TheHub) Carolina pork plate with coleslaw and collards (me)

What’s possible for this week?
1. Tacos and all the fixings
2. Steak, mashed potatoes, tossed salad
3. Taco salad ( had a lot left over from taco night)
4. Out to eat
5. Grilled fish or scallops, tossed salad
6. Veggie meal TBD
7. Sandwich meal TBD

Have a great week staying on plan, going off plan, or with no plan at all.

p.s. Accidental new lunch favorite.
I don't know about most of you, but for me lunch is always eating  bits and bobs of what is leftover from other meals. Tuesday, I was cleaning out the fridge and found leftover sautéed squash and onions, and about 2 teaspoons of pimento cheese. I nuked the squash on a plate then put the leftover pimento cheese on the other side of said plate. 
The phone rang while I was walking to the table. When I reached to answer it, the plate tipped slightly and the hot squash slid into the pimento cheese. Oh my goodness, it was delicious and something I am going to start having anytime I have leftover squash. (I will try this with other vegetables I have leftover.) 
Luckily I make pimento cheese regularly, especially during warm weather, and always have some veggies left over.

* Catfish is one of my least favorite proteins, but the rest of their offerings looked horrible to me (probably because I had my taste buds set for the Americana salad at The Electric).