
Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Oh no, just 50 weeks until Christmas

The following is what happened on the 50th week before Christmas (Sounds like the beginning of a police drama doesn't it)

I have been hawking ebay trying to find some more Byers Choice Carolers. When TheHub and I were substantially younger and our sons were just kids I bought 5 carolers that roughly represented us. At the time we were a household of 2 adults, 2 guys, and a guy toddler (all blondes). I set that out every Christmas until this year and did not set it up at all. 
The main reason I didn't was because I was sick and just did not feel like digging through the holiday closet. But as I was thinking about it, our family has been added to over the years and I need to find carolers to represent us as we are now.  
TheHub and I are naturally gray* (though in my mind I will always be a blonde), the sons are all adult men, we have 3 DIL's and of course Pip.  
So I want a caroler for each family member, but I don't want to pay retail for them.
As is, I can use the existing blonde man for Son 1, 2 or 3 and the existing blonde woman for DIL3. I'll save the other figures because who knows what the future will bring
As luck (or constant stalking) would have it I found a woman of a certain age with gray hair, and a lovely brunette woman caroler whose nose is a little scuffed, but I can fix that easily. 4 down 5 to go!
I would like to have the rest before the end of October, so I will be looking for them daily, but I do have some time. Again this mention of having time is what screwed up my holiday plans this past year.

My mom knitted a Christmas stocking for me when I was a baby, then made one for my beloved sister when she was born. Because she never got rid of the pattern she made one for TheHub when we got married and followed with one for each of our sons. DIL1’s grandmother made her one when she was a baby and it is very similar to the one Mom made and of course she did not want an another one,  The last one Mom made was for Pip.  By that time her cognitive decline had begun and it took Dad counting each stitch for her
When  Sons 2 and 3 married Dad was no longer with us and he was the only one who could keep her focused. 
DIL3 is very skilled at knitting and had asked for the pattern. Either My Beloved Sister or I have it ___somewhere. I decided I would see if I could just find the pattern online. While looking I found not just the pattern but a kit that also included the yarn.  I bought 2 kits.  I know DIL3 can make her own and possibly DIL2’s.  If not, I will need to hire someone to do it since my knitting skills are abysmal. Although, if you want a wonky scarf, I am your go-to guy!

So that would be the end of my prep for week 50. Maybe week 49 will be a bit better.

*Naturally gray does not mean I have that color  of hair all the time. I might been seen with gray, blonde, or auburn hair. Life is uncertain and I am not about to be predictable.

Monday, January 13, 2025

And now January is whizzing by

This was not a week that a lot happened, at least nothing particularly noteworthy. I am still adjusting to having TheHub around most of the time, and look forward to warmer days when he can play golf___even a few holes would be great!

Planned meals that mostly didn't happen:
1. Chili, coleslaw, cornbread
2. Soup of some kind
3. Lamb chops, baked potato, broccoli
4,  Undetermined pasta dish
5. Veggie dinner TBD
6. Tacos with all the fixings
7. Eggroll in a bowl

What did happen:
Monday joy: My Beloved Sister's husband was back in the hospital on Thursday of last week, but was doing much better by Monday. He was in a different hospital than the one he was in before, and she feels much more comfortable leaving him. Before she was with him from 8-4, would go home for a few hours than head back from 8-10. I am happy that she feels fine now to go between 9 and 10 then leave by 4 for the day.
I also had a phone call from Sluggy, and, for probably the first time, I had my phone ringer turned on so I could actually answer the call when it came in. 
I am not married to my phone at all, and if I go somewhere that requires I turn my ringer off, it might be 3 or 4 days before I realize I have not turned it back on.
Monday dinner: I had planned on having a bowl of chili on a cold night. I thawed 2 pounds of ground chuck to make a huge pot of the stuff, browned it, sautéed onions to go in it and started to add the seasonings. 
My brain obviously shut down and I seasoned it with herbs and spices that were nowhere near anything I would use for chili. Plans went out the window!
Spaghetti with meat sauce*, tossed salad

Tuesday joy: I woke to a brilliantly sunny but cold day. Usually I would have my coffee and watch birds  hopping all over the back yard. Nope! Not a single bird! I guess this morning saw them hunkered down with their feathers puffed for warmth.
As the day progressed and warmed a bit (36 degrees) I did see a few birds in the yard. If any of you read Practical Parsimony she mentioned seeing robins return. I live just a few miles south of her (literally just a few) but we have robins in our yard all winter. I grew up a few blocks from here and we always had them overwinter.  
I saw a few robins, a titmouse, and a couple of finches. Cold weather was predicted for the remainder of the week, and I figured no birds would be the morning norm, but I do miss seeing them while I am drinking coffee.
I went to ThePig and was able to score their free item___spaghetti. With all the accidental sauce I made Monday, the extra pasta will come in handy. Lucky for me, The Pig had their ground chuck at my stock up price and I was able to buy it (lots of it) and begin cooking a new jumbo pot of chili. I was also able to use some of the ground chuck to make dog food for My Beloved Sister's terribly spoiled dogs.
One additional joy was discovering Trader Joe's will soon be opening a store just a couple of miles from my house. Since it will be on the path I drive often, it will no longer be a destination trip, but somewhere I can stop by anytime I am out and about. I am happy but not sure my checkbook **will be.
Tuesday dinner: What we had to eat did not sound good to me after eating spaghetti Monday night, but it was cooked, so why not?
Chili, coleslaw (did not make cornbread and life went on)

Wednesday joy: There were still no birds for me to watch while I had my caffeine fix, but the morning sky was gorgeous even if it was cold.
One of my biggest joys for the day might be something all of you knew all along. Evidently there are things I am slow to learn. 
Sunday while I was freezing in church I was sitting next to one of my friends who is very cold natured. I asked her how she was tolerating the cold sanctuary when she told me she had on her thermal undies. 
I had a eureka moment seeing that they were not restricted to a base layer when doing outdoor things. Wednesday after my morning shower I put on my cuddle duds under my sweater. What a difference. Between that and actually wearing socks I was quite comfortable without having to turn the heat up. 
Because the day was cold, I chose to stay in until I needed to run to My Beloved Sister's house to drop off the food for her dogs. I hope her life will settle down soon, but it does not look like it will right away.
Wednesday dinner: TheHub and I ate lunch later than normal, but had a light one so we still wanted a little something for dinner. I had mentioned previously that I am trying to use what we have in storage rather than shopping more than is absolutely necessary. A pack of chopped cooked chicken was the genesis of the nights meal.
Chicken corn chowder

Thursday joy: This was the coldest morning of the year so far and once again I had my coffee without birds to watch. Still it was a beautiful morning and instead of birds I got to look at my  hibiscus. I moved it back in the house before the temperatures plunged and it was just happy as a clam blooming away facing the kitchen window. Bright big coral colored blossoms were a nice treat on a cold January morning. Not to be outdone, the lime tree was also flowering. 
I would like a greenhouse so I did not have to move plants back and forth, but our winters are so mild I would only truly need one one a few days each month. 
TheHub and I had planned on having a little day trip, but had some unexpected business that we had to take care of. Instead, we drove to Brierfield. (Maybe a town or maybe just a  small unincorporated community in the middle of nowhere)

A friend had told me about Boondocks several months ago and we had it on our radar to try.
It looked just like you would think any joint in rural Alabama would look.  (Can you say dive joint).
We started with their signature starter (which most folks call an appetier, but we were in Brierfield, Alabama so we will just go with whatever they call it). We were served spiraled fried green tomatoes. I was skeptical but those suckers were delicious. Imagine paper thin spirals of green tomato in the thinnest batter possible, flash fried. Chef's kiss.
Then, because we had never heard of it before, we both had the Hot Half Hamburger plate, which was a grilled patty on half of a bun smothered in grilled onions and brown gravy, served with a side (I chose coleslaw and TheHub chose baked beans). Again I was surprised at how good it was. 
Samantha, our waitress, told us we need to come back any Friday which is catfish day and her personal favorite. 
If you are looking for an eating adventure just mosey to Bibb county and have a little treat, unless you have no GPS. If you don't, understand you will never find the place!
And because it was on, we watched the Notre Dame/ Penn State game. We have watched college football all season. Might as well see it to the end!
Thursday dinner: We ate that big lunch and just wanted something simple.
Tomato soup

Friday joy: Woo hoo! If you are from the south, nothing beats waking to a snow covered world. It is especially wonderful when the temps were not going to stay below freeing and a very slight melt begans by mid day. 
Neither of us had to be anywhere so we could sit and sip coffee or tea while we looked out the window and enjoyed how incredibly beautiful it was.
I dressed in warm yet extremely comfortable clothes and prepared for a slow day, and trust me it was. 
 As some point in the afternoon, I decided I needed to bake so the house would smell as lovely as outside looked. Because I idid not want to make more then the two of us could eat, I googled small batch desserts and settled on blondies.*** It did not take long for the house to smell delicious.
And to end the day we watched the last semi final NCAA football game. 
Friday dinner: It was cold and we had leftovers, so dinner planned itself.
Leftover chicken corn chowder

Saturday joy: The morning was very cold but the day warmed pretty quickly and most of the snow started to melt rapidly. Except for our front yard and front steps. Our house is north facing and other than the early morning sun, we just don't get much, at least not enough to thaw the snow that had melted slightly then frozen. Icy steps are not a friend of mine.
We had some errands to run so TheHub had to break the ice before we could safely navigate the stairs. (I think it is time to get rid of the batting cage in the basement so we can use our basement garage)
We made a trip to Duluth Trading, a little stop for lunch at our favorite pita place, followed by a trip to Walmart. I have not been in one since they reorganized the store. Whoever was in charge of the design obviously does not want me as a customer. I have never been a Walmart fan, but now I am done. I will  continue to go to the stand alone Walmart grocery store near me, but I never have to go in their Supercenter again.
Saturday dinner: Once we got home from running around, I put a big pot of soup on the stove to cook. It is still cold so I figured I might as well go ahead and make a huge pot full. It was also a good way to use bit and pieces of leftover veggies.
Veggie dense beef and vegetable soup.

Sunday joy: We woke early to go to the communion service before early church. This is something we would like to make our habit. After church we went to Sunday School, then to Dollar Tree. 
TheHub is reading a lot more and having trouble doing so with his progressive lenses. We stopped by to let him try on different strengths of reading glasses. He had already tried with my 150s and they did not work for him. 
He wound up getting none while I traipsed through the store and found a couple of things I needed.
Once we were home we did not go out again and both spent most of the day reading.
Sunday dinner: Don't judge, but I spent so much time reading I forgot to take anything out of the freezer to thaw.  I had cooked and gussied up some navy beans earlier in the week and had a pack of hot dogs in the fridge.
Beanie Weenies, coleslaw

What might be happening here this week: (the weather is supposed to be much warmer)
1. Greek lamb chops, rice and some green vegetable side (TBD)
2. Grilled steak, baked potato, tossed salad
3. Eggroll in a bowl
4. Soup
5. Veggie meal TBD
6. Take out
7. Chicken bulgogi, broccoli, rice

What I read in January:
The God of the Woods
Half Mammals of Dixie

Have a great week staying on plan, going off plan or with no plan at all.
May all your weeds be wildflowers.

* Instead of having lots of chili to freeze, I had 3 quart bags of spaghetti sauce. I will enjoy having it made later, but I really counted on freezing excess chili.
** No, I do not really write checks for groceries.

*** Small batch blondies
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. (I think it is 175 c. but not positive)
4 tablespoons butter, melted
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 egg
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 cup flour
1/8 teaspoon baking powder
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup chocolate chips
1/8 cut chopped nuts (optional)

Combine the butter, brown sugar, egg and vanilla and beat until smooth. Mix the flour baking powder and salt then add to the wet ingredients. Stir until well blended . Stir in the chocolate chips and nuts until incorporated.
Spread into a greased 5x5 pan and bake about 20 minutes. Then enjoy!

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Oh no, just 51 weeks till Christmas

I began this Christmas prep post last week and plan to continue it until the week before Christmas 2025 to keep my resolve strong but also to keep me accountable. I am pretty sure there will be weeks when I do absolutely nothing and I will post that. Honest reporting! So this is my update for the 51st week until the big day.

This week saw few purchases for Christmas, other than buying some deeply discounted Christmas wrapping paper and gift tags. 

One of the first thing I did this past week was create a Christmas folder to keep hard copies of any ideas or templates I find that I might want to use for next year. I will store it with my cookbooks for easy access.

I decided one thing I need to do is to try new to me Christmas recipes (at least one a month) to possibly add to my Christmas baking, which was virtually nonexistent this past holiday. 

I tried a recipe for gingerbread cake. It is not something I ever make, but I remember Mom making it when I was a kid. I had no tried and true recipe to use, so I just tried a googled small batch recipe.* I think making the same size recipe would be a nice small addition to the assorted dessert tray I have out for Christmas brunch.

Though most of my Christmas decorations were packed away, normally I leave the Dickens village  up through January.  I really do like the way the lights from the little houses make the corner cabinets in the dining room sparkle. This year I had to take it down much sooner than I wanted to. 
To created elevations in the scene  I have always used books. I just don't like the way it looks with everything on the same plane. The houses on different levels make the village look a little visually more interesting.
Sadly I could not find a particular book I needed for class this week. After searching the house for it, I remembered all those books underneath the snow scene. So not even a week into January I had to start taking it down.
(The book was not there after all! No clue where I might have put it.)
At some point in the process of disassembling the village I had an AHA! moment. It was something I should have thought of years ago, but I didn't. 
I got some card stock and traced the bases of each house to use as  template to make wooden risers sometime between now and October. After measuring the bases I should be able to cut them out of 4x4's. I think I will cut 3 for each house, then can decide the height I want at a later date. Since my aim is to be completely decorated before Thanksgiving I want the bases cut, glued and ready to put underneath the "snow" by early November.

And that is the update for this week. I could probably do more, but why? I have a lot of time before Christmas comes again. (Which is some seriously bad thinking on my part, and why I was not prepared for this past season.)

* Small batch gingerbread cake
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
2 tablespoons butter, softened
2 tablespoons granulated sugar
1/4 cup molasses ( not blackstrap)
1 egg yolk
2/3 cup flour
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ginger
1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup hot water

In a small bowl stir the butter until it is creamy (a wooden spoon works fine for this entire recipe)
Add the sugar and molasses and beat well. Toss in the dry ingredients and mix well, then add hot water and beat until the batter is smooth.
Spray a 5x5 inch pan (if you don't have a pan that size bake it in 4 greased muffin tins) with cooking spray and put batter in the pan. If you want you can use a spatula to smooth the batter, or be like me and just hit the bottom of the pan several times to level the batter.
Bake  for about 25 minutes.
Let is cool a bit before serving.
It was very good and I will make it again this winter but might add chopped walnuts before I bake it.

Monday, January 6, 2025

It’s a whole new year

This was the first full week of 2024, and it is early enough in the year that the only serious goof I have made this year was bashing my shin into the opened dishwasher door and taking a hunk out of my leg. Thanks to some liquid bandage and TheHub who wrapped it for me, after 2 days it was fine, ugly but fine.
Now on to the second full week filled with possibilities and a new start.

Monday joy:
We had nothing planned and actually did very little other than a ton of laundry. Mom always made sure every single dirty item was laundered before the new year arrived. She firmly believed in the old wives tale that if you went into the new year with dirty clothes you would not catch up on your laundry all year. The one year I scoffed at her tradition was a year I had houseguests one after the other, and felt like I never caught up on the wash. I WILL NO LONGER TEMPT FATE.
Monday dinner: I had tidied the pantry and found I was more than a little overstocked with pasta.
Pasta with pesto sauce, tossed salad

Tuesday joy: I was so obsessed with getting every single thing laundered that as soon as we woke I stripped the bed of the Christmas sheets, had them laundered and packed back in their container before 9 am. The upside was knowing we would not go to bed before 12 midnight so the sheets I put on the bed would be nice and clean to officially start the new year. 
This obsession did not stop there. We both took showers to get ready to go out NYE, so I washed a load of towels once we were dressed. Then when we came home I threw my black slacks in a small load of darks I had saved to run once we got home.  We were both in clean pajamas by 10:00 pm, so we would begin 2025 in clean duds.
Tuesday dinner: We go out to eat every NYE
Spinach salad, sea bass over polenta with sautéed Swiss chard, triple chocolate mousse over raspberry coulis, dirty vodka martini, Prosecco

Wednesday joylessness: We woke anticipating watching the New Year's Day football games. Instead we found ourselves glued to the news about the horror in New Orleans. I will not say we watched the coverage all day, and we did watch a couple of football games, but flipped back and forth continually to the news.
Wednesday dinner: We have had this same meal every New Years Day that I can remember with the exception of one year when we were in London. I can't believe we could not find it there (she said sarcastically)
Black eyed peas, collards, ham, cornbread

Thursday joy: TheHub had a few tasks to do for work (because he  retired in June and it is now January) so he ran to the office, getting home in time to watch the Sugar Bowl.  Secretly I was not upset Georgia lost.
Thursday dinner: We ate lunch late, and neither of us were very hungry 
Soup compliments of Progresso

Friday joy: DIL2 needed a little help with her car. She had an appointment to have her car recalls fixed as well as a general yearly check. The dealership is close to my house so I picked her up and we came back here for a visit until her car was done. 
On the way to pick up her car we stopped at a store that was going out of business, and bought a few things. 
I dropped her off at the dealership and she stopped by to grab us some lunch. She stayed nearly all day and it was such a pleasure. 
If I had hand picked a DIL I never could have found a more perfect one for Son2. I loved having her here all to myself!
Friday dinner: It was a mostly leftover kind of night.
Mac and cheese, leftover blacked peas, leftover collards

Saturday joy: TheHub and I will keep things forever and are not  in the demographic of those who have to have the newest and coolest anythings. We both have had our phones for years and years and many of the apps I used regularly were no longer compatible with the operating system my ancient phone had. So we headed to Verizon to see what we could find.  
As luck would have it, or the fact that we are not update hounds, we both qualified for upgrades for no additional costs. Possibly because we have been Verizon customers since 1998 and have only upgraded smart phones once each in that time. (I did have a flip phone for years that I loved but there was nothing remotely smart about it.)  I suppose being held captive at Verizon for nearly 4 hours (Not my fault, TheHub was changing from Android to an Iphone and it took forever for his data to transfer) and getting a free phone upgraded was worth the time. 
Meanwhile I left the crowded store and sat in the car where I was able to call Sluggy and talk for a bit until TheHub needed me to tell him what his old Ipad apple account password was. (I had no clue and it meant he had to come back to the house, find it among his paperwork, and go back to the store.)
Saturday dinner: We had eaten nothing  all day and by the time we got out of Verizon  it was after 3:30. 
We stopped on the way home and picked up a breakfast, lunch, and dinner  combination meal
Fried chicken, mashed potatoes, coleslaw compliments of Jack's

Sunday joy: We woke and got dressed for Sunday things. We have been going to a communion service at 7:55, then early church at 8:30, followed by Sunday School. I made the mistake of thinking since I was just going to run into the building there was no reason I would need a coat. What I was not expecting was for the church to be so blooming cold. By the time the service was over, I was freezing. I learned my lesson. and will not go again this winter without a coat and a scarf to wrap around my neck. 
The sanctuary is quite large and of course the doors were opened often as people came in.  It/I  just never got anywhere close to warm. I am not cold natured so the people who get cold easily must have been freezing.
We stopped by Publix on the way home to pick up a couple of things and by that time the winds had picked up,  I was still coatless, and it started spitting rain. I did not warm up until we got back in the house and I had changed into sweat pants, thermal undershirt and a sweater. Getting toasty warm after being cold is a serious joy.
Sunday dinner: This just felt like another soup night
Smoked sausage gumbo.

Books read in January:
None finished yet though I am juggling 3

Have a great week staying on plan, going off plan, or with no plan at all.
May all your weeds be wildflowers.

What might happen this week*:
1. Chili, coleslaw, cornbread
2. Soup of some kind
3. Lamb chops, baked potato, broccoli
4,  Undetermined pasta dish
5. Veggie dinner TBD
6. Tacos with all the fixings
7. Eggroll in a bowl

* I know I usually include at least one night as an out to eat meal. We are not giving up going out to eat each week, but as TheHub realized he has mostly retired we are going to start going out to eat at lunch. Any day we go out to eat at lunch will mean a soup or sandwich  meal for dinner. If soup is listed it most likely its an undetermined  hodgepodge soup made of leftovers from the fridge  and broth from the freezer.. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2025


Sharing this video snippet by my most favorite singer, with wishes for a wonderful 2025 to all

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Oh no! Just 52 weeks till Christmas!

Christmas 2024 caught me off guard and I was not prepared for it like I intended. Thanksgiving week was not only late, but it was filled with guests and multiple events. Before they left TheHub came down with the creeping crud and he was generous in sharing it with me. We both coughed, sneezed, and felt generally terrible for over two weeks. And, even once on the mend, we were both still lethargic and overly tired throughout the day.

As a result, things I normally do to prepare for Christmas just did not get done. I baked nothing, made only one type of fudge (I usually make 3), made white trash candy but no chocolate covered cherries.
Decorating? Ha!
I did get the living room and den trees up and filled to the brim with lights, but not one ornament was placed on either tree. 

For the most part I did not feel like shopping, so the things I bought were either ordered online or bought at one of the two stores I actually went into. As a result I was not particularly happy with most of the things I had for others. The odd thing is that they seemed to like them as they opened each gift. (Of course their main gift was not something we could actually buy for them.)

Since there are 52 weeks until next Christmas I thought I would start a weekly post about what  I am doing each week to get ready for next year. I will be beginning this week and ending the week of Christmas Eve, hopefully listing something positive that I have done each week preparing for next year.

1. Bought a daily planner to plot my goings on. I also bought a project planner to keep all of my ideas and plans easily accessible.

2. Got my Christmas organizer ready for Christmas '25

3. Inventoried wrapping paper and ribbon to see what needs to be added for next year. (Maybe a roll or two of paper and that's it). But did I go to any clearance sales to grab any? Nope! 

4. Froze the butter, flour, baking chocolate, and white chocolate I bought but did not use for baking. Thanks to the FoodSaver it should all be perfectly fine to use for candies, cookies and cakes next year.

5. Took down trees and put all the lights in a container to check for any needed replacement bulbs during a boring night in January.

6. Washed and put away all Christmas bedding and linens.

So this is my first step toward a potentially wonderful Christmas next year. The jury is definitely still out, but I am going to try very hard to keep focused without any obsession.

Monday, December 30, 2024

The week that was Christmas

The week of Christmas came and went as it does each year. I learned that Christmas can be wonderful regardless of what is or is not decorated, baked, bought, or wrapped. We had a great time just being together. I am going to try and carry this attitude forward to next Christmas, but also hope I will not be sick for 2 weeks prior to it so maybe I can get a little more done. If not, that's ok too!

What was planned: 
1. Christmas brunch: Breakfast casserole, ham, turkey, broccoli, cranberry relish, crescent rolls, green bean casserole, potatoes, baked sweet potatoes, assorted individual desserts. So more of that for dinner.
2. Steak, baked potato, tossed salad
3. Soup
4. Soup
5. Leftovers
6. Leftovers
7. Sandwiches, coleslaw

What happened:
Monday joy: Christmas Eve, eve and I spent the morning tying ribbons and trinkets on the gifts. Several years ago I started using fabric ribbon on all the presents and I really do like the look of it. Plus the presents, even if they are not spectacular, look so much better when they are festooned with the ribbons tied into bows.
TheHub and I wrote checks for some of our charitable contributions, got them in the mail and did a tiny bit of running around before settling in the house for dinner and a Christmas movie.
Monday dinner: We grabbed lunch while we were out and about and neither of us were hungry. I passed on dinner but TheHub never skips a meal, even a meager one. 
Tomato soup, cheese toast

Tuesday joy: I got a notice that 2 of TheHub's gifts from me would be delayed until after Christmas. Though it is not a big deal, and we both understand the realities of shipping, I only had him a couple of things under the tree. I ran out to buy him a little more to unwrap: exciting things that he uses daily like shaving cream, etc. 
I got those wrapped, and put the wrapping supplies in the laundry room out of sight. 
The house was as ready for Christmas as it was going to get.
As I said in my last post, decor was at a minimum, the foods I usually make were altered, and the gifts were much less significant (mainly because we gave our son's families cash). 
All 3 have specific things they need/want for their houses and they are things we can't physically buy for them, however we could help to make the buying process a little easier.
I did some cooking, making things I make every year that the sons expect, peanut butter fudge being one of those. I also had to make Nanaimo bars which TheHub requests every year.
Tuesday dinner: When my parents were alive we went to their house every Christmas Eve for take out Chinese food. Even though they are gone we still honor the tradition they created. (sans china, crystal and tablecloths)
Mongolian beef, spring rolls

Wednesday joy: It was Christmas morning. TheHub and I woke, had coffee or tea and opened our gifts to each other. We are both incredibly practical so no one here ever gets things like jewels or fancy electronics.  We have lived with each other long enough to know what the other needs/wants and both of us have simple tastes.
After we opened our presents we cleaned up the mess then I started getting food for our brunch ready.
Both families were to be here at 11, but I was running a little behind schedule and son2 and DIL2 caught me still in my pajamas. 
Oops! I had to run do the super fast shower and dress but at least everything that needed to be done, was done, and all the food was either already made or in the oven .
We had a flurry of unwrapping, laughter, and oohs and aahs, followed by brunch. 
For the first year ever I did not use the sterling, china, crystal or table cloths. Instead I used the everyday Christmas dishes, charger plates, stainless flatware, and our daily use glasses. It was still a wonderful brunch. Lesson learned!
Food, laughs, music, games and general discussions happened. Son2 and DIL2 stayed until well after dark and Son3 and DIL3 stayed overnight. 
Wednesday dinner: After an overabundance of brunch foods, dinner was an every one for themselves meal
Leftovers however each person wanted them. For me it was just crackers and cheese.

Thursday joy: Son3 woke and made breakfast. I loved getting up with coffee waiting on me! All I had to do was pour me a cup. What a gift!
DIL3 was struggling with some gastric issues and seeing her face after she nibbled on breakfast told us everything about how bad she was feeling. They left much earlier than they intended to but I get it. When you feel bad it is much easier to feel rotten at home instead of somewhere else. 
She made the drive to Nashville without feeling too much worse, and was able to get in her own bed. I am sorry she had a flare up but am happy she got home where she recuperate easier.
After they left TheHub and I went to the satellite courthouse to take care of a couple of things. Best day ever to go there. 
They had a skeleton staff, but when we went in there was no one but me in the entire waiting area and only 2 other people were at the windows conducting business.
I would advise anyone who had a December birthday to get their drivers license renewed the day after Christmas since there was no waiting. The same for car tag renewals, business licenses, tax payments and all other county business.
My Beloved Sister needed a little help with her dogs. I went over to let them out and feed them. 
Normally they bark like I am a robber and they are protecting the house but they have been left alone so much lately that any human attention was welcomed. 
Riley stood at the baby gate blocking the living room from the den "talking" and wiggling all over  while waiting for me to get close enough to pet him. I had to wake Trinket, but she did the same wiggly "happy to see anyone" dance once she woke.  I loved on them both a bit after letting them out to do their business. 
They are kind of funny dogs and do not eat when the food is put out. They like to wait and eat when no one is watching. 
Thursday dinner: We both wanted something other than Christmas leftovers
Chicken bulgogi over noodles, cucumber slices

Friday joy: The weather was not great, overcast with showers, but it was not cold. In fact the hibiscus that I moved from the house back to the deck on Christmas morning was blooming and bright coral colored flowers are brightening the otherwise gloomy day. 
I had been waiting on a call from My Beloved Sister. She needed some help and I was glad to be able to offer some. She had a very difficult 4 weeks and there was not a lot I could do to help her, especially since I was contagious through a lot of it. 
She could not afford to be sick and she especially could not pass it on to her husband.
They do have some resolution now, but not what they wanted. It makes me so happy United Health Care is not our insurance provider. I guess all their recent bad press has not changed their stance on denying coverage to things people truly need. 
I was able to go help them get into their house, but the biggest joy was Son2 being able to help. He is as strong as an ox and though I can figure out the best way to navigate a situation, I lack the strength to lift a 6'2"man tethered to an oxygen tank up 12 stairs. 
Friday dinner: There was still boatloads of brunch foods in the fridge
Turkey, green bean casserole, sautéed cabbage, dressing (baked stuffing for those of you who have no clue), cranberry relish*

Saturday joy: I know this sounds a little hokey but I was seriously joyful My Beloved Sister would let me help her. Sometimes she does not want to accept assistance and honestly she needs it. She has been carrying the load for a long time and sometimes does not understand it is not a sign of weakness to accept help.
I only hope she will continue to let others lend a hand.
I missed a call and a potential visit from Sluggy when they were passing by on their way home. I hate that, but was busy with MBS.
Saturday dinner: We still had a lot of food left from Christmas and we needed to eat some more of it.
Ham, au gratin potatoes,  coleslaw

Sunday joy: Our church just had one combined service Sunday morning, with no Sunday School so TheHub and I opted to stay home and just stream it. It is the first time I have heard our new and youngest minister conduct the sermon. High praise!
TheHub and I went to different parts of the house to do a few chores, then met back in the kitchen for lunch. We had just finished eating when I heard someone at the door.
In her past career DIL2 was an occupational therapist. My Beloved Sister had asked her to stop by her house to offer some encouragement to her reluctant patient. Since they were already on this side of town, they went out to lunch then came by here. We do love surprise visits from them.**
Sunday dinner: Though some of the Christmas leftovers had been frozen I still had a lot of rice left. When I was straightening the kitchen pantry I kept thinking about how I could use said rice for dinner.
Black beans and rice, cooked red cabbage with apples

Planned for the week***
1. Pasta with pesto, tossed salad, rolls
2. New Year's Eve dinner out
3. New Year's Day traditional meal: ham, black eyed peas, collards, cornbread
4. Soup
5. Salmon croquettes, coleslaw, green beans
6. Steak, baked potato, brussels sprouts, mixed green salad
7. Soup

Books read in December: I have not been reading much at all
We Used To Live Here
All I want for Christmas is Fudge (cozy mystery read in a little over an hour)

Have a great week staying on plan, going off plan, or with no plan at all.

May all your weeds be wildflowers.

* I can't stand cranberry sauce but love fresh cranberry relish. I make it every year at Christmas and Thanksgiving. I like it so much I really should keep it in the fridge the entire time fresh cranberries are available. No idea why I don't!
** They had already caught me in my pajamas once during the week. I am so glad I had gotten up, showered and dressed early. No makeup, but they have seen me without it scads of times. The main thing was being clean with clean clothes. Small victories are still victories.
***I am trying to use only foods I already have at the house. There is nothing I really need (other than a loaf of bread) and what a great idea to start the year without shopping for anything. Of course this discounts any recreational shopping TheHub might so. I have no control over what he buys, but whatever it is will be something he wants for him anyway.