
Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Oh no! Just 52 weeks till Christmas!

Christmas 2024 caught me off guard and I was not prepared for it like I intended. Thanksgiving week was not only late, but it was filled with guests and multiple events. Before they left TheHub came down with the creeping crud and he was generous in sharing it with me. We both coughed, sneezed, and felt generally terrible for over two weeks. And, even once on the mend, we were both still lethargic and overly tired throughout the day.

As a result, things I normally do to prepare for Christmas just did not get done. I baked nothing, made only one type of fudge (I usually make 3), made white trash candy but no chocolate covered cherries.
Decorating? Ha!
I did get the living room and den trees up and filled to the brim with lights, but not one ornament was placed on either tree. 

For the most part I did not feel like shopping, so the things I bought were either ordered online or bought at one of the two stores I actually went into. As a result I was not particularly happy with most of the things I had for others. The odd thing is that they seemed to like them as they opened each gift. (Of course their main gift was not something we could actually buy for them.)

Since there are 52 weeks until next Christmas I thought I would start a weekly post about what  I am doing each week to get ready for next year. I will be beginning this week and ending the week of Christmas Eve, hopefully listing something positive that I have done each week preparing for next year.

1. Bought a daily planner to plot my goings on. I also bought a project planner to keep all of my ideas and plans easily accessible.

2. Got my Christmas organizer ready for Christmas '25

3. Inventoried wrapping paper and ribbon to see what needs to be added for next year. (Maybe a roll or two of paper and that's it). But did I go to any clearance sales to grab any? Nope! 

4. Froze the butter, flour, baking chocolate, and white chocolate I bought but did not use for baking. Thanks to the FoodSaver it should all be perfectly fine to use for candies, cookies and cakes next year.

5. Took down trees and put all the lights in a container to check for any needed replacement bulbs during a boring night in January.

6. Washed and put away all Christmas bedding and linens.

So this is my first step toward a potentially wonderful Christmas next year. The jury is definitely still out, but I am going to try very hard to keep focused without any obsession.

Monday, December 30, 2024

The week that was Christmas

The week of Christmas came and went as it does each year. I learned that Christmas can be wonderful regardless of what is or is not decorated, baked, bought, or wrapped. We had a great time just being together. I am going to try and carry this attitude forward to next Christmas, but also hope I will not be sick for 2 weeks prior to it so maybe I can get a little more done. If not, that's ok too!

What was planned: 
1. Christmas brunch: Breakfast casserole, ham, turkey, broccoli, cranberry relish, crescent rolls, green bean casserole, potatoes, baked sweet potatoes, assorted individual desserts. So more of that for dinner.
2. Steak, baked potato, tossed salad
3. Soup
4. Soup
5. Leftovers
6. Leftovers
7. Sandwiches, coleslaw

What happened:
Monday joy: Christmas Eve, eve and I spent the morning tying ribbons and trinkets on the gifts. Several years ago I started using fabric ribbon on all the presents and I really do like the look of it. Plus the presents, even if they are not spectacular, look so much better when they are festooned with the ribbons tied into bows.
TheHub and I wrote checks for some of our charitable contributions, got them in the mail and did a tiny bit of running around before settling in the house for dinner and a Christmas movie.
Monday dinner: We grabbed lunch while we were out and about and neither of us were hungry. I passed on dinner but TheHub never skips a meal, even a meager one. 
Tomato soup, cheese toast

Tuesday joy: I got a notice that 2 of TheHub's gifts from me would be delayed until after Christmas. Though it is not a big deal, and we both understand the realities of shipping, I only had him a couple of things under the tree. I ran out to buy him a little more to unwrap: exciting things that he uses daily like shaving cream, etc. 
I got those wrapped, and put the wrapping supplies in the laundry room out of sight. 
The house was as ready for Christmas as it was going to get.
As I said in my last post, decor was at a minimum, the foods I usually make were altered, and the gifts were much less significant (mainly because we gave our son's families cash). 
All 3 have specific things they need/want for their houses and they are things we can't physically buy for them, however we could help to make the buying process a little easier.
I did some cooking, making things I make every year that the sons expect, peanut butter fudge being one of those. I also had to make Nanaimo bars which TheHub requests every year.
Tuesday dinner: When my parents were alive we went to their house every Christmas Eve for take out Chinese food. Even though they are gone we still honor the tradition they created. (sans china, crystal and tablecloths)
Mongolian beef, spring rolls

Wednesday joy: It was Christmas morning. TheHub and I woke, had coffee or tea and opened our gifts to each other. We are both incredibly practical so no one here ever gets things like jewels or fancy electronics.  We have lived with each other long enough to know what the other needs/wants and both of us have simple tastes.
After we opened our presents we cleaned up the mess then I started getting food for our brunch ready.
Both families were to be here at 11, but I was running a little behind schedule and son2 and DIL2 caught me still in my pajamas. 
Oops! I had to run do the super fast shower and dress but at least everything that needed to be done, was done, and all the food was either already made or in the oven .
We had a flurry of unwrapping, laughter, and oohs and aahs, followed by brunch. 
For the first year ever I did not use the sterling, china, crystal or table cloths. Instead I used the everyday Christmas dishes, charger plates, stainless flatware, and our daily use glasses. It was still a wonderful brunch. Lesson learned!
Food, laughs, music, games and general discussions happened. Son2 and DIL2 stayed until well after dark and Son3 and DIL3 stayed overnight. 
Wednesday dinner: After an overabundance of brunch foods, dinner was an every one for themselves meal
Leftovers however each person wanted them. For me it was just crackers and cheese.

Thursday joy: Son3 woke and made breakfast. I loved getting up with coffee waiting on me! All I had to do was pour me a cup. What a gift!
DIL3 was struggling with some gastric issues and seeing her face after she nibbled on breakfast told us everything about how bad she was feeling. They left much earlier than they intended to but I get it. When you feel bad it is much easier to feel rotten at home instead of somewhere else. 
She made the drive to Nashville without feeling too much worse, and was able to get in her own bed. I am sorry she had a flare up but am happy she got home where she recuperate easier.
After they left TheHub and I went to the satellite courthouse to take care of a couple of things. Best day ever to go there. 
They had a skeleton staff, but when we went in there was no one but me in the entire waiting area and only 2 other people were at the windows conducting business.
I would advise anyone who had a December birthday to get their drivers license renewed the day after Christmas since there was no waiting. The same for car tag renewals, business licenses, tax payments and all other county business.
My Beloved Sister needed a little help with her dogs. I went over to let them out and feed them. 
Normally they bark like I am a robber and they are protecting the house but they have been left alone so much lately that any human attention was welcomed. 
Riley stood at the baby gate blocking the living room from the den "talking" and wiggling all over  while waiting for me to get close enough to pet him. I had to wake Trinket, but she did the same wiggly "happy to see anyone" dance once she woke.  I loved on them both a bit after letting them out to do their business. 
They are kind of funny dogs and do not eat when the food is put out. They like to wait and eat when no one is watching. 
Thursday dinner: We both wanted something other than Christmas leftovers
Chicken bulgogi over noodles, cucumber slices

Friday joy: The weather was not great, overcast with showers, but it was not cold. In fact the hibiscus that I moved from the house back to the deck on Christmas morning was blooming and bright coral colored flowers are brightening the otherwise gloomy day. 
I had been waiting on a call from My Beloved Sister. She needed some help and I was glad to be able to offer some. She had a very difficult 4 weeks and there was not a lot I could do to help her, especially since I was contagious through a lot of it. 
She could not afford to be sick and she especially could not pass it on to her husband.
They do have some resolution now, but not what they wanted. It makes me so happy United Health Care is not our insurance provider. I guess all their recent bad press has not changed their stance on denying coverage to things people truly need. 
I was able to go help them get into their house, but the biggest joy was Son2 being able to help. He is as strong as an ox and though I can figure out the best way to navigate a situation, I lack the strength to lift a 6'2"man tethered to an oxygen tank up 12 stairs. 
Friday dinner: There was still boatloads of brunch foods in the fridge
Turkey, green bean casserole, sautéed cabbage, dressing (baked stuffing for those of you who have no clue), cranberry relish*

Saturday joy: I know this sounds a little hokey but I was seriously joyful My Beloved Sister would let me help her. Sometimes she does not want to accept assistance and honestly she needs it. She has been carrying the load for a long time and sometimes does not understand it is not a sign of weakness to accept help.
I only hope she will continue to let others lend a hand.
I missed a call and a potential visit from Sluggy when they were passing by on their way home. I hate that, but was busy with MBS.
Saturday dinner: We still had a lot of food left from Christmas and we needed to eat some more of it.
Ham, au gratin potatoes,  coleslaw

Sunday joy: Our church just had one combined service Sunday morning, with no Sunday School so TheHub and I opted to stay home and just stream it. It is the first time I have heard our new and youngest minister conduct the sermon. High praise!
TheHub and I went to different parts of the house to do a few chores, then met back in the kitchen for lunch. We had just finished eating when I heard someone at the door.
In her past career DIL2 was an occupational therapist. My Beloved Sister had asked her to stop by her house to offer some encouragement to her reluctant patient. Since they were already on this side of town, they went out to lunch then came by here. We do love surprise visits from them.**
Sunday dinner: Though some of the Christmas leftovers had been frozen I still had a lot of rice left. When I was straightening the kitchen pantry I kept thinking about how I could use said rice for dinner.
Black beans and rice, cooked red cabbage with apples

Planned for the week***
1. Pasta with pesto, tossed salad, rolls
2. New Year's Eve dinner out
3. New Year's Day traditional meal: ham, black eyed peas, collards, cornbread
4. Soup
5. Salmon croquettes, coleslaw, green beans
6. Steak, baked potato, brussels sprouts, mixed green salad
7. Soup

Books read in December: I have not been reading much at all
We Used To Live Here
All I want for Christmas is Fudge (cozy mystery read in a little over an hour)

Have a great week staying on plan, going off plan, or with no plan at all.

May all your weeds be wildflowers.

* I can't stand cranberry sauce but love fresh cranberry relish. I make it every year at Christmas and Thanksgiving. I like it so much I really should keep it in the fridge the entire time fresh cranberries are available. No idea why I don't!
** They had already caught me in my pajamas once during the week. I am so glad I had gotten up, showered and dressed early. No makeup, but they have seen me without it scads of times. The main thing was being clean with clean clothes. Small victories are still victories.
***I am trying to use only foods I already have at the house. There is nothing I really need (other than a loaf of bread) and what a great idea to start the year without shopping for anything. Of course this discounts any recreational shopping TheHub might so. I have no control over what he buys, but whatever it is will be something he wants for him anyway.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024



Oops! I was busy and forgot

I finally felt like a human, but was so far behind the eight ball that I had to let my preconceived notions of what constitutes a perfect Christmas go. When I think back I have had decades of wonderful holidays and none of them have been "perfect", but they all have been joyous. I will have most of those important to me at my house for brunch, and those not here physically will certainly be here in spirit.
Son1's family will be in Portland which is where they should be. I truly believe children should experience Christmas magic at their own homes on Christmas morning, but I also appreciate the Apple team who gave us FaceTime so we can have a morning visit from afar.
My Beloved Sister and BIL will not be with us either, but we plan a Christmas Part 2 sometime in January.
So now it is Christmas Eve morning, cookies aren't baked, the house is not as decorated as I prefer, and life will go on. Tomorrow will be a great day, even if our family traditions are not observed in the same manner.

Monday joy: Even though I felt like a human I was still so tired and got little done. I needed to do some major Christmas shopping but it did not get done. 
Monday dinner: We were not very hungry.

Tuesday joy:
TheHub and I went to Independence Place. Instead of cooking this week, we made Grinch Hot Chocolate (made with white chocolate and food coloring). The highlight of the day was one participant, who happened to have a Grinch outfit there. ( Who would have thought anyone would have a grinch suit in their backpack?)
He put it on and enjoyed sneaking around all the other participants doing Grinchlike moves.
While we were there we ran into my cousin and her grandson. They joined us for a late lunch at a nearby restaurant. 
While we were there, Son2 called. He was between appointments and joined us too. So we had an unexpected lunch gala.
Tuesday dinner: We had eaten a fairly big lunch and were not hungry.

Wednesday joy: Though it is not necessarily joyful, having the laundry done does create some happiness.
Wednesday dinner: We had something either forgettable or regrettable. Either way, I don't remember what we ate.
No idea

Thursday joy: TheHub and I went to our church to help put food bags together for members of the community who are struggling this Christmas. I think this time we filled 209 bags. My vehicle has enough room that we were able deliver quite a few of them.
After we finished we went shopping for groceries, to Costco and Kohl's. 
Thursday dinner: This seems to be the recurring theme for the week.

Friday joy:
DIL2 came over and we addressed all of Independence Place's Christmas cards. I love spending time with her!  That evening I wrapped most of our Christmas gifts. The unwritten  and long observed rule seems to be that I do all the shopping and wrapping except for whatever TheHub gets for me.
Friday dinner: We still had very small appetites and nothing sounded really good.
Veggie stuffed baked potato

Saturday joy:
Every year TheHub gets a Honey Baked ham gift certificate. We stopped by there to grab our pre-ordered half ham, did a couple of other quick errands, then came home to do some house stuff and watch the college play-off football games.Between games, we  organized our contributions for the year,  and I made dog food for my sisters dogs
Saturday dinner: I figured as long as I was cooking rice for the dogs food I might as well add enough for our dinner also.
Conecuh Sausage, cabbage, rice

Sunday joy:
 We woke early and got dressed in time to go to our church communion service, early church,  and Sunday school. 
DIL2 and Son2 dropped by for a short visit while they were out shopping.  
finished wrapping gifts, thought about baking___didn't do it. Maybe Monday (didn't happen then either) or maybe I'll just buy some Christmas goodies.
Sunday dinner: Made a from scratch version of a grocery store standard
"Hamburger helper" coleslaw

Meal plan for the week:
1. Christmas brunch: Breakfast casserole, ham, turkey, broccoli, cranberry relish, crescent rolls, green bean casserole, potatoes, baked sweet potatoes, assorted individual desserts.*
2. Steak, baked potato, tossed salad
3. Soup
4. Soup
5. Leftovers
6. Leftovers
7. Sandwiches, coleslaw

Have a great week staying on plan, going off plan, or with no plan at all.
May all your weeds be wildflowers.

* I am having to plan a little differently than usual because of some dietary issues 

Wednesday, December 18, 2024


Because I live in Alabama I can post this and laugh. I think this is the 4th or 5th year I have shared it.


                                          Hope you enjoy!

Monday, December 16, 2024

And So It Continues

This stupid virus did not want to leave, much to my irritation. I am behind in everything Christmas, and don't really give a flip. What gets done will, and what doesn't, doesn't.

Monday joy: I still did not feel well. The stupid cough and sneezing seemed worse, which really did irk me. I was ready to be well and my body was not cooperating with me. I was overwhelmingly tired, but not sleepy. Just tired. If TheHub were not so lethargic also, I would have thought it was all in my mind.  Whatever this crap was, it definitely had a hold on us. 
It broke my heart to have to cancel volunteering at Independence Place, but there is no way I would go there and expose them to this junk. I did feel really sorry for myself though, then got some texts from a couple of the participants sending me get well messages. Melted my broken heart!
Monday dinner: I had some meat in the fridge that needed to be used. It was the driving force of our meal plan, even though we could not decide what, if anything, sounded good.
Pork chop in orange sauce, rice pilaf

Tuesday joy: TheHub woke feeling a tad better. I was still coughing my head off and wanted to do little. Even the thought of walking upstairs and pulling out some Christmas decorations was more than I could bring myself to do. 
I really wanted to stay in my pj's and languish on the couch. Instead I put on my most comfortable, but quite unattractive clothes, and spent a good portion of the day wrapped in a shawl. There was real joy having something I received as a Christmas present last year, that had rarely been used, available when I was freezing. I tackled a mountain of laundry and did the very minimum of  housework in spite of not wanting to do anything at all productive.  
The day was much warmer and my Even the overnight temperature was warm enough that I could set the plants back on the deck. They appear much happier there instead of being stuck in the house.
Tuesday dinner: Neither of us were particularly hungry, but we both wanted something that had a lot of flavor. It wound up being just a one pan mishmash of things I had on hand.
Mexicanish stew, biscuit

Wednesday joy: A full week later I was still not on the mend. I was feeling a little better, but was worried that I might possibly be contagious so I did not go to my Wednesday class.  I did venture to CVS (masked) for a quick drug grab. I claim innocence about how 3 bottles of nail polish jumped in my basket amid the meds and cough drops.
Once home and fully medicated, I sat down and did the first round of Christmas cards. By evening they were stamped and ready to mail.*
Wednesday dinner: We were still not feeling like eating much.
Canned  Progresso soup (can't remember which kind)

Thursday joy: TheHub had a meeting and then planned on going into the office, but was still sneezy so he zoomed the meeting and canceled plans to head to work. After his meeting I dressed in real clothes, even putting on makeup and earrings and we headed on our big trek to run some errands. TheHub needed something from Target (I stayed in the car for the approximately 3 minutes he was in the store) then we dropped the Christmas cards off at the Post Office. I am really peeved with the idiot thieves who were stealing mail from the drive by mail drop boxes. Now the convenience of staying in the car to mail letters is gone and you have to go inside the facility. A$$#@!*$ ruin things for everyone else. Uncool! 
The day was gorgeous and while we were out driving it was apparent that true fall was finally here. The colors of the tree leaves, especially the reds, were just gorgeous so we rode around and looked at how beautiful things were.
Once home we had a delivery from a firm TheHub had been doing business with. Much to our surprise we received a cooler bag filled with steaks, ground round, chicken breasts, pork tenderloins and pork chops, all of which were already vacuum sealed (hooray) so they could go straight into the freezer. It is going to take us much longer than we planned to use everything!
For a little free nighttime entertainment, we decided to head out after dark to see some Christmas decorations. There are several houses in our neighborhood and the surrounding ones who do Christmas decorations on steroids. It was fun to see, especially the houses with lights and music coordinated. You just sit in the car, tune to whatever fm station they have posted on a sign in their yards, and enjoy the "show". 
Thursday dinner: TheHub did not want what I had planned for dinner. Instead we just had . . .
Baked potato

Friday joy: I finally felt like a human being, and it was a good thing I did. We had tickets to see Preservation Hall Cajun Christmas. After having to cancel several planned things it felt great to be able to actually go to something. The concert was very good and  lively . 
It was just what I needed to bring me back to life in the land of the living.  Even so I would not really call it a Christmas concert, however; during the song St. James Infirmary the trumpet soloist managed to weave a brief jazz version of Silent Night into his solo.
Friday dinner: The concert was pretty short and we had not eaten. Purple Onion to the rescue.
Burger, fries and their signature mint tea

Saturday joy: Hooray I felt well enough to go to The Independence Place Christmas party. I have surely missed the participants, especially after having to cancel 2 times volunteering there. TheHub went with me and we were treated to lunch, general visiting and a performance of Christmas music. One of the participants is taking dulcimer lessons and we got to hear her solo.  Never ever doubt the abilities of the differently abled.
After the party we stopped at 4 or 5 places running errands and doing a little shopping. 
Once we got back to the house I was fried. I can really tell I have not been doing much lately. 
Saturday dinner: We both needed something that had an intense taste so I whipped up a somewhat bastardized version of a favorite Thai food.
Pad Thai chicken

Sunday joy: We were able to go to church, then hit Publix for the second time this weekend. When Angel Soft toilet paper is on sale, it is time to refill my to storage in the jacuzzi tub that no one uses. I was in a panic because I was down to my last pack and if you have been reading me long you would know I like to keep at least 5 packs ahead. During covid and the tp scare, we were not affected at all. I was even able to give some to both Mom and My Beloved Sister.
Speaking of My Beloved Sister, she is still in the middle of a difficult time, but will at least let me make dog food for Trinket and Riley. Today I made enough to last them 3 days, but if you make more than that they turn their noses up at it. I will be making it again Wednesday morning. I still wish I could help her more, but she is leery of my cough.
Sunday dinner: We messed around and did not eat (nor did I make anything) until about 20 minutes before Yellowstone was coming on. That meant opening a can and heating it.
Italian wedding soup

I am still not feeling the need to make a plan for the week. We are loaded with food so I will just do the "whatever suits my fancy " thing each day.

Books read in December:
We Used To Live Here

Have a great week staying on plan, going off polan or with no plan at all.

May all your weeds be wildflowers.

* Second round of cards may or may not happen. If I normally send one to you and it did not get sent, I am sorry, but truly wish you a heartfelt Merry Christmas with a promise to do better next year.

Monday, December 9, 2024

Bad Week in Dodge

The past week was not particularly enjoyable, I got little to nothing accomplished, and toward the end of the week just got a little pissy. I hope The Big Guy was not watching.

Monday joy: Son1's family left midday to begin their trip home. TheHub was not feeling well and missed out on those last minute hugs because he did not want to pass it on if he was contagious.
After seeing them off and putting a couple of loads of sheets in the wash, my rear found the couch and did not move for a bit. I adore having them here, but I was really tired after this visit. Age? Definitely!
Now I will join Pip, who told me she wished she could teleport here any time she wanted to. I wish she could too!
Monday dinner: We still had leftovers from the Thanksgiving week, but TheHub did not want a real meal.
Leftover vegetable soup

Tuesday joy: We were still tired and TheHub was feeling much worse. We stayed home and did a few tasks around the house (very few). TheHub does not like to be still and is somewhat compulsive about doing things. I know he is not feeling well when he puts the recliner in a reclined position and covers up with a throw blanket during the daytime. The dozing off and on was another indicator for how lousy he felt.
We had tickets to go see The Illusionists. It was an add on to our local Broadway series, and I was looking forward to going, but TheHub felt too bad to go, and My Beloved Sister was not available to go with me. Instead I gave our tickets to our neighbors.  I am glad they did not just go to waste. 
Tuesday dinner: TheHub still had no appetite, but I did accommodate what he wanted.
Tomato soup (yep the Campbell's variety), cheese toast

Wednesday joy: We no longer had to wonder if TheHub was contagious because I found out first hand that he was. Wednesday I woke with a killer headache, sore throat and sniffles. It caused me to cancel going to my Wednesday class and also going to my happy place. There is no way I would think of exposing the participants of Independence Place with this.
So not only did I not feel great, but I also felt sorry for myself.
Son 2 stopped by for a minute, but did not want to stay once he saw how we were feeling. I do not blame him at all.
Wednesday dinner: We both wanted something with intense flavors, so we ordered take out from a local Chinese restaurant. Their portions are large enough that a meal for one is plenty for both of us to share for two meals.
Kung pao chicken, rice

Thursday joy: What a way to begin the Christmas season! We both felt kind of crummy, the house was minimally ready for Christmas, I'd bought just a very few gifts, My Beloved Sister was having a difficult time, I'd done nothing about Christmas cards and did not feel like doing anything. Bah Humbug!
We also had a forecast for some protracted nights below freezing. I tell every plant I get that they have to be kind of tough to live with me, and I had just been covering some of them on the deck at night, but with lows in the 20's throughout the night meant I had to bring them inside for a while.
Funny thing was even though it is December, I brought in two blooming hibiscus plants, a canna that had buds on it, and a key lime, not just in bloom, but with 2 limes growing. This is very strange for this time of the year.
Thursday dinner:  Neither of us had much of an appetite and I still had enough soup in the fridge for another meal.
Vegetable soup, crackers

Friday joy: This was another day of doing little. TheHub was feeling a little better but I was feeling much worse. 
I needed to look at our stock portfolio and see if we had any Kimberly Clark. I was pretty sure our personal Kleenex use would raise their December profits substantially. If any of you in Blogland have any, you can thank me.
On a lighter note, I looked in the mirror in passing and am pretty sure with my flame on red nose and hair going every direction, I would  be a prefect fit for a clown troupe.
I did have a phone call with Sluggy, always fun!
I also used the green tomatoes, picked before the temperatures dropped. I used about 10 pounds of green tomatoes to make and can tomato relish. I had never had it before and had no idea if I would even like it, but made it anyway. Someone here needs to enjoy it because I have a good bit to use this year.
Friday dinner:  I decided I might need to cook at least a little something. And when I say cook little, I mean it literally.
Hamburger patty, au gratin potatoes (from the freezer)

Saturday joy: Even though we both still felt rotten, we medicated and felt good enough to get out of the house for about an hour. The Hub went with me (masked)  to Aldi and we stopped by a small Mediterranean restaurant to pick up a to go order. 
We came home to eat then watch the SEC championship game. Watching, only if you count dozing off and on as watching. Both of us had itchy burning red eyes and it makes closing them somewhat necessary. It appears that once we closed them, dozing happened immediately.
By nighttime the respiratory ick was having a field day with me, and I wound up sleeping in an un-reclined recliner.
Saturday dinner: After having the Racer sandwich at lunch we were not particularly hungry but wanted something with intense flavor. Leftovers to the rescue!
Kung pao chicken, rice

Sunday joy: I was now coughing my head off, so going to church was off the table, and we had to cancel on plans for a Christmas party we had RSVP'd a couple of weeks ago. I hated missing both, but what do you do. We did not want to be responsible for infecting large groups of people. Instead I spent the day in pajama pants and a sweat shirt, which is exactly what I put on after getting home from Aldi Saturday afternoon.
I did get good news from My Beloved Sister, and the situation has improved much. I still feel guilty for not being able to help her. (Other than making dog food for her dogs who refuse any and all traditional dog foods)
The upside of missing the party is we could watch the new episode of Yellowstone when it aired rather than watching the recording we had set previously, thinking we would be somewhere festive.
I was getting really tired of feeling puny but slept upright in the recliner once again so my coughing would not wake TheHub. (Even those of us with black hearts do have a sliver of kindness)
Sunday dinner: I wanted a burger but TheHub didn't. We looked at Purple Onion's menu and ordered. It was easier than cooking and TheHub said he would run and pick it up. 
Hamburger, fries (shared), Mediterranean wrap

Meal Plan for the week is on hold. I am planning nothing until we feel like eating.

Books read in December:
We Used To Live Here

Have a great week staying on plan, going off plan, or with no plan at all.

May all your weeds be wildflowers

Monday, December 2, 2024


This past week was filled with food, family, parties, and football! That about says it all.

Monday joy:
By mid-morning I had made 2 peanut butter pies, a large recipe of sausage balls and had baked oatmeal in the oven. My theory was to get as much done ahead of time as possible, because having folks here for 6 days meant a lot of eating. Anything that could be made and either refrigerated of frozen needed to be done. I figured starting early Monday morning was as good a time to start as any.
The rest of the day was spent putting the final touches on the common areas.
Monday dinner: I was tired and didn't feel like cooking
Progresso soup (I don't even remember what kind)

Tuesday joy: I woke and finished all of the upstairs cleaning, including putting blankets on the beds. The forecast for the week was much cooler than we had been used to so I thought it might be a good idea to get additional warmth for the beds. Other than a final refreshening of the bathrooms and a quick vacuuming of the carpeted bedrooms, I called upstairs done and had time for a shower and such with a few minutes to put my feet up before the first ETA.
Tuesday dinner: Son1's family arrived in the late afternoon, then son2 and DIL2 joined us for a BBQ dinner.
Pulled pork, shredded smoked chicken, baked beans, collards, corn on the cob, coleslaw, cheese biscuits.

Wednesday joy: Thanksgiving prep began in earnest. It was a day of cutting, chopping, sautéing, basting, baking, etc. Then lots of clean up said dishes, pots and pan. Wash, rinse, and repeat, because as soon as one thing was done, there was another item to be cooked or prepped. About 3 or so I was finished for the day and was kind of tired. 
Son1 and family went to see Son2's house and I had a couple of hours to do a few other things before getting dinner ready.
We stayed home mainly because Son3 and DIL3 had a delay in their plans and if they were able to make it here Wednesday we thought it might be a good idea for someone to at least be home.
Wednesday dinner: I had planned on having chicken lasagne, but booted those plans. Instead I chose a simpler lighter version.
Chicken, veggies and pasta, tossed salad

Thursday joy: Thanksgiving Day came early here. We had a large extended family meal (49 of us to be exact) where everyone brings whatever they are asked to bring. My assignment was bourbon brown sugar meatballs ( I made them once now have to bring them every single time), collards, sweet potato salad, cranberry relish, peanut butter pie. There is a funny tale about the pie. I had made 2 of them, one for home and one to take with us to the big Thanksgiving. We had the home pie after the bbq meal, but I stuck it back in the freezer with little under a half a pie later. I asked Son1 to grab the pie to take to the family meal as we were headed out the door. I did not pay any attention until we got to R's house and got the pie our of the thermal bag to put on the dessert table. That is when I noticed he had grabbed the partially eaten pie instead of the whole one.  Oh well. At least there were many other desserts and it just looked like someone hit the dessert table pre-meal.
Thursday dinner: We were overly full when we waddled home after the huge lunch. I had planned on cooking a turkey breast with modest Thanksgiving fixings, but booted that plan. Instead I put on an easy to make pot of soup.
Pumpkin, sausage and sage soup.

Friday joy: Goodbye Thanksgiving and all Thanksgiving decor. Hello birthday party streamers, balloons, birthday table scape, plates and cups. It was Pip's actual birthday and we planned a party for her. A few kids along with several of my cousins, and all of our immediate family came for a pizza lunch ( I am not dumb enough to try and make 4 large pizzas when I can buy them) followed by cake, ice cream, music and merriment. 
As soon as the party was over Pip could not wait to go to Ulta to spend some of her birthday money. DIL's 1 and 3 went with her. I was happy to stay at home because I do not enjoy Black Friday crowds.
In the late afternoon, 2 of Son3's friends stopped by and visited for a bit.
Friday dinner: I tried to get Son3's friends to stay and eat with us, but they declined. Instead I was stuck with a ton of leftovers.
Roast turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, asparagus, sliced tomatoes, dinner rolls

Saturday joy:  Goodbye birthday decor, hello Roll Tide table scape.
Most of the family woke, ate breakfast, then headed to Tuscaloosa for the Iron Bowl. DIL3 and I were the only ones still at the house and I actually had time to have leisurely coffee and to sit down to write this post while I washed towels, clothes, cleaned the common areas and the powder rooms before settling in to watch the game on TV. 
Saturday dinner: We knew they would not be home from the game until sometime between 8:30 and 9. I had all the makings of a huge pot of soup available and decided it would hold very easily. I also had leftover sliced turkey, salad fixings, mashed potatoes and collards for whoever wanted something else.
Vegetable beef soup, leftover pumpkin sage soup, or whatever anyone else wanted to heat and eat.

Sunday joy: Son3 and DIL3 left early in the morning to get back to Nashville in time for DIL 3 to practice for a Christmas dulcimer video concert that evening.
Son2 and DIL2 came over for lunch. Thank goodness for tons of leftovers!
After they left we settled down in front of the TV to watch DIL3's performance.  I am very thankful Son1 was here because TheHub and I would never have figured out to to watch it  quite comfortably there, instead of crowding around a laptop.
Sunday dinner: No one was hungry. 
Veggie stuffed baked potatoes and/or tossed salad

And now that everyone has left, the dishes are done (again! I think I have washed more dishes  and cooked more this past week than I have in my lifetime), the towels are clean and folded, 2 beds have bedding done with one more waiting for tomorrow, and I am tired. Incredibly tired. This old grey mare ain't what she used to be.

I do not even feel like thinking about cooking, much less planning a menu. We are going to eat very simple meals this week. Hopefully that require little to no cooking.

I also read nothing this week and don't care!

May all your weeds be wildflowers,

p.s. Though not my usual practice I plan on breaking the seal on a very good bottle of bourbon  this week. Fighting colds and a little tipple while decorating sounds like a winning plan to me. Old fashions anyone?

Monday, November 25, 2024

The Week Prior To Happy Chaos

This past week was pretty busy. Either we had things planned, or we were busy getting ready for Thanksgiving week. I will be so happy to see everyone. My only expectation for the week is for everyone to have fun, with zero conflicts. And I do hope Alabama wins the Iron Bowl (rival football game between Alabama and Auburn)
There is a possibility I will be reading your blogs late at night while I am in bed, but will not be responding.
I am concentrating my time and energy in the 3-D world with the people I love the most.
Wishing everyone in the States a Happy Thanksgiving and wishing the rest of you a Happy Thursday.

What was planned for the week:
1. Grilled tuna steaks, tossed salad, baked potato
2. Chicken enchilada soup, tortillas, tossed salad
3. Meatloaf, squash casserole, brussels sprouts
4. Out to eat
5. Crack chicken, coleslaw, rice
6. Vegetable beef soup, cornbread
7. Sandwiches TBD


What really happened
 Monday joy: It was a much needed stay at home day. I was able to do several small chores and a few big ones. The rug under the kitchen table is an indoor outdoor rug bought specifically to be able to hose it off. I have only vacuumed it for a while and was due a good cleaning. It did mean I had to have it outside by about 7 am so I could get it cleaned and allow it time to dry before bringing it back in the house. While it was out of the kitchen I did a super mopping of the floor. I see no reason to bring something that is clean and put it on something that is not squeaky clean also. 
Once that was done I moved to the outside windows on the back of the house and cleaned them. While I was out there and dirty anyway, I knew I needed to clean the deck and the screened porch. 
Now that all surfaces were washed, pillows and cushions vacuumed, and some furniture rearranged the deck and porch were ready to roll, and my tail was dragging. 
Monday dinner: Neither of us were particularly hungry. I made a quick pot of soup and called it done.
Chicken enchilada soup

Tuesday joy: Another day, another pot of tomatoes to cook. 
My Beloved Sister and I were supposed to go to Independence Place, but we rescheduled it for Wednesday. 
She had an artificial tree she got from Mom's house and it was really too much for her living room. She had planned to take it with us and give it to one of the workers at IP who did not have one.  Mother Nature had other plans and rains came. I don't mind getting wet, but the tree was heavy and would take both of us to move it. We could have been soaked in the process. The forecast for Wednesday had no rain, so shifting the days was a no brainer.
I did a lot of work upstairs to get things ready for the family. Also when I was changing over my clothes I realized I have entirely too many. I started thinning the herd and got a big donation bag ready 
Tuesday dinner: The Hub was not in the mood for what I was going to cook so he bought a rotisserie chicken instead. I was able to add things I had in the fridge for a meal.
Rotisserie chicken, leftover baked beans, coleslaw

Wednesday: My Beloved Sister and I were guest at Independence Place. They were having  Thanksgiving appreciation week for all of the volunteers who help them throughout the week. Little do they know that most of those who volunteer would much rather have an appreciation day for them instead. All of those who help there is various ways love going as much as I do. 
Once I got home I intended to make and freeze sausage balls for Thanksgiving week. It did not happen. 
Wednesday dinner: TheHub had received a congratulations on retirement card with a 
Chik fil A gift card inside. We decided to use it in the drive through for dinner.
Spicy pimento cheese sandwiches, coleslaw(from home)

Thursday joy: TheHub and I were up and at the church early to pack Thanksgiving dinner bags for families who need a little help this year. The team would up packing about 200 bags with additional frozen turkeys that would not fit in the bag. After packing we delivered them to specific locations for later pickups.
As soon as we finished TheHub had time for an quick haircut while I sat in the car refining my grocery list.
TheHub decided he was hungry and to satisfy his need to eat lunch out, we stopped by a new to us Thai place, Charm. We had just ordered when Son2 called. He was in the area near the restaurant so he joined us. We good food and enjoyed having him eat with us.
Next it was on to Aldi to do the brunt of the shopping. Since I was trying to do nearly all the shopping for Thanksgiving week it took a while to shop and then a good bit of time putting everything away, including creating space for some of the overload.
Once home we did a few light tasks, then got dressed to go to a funeral visitation. It was not joyful, except it was for one of my dearest friend's Mother, and there is no way I would not have been there for her.
Thursday dinner: On the way home from the visitation, TheHub had a sudden craving for Taco Bell. I thought those cravings were reserved for college kids after a night of imbibing. I guess he is young at heart.
Crispy tacos, mixed greens (from home)

Friday joy: I was able to stay at the house all day and do some serious work. I was still not ready, but some things were finally starting to fall into place.  
Friday dinner: I was busy all day and did not give two hoots about planning a meal or cooking. I scoured the freezer (which I could actually do after the big defrosting) and found a bag of of previously cooked food. It was easy, and quick. 'Nuff said
Picadillo over instant brown rice.

Saturday joy: Saturday's are ball game days around here, though this was an especially bad game day for Alabama. Oklahoma slaughtered them. I mainly listened to the games anyway while working upstairs.
Saturday dinner: Another look through the freezer was fruitful. Unplanned, but fruitful nonetheless.
Chili, coleslaw

Sunday joy: We woke early and went to the 7:55 communion service, followed by the regular 8:30 service, then went to our Sunday School class. Once we got home we had just enough time to eat a quick lunch, change clothes and head downtown to see the play Chicago. This is either the 4th or 5th time we have seen it, but it is part of the season and we buy season tickets every year regardless of the plays. We have tickets center stage 8 rows up and the only way we can be guaranteed those seats is to continue buying the entire season, and if I buy them I am going to go.
The cast was an Equity cast and very good, especially the woman who played Velma Kelly. She had an exceptional set of pipes and dance moves to match.
As soon as the play was over, we made a beeline to Publix to buy everything on my list from there. 
Sunday dinner: And of course, before we even got out of the parking lot, TheHub was starving for something from The Purple Onion. It is just across the street and down about a couple of blocks (if there were actually blocks on that road).
Gyro salad and whatever he had (I forgot)

Planned for the week: (Thanksgiving week rules exempt me from the freezer)
1, Pulled pork, baked beans coleslaw, potato salad, collards
2. Turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, asparagus, green beans, cranberry relish, pie
3. Chicken Lasagne, tossed salad
4. Leftovers
5. Balsamic mushroom and spinach pasta*, tossed salad
6. Vegetable beef and/or pumpkin sausage soup, sliders
7. Who knows?

I read nothing this week and most likely will read nothing next week. It's going to be pretty full and I had much rather have a full house this week than read. 

Have a great week staying on plan, going off plan, or with no plan at all.

May all your weeds be wildflowers.

* May or may not happen. Depends on my mood and if I am tired of cooking or not

Monday, November 18, 2024

Gotta Get Going

The week came and went with little fanfare, which is OK with me. This week has several things planned, plus I have to finish getting the house company clean. It means I will have little time to respond to your blogs, even though I will be reading them, most likely in bed on the tablet.
Now I need to get off the computer, get my rear in gear, stop monkeying around, and get busy.

1. Corned beef and cabbage
2. Hot dogs, coleslaw, corn on the cob
3. Chicken fried rice, shishito peppers
4. Beef stew with traditional stew vegetables + green beans, tossed salad or coleslaw
5. Grilled salmon,  dilled potatoes, tossed salad
6. Meatloaf squash casserole, brussels sprouts
7. Out to eat

Monday joy: This was a stay at home type of day. I try to not schedule things on Mondays, and at the very least on Monday mornings. There is something that is very satisfying mentally if I can ease into the week. 
An overabundance of tomatoes called to me, so I was stewing them before my first cup of coffee.
Early in the afternoon I had a phone call from Son2 asking if I would be home for a while. He was on our side of town and had a couple of hours between appointments, so he came here and we visited over coffee and snacks and that was a real joy.
Monday dinner: This was a planned meal using a Trader Joe's frozen food purchase.
Chicken fried rice, shishito peppers

Tuesday joy: This was the last day of the Aldi ad featuring the baking supplies, so I went and stocked up (most likely overstocked) on them. I do not usually look through the Aldi Aisle of Shame, but I did and found a set of Christmas flannel sheets that jumped into my buggy (cart or trolley if you are not from the south). The sheet set decided Pip needed Christmas cheer for her bad here.
Once I got home and put things away and the sheets in the wash, it was time to tend to another pot of stewed tomatoes. 
We are getting between 10 and 25 a day and  other than us eating one every day, the only thing for me to do  is stew them, make sauce, or make tomato paste. Tuesday I decided was a tomato sauce day, so they cooked for quite a while.
About the time the tomatoes were done, TheHub asked if I wanted to go to trivia, so off we went.
Tuesday dinner: Going to trivia meant no cooking for me.
Gyro, coleslaw

Wednesday joy: I had class, then I came home to process another pot of tomatoes. 
I am in countdown until the family comes in for Thanksgiving and would like for things to be very nice for them. When I was cleaning out some of the laundry room, I found a charging station I had no idea we even owned. I thought it might serve its best purpose in the guest room since Son1's family comes with a lot of devices.
We had plans for the night (casual dress) and I did not want to change clothes from what I wore to class, so I decided I really just needed to read. Notice how easily I can justify reading time.
Wednesday dinner: We had made plans to meet Son2 and DIL2 for dinner. Half Shell Oyster House in Trussville is a place we meet them often.
Crab claws, garden salad, okra (and whatever they ate)

Thursday joy: IP is my happy place and I was able to go with My Beloved Sister. Truly, nothing gives me as much joy as being around the participants. I think they liked making peanut butter pie too! It was another day of unanimous thumbs up.
Once home there was another pot of tomatoes to process.
Thursday dinner: This dinner was about as easy to make as any I have done. It was a thaw, heat and add a veggie  kind of night
Corned beef and cabbage

Friday joy: I had planned on having a stay at home and get things done day, but TheHub wanted to go out to eat. We left early in time for him to run a quick errand before we went to a small meat and three for a veggie lunch. The diner was in the strip next door to Aldi, so while we were out anyway, I was able to cherry pick the new ads. 
When we made it back to the house I headed upstairs and get some much needed things done to the rooms there, including changing over some of my clothes. From what I understand we will be getting some cooler weather toward the end of the week, so it was goodbye shorts and tees and hello pants and sweaters.
Friday dinner: I had planned to use some of the leftover roast for dinner one night and to use a ton of the fresh produce I had in the crisper. I also had a small bag of cooked green beans in the freezer to add to the pot.
Stew (loaded with a ton of vegetables)

Saturday joy: What is better than waking after a good nights sleep than having no where to go and a pot of hot coffee? In my world there is not a better way to greet the day. 
As we normally do during football season, we started watching College Game Day on ESPN before tuning in to the actual games.  TheAuburn game was on, but I listened to it more than I watched it. I was able to get the dining room spiffed up and decorated for Thanksgiving and get the interior windows, and all the doors (and trust me there are more than a few) of the common areas cleaned.  And of course I managed to start another pot of tomato sauce.
Next up was Alabama/Mercer. Bama won and Mercer got about $1 million for their defeat. I do not even pretend to understand the economics of televised football other than to know there is a lot of dough in it.
Saturday dinner: This was a planned ball game meal to be eaten at half time of the Tennessee/Georgia game. If nothing else, we are predictable.
Hot dogs, baked beans, coleslaw

Sunday joy: Our church has a new to us 15 minute service. It includes a reading with a little reflection on the reading followed by communion.We both really did enjoy it and decided we will start going to it as often as we can.
Once it was over we had a few minutes for socializing before our traditional church service started. 
We came home , had lunch, then both  had some clerical work we needed to do to organize for the coming week. 
That done we did a few chores (no tomatoes were cooked!!!) 
With this eternal darkness that I am struggling through, we are eating dinner obscenely early. The flip side is we had eaten and the kitchen was cleaned well before Yellowstone came on.
Sunday dinner: This was another freezer inspired meal
Grilled salmon filets, tossed salad, dinner rolls or toast

Possible meals for the week (Still in freezer foods first mode)
1. Grilled tuna steaks, tossed salad, baked potato
2. Chicken enchilada soup, tortillas, tossed salad
3. Meatloaf, squash casserole, brussels sprouts
4. Out to eat
5. Crack chicken, coleslaw, rice
6. Vegetable beef soup, cornbread
7. Sandwiches TBD

Used from the freezer:
2/3 TJ's chicken fried rice package
Part of a cooked corned beef brisket (there is enough left over for 2 lunch meals)
2 s/f popsicles
1 small pack frozen green beans
1 blueberry muffin (not good tossed the other 3)
2 keto hot dog buns (whoo hoo, last of the pack)
3 small salmon filets

Added to the freezer:
5 bags processed tomatoes

Books read in November:
What Have You Done?
The Goddess of Warsaw
American South (Cookbook I bought that has stories about the cooks and recipes )

Have a great week staying on plan, going off plan, or with no plan at all!

May all your weeds be wildflowers.

Monday, November 11, 2024

Cool Yet Tragically Unhip

This was a mostly low key week. I need a couple more of them to get things ready for Thanksgiving. November is generally a low social activity month for us with the exception of a play and Thanksgiving. I honestly like it that way, because December can be harried.
Did I mention how much I hate the time change! Nights last forever!
As part of my holiday prep I decided I needed to defrost the freezer, and that decision changed my last week's meal plan a good bit. Additionally it took over this week's menu, as well as many in the upcoming weeks.
Meals may not be exactly what we want, but it should be a challenge that might be interesting at least. We have always decided what we feel like eating on any given week rather than rely on what we have at the house. We are just going to have to see dinners in a different light.

Monday joy: I was able to stay home all day long and loved it. There are days I just want to  throw on a pair of shorts and a tee shirt, pull my hair back, and get some things done. (Even though I did not do as much  as I should have)
Monday dinner: I had previously made enough spaghetti sauce and frozen it in containers for 2 different dinners. Nothing like having an almost thaw and heat meal
Spaghetti with meat sauce, tossed salad, dinner rolls

Tuesday joy: I was able to vote easily. 
After voting we stopped by ThePig to pick up a couple of items and to grab the weekly free item. This week it was a bag of croutons, which we do not eat, but it will be a great thing to have while the family is in town for Thanksgiving.
I also got to speak via phone to all 3 sons. It is unusual to do that except on my birthday or Mother's Day. Don't misunderstand me, I do talk to all of them regularly, but all three is one day does not usually happen.
Tuesday dinner: We used our monthly minimum to purchase an offered takeout meal. It was enough for dinner with sides left over for an additional meal, plus TheHub still had my slice of cheesecake to eat another night.
Fried chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans, tossed salad, cheesecake

Wednesday joy: I was supposed to go to my Wednesday class, but had stayed up until 3:45 waiting on the election to be called. They outlasted me and I was unable to keep my eyes open any longer. At 7:00 I woke and made the decision to skip class. I was tired but figured I would just spend the morning with my best friend ___caffeine. 
I am so glad I didn't go because DIL2 called to let me know the number of participants from Independence Place who would be there that afternoon.  What? I had not put it in my calendar and if it is not written there, it does not exist in my world. How could I possibly forget to about going to my happy place?
At least I had a little time to scrounge around and figure out what to do. This is why I keep a well stocked kitchen. (OK not really, I am a little bit of a food hoarder and I have no idea why) I was able to pull all the ingredients for individual cheesecake mousse cups, including the cups to serve it in, and the necessary fixings for a graham cracker base.
I have learned that I need to have enough steps in every recipe for each participant to be able to have a hand in the process. This worked perfectly with all 16 having a specific chore, even if it did mean cutting the cream cheese into 4 blocks for 4 different people to add and mix. It really is critical for each of them to feel like they are a major part of it. 
Once they finished eating what they made I always ask if the final product was a thumbs up, thumbs down or thumbs sideways (neutral). 
There is always someone who doesn't like something, but this time 👍 was unanimous. Even "T", whom My Beloved Sister and I refer to as Eeyore, liked everything about it, which was a first!. Every other time there was at least one thing to complain about.
Thanks to hands free phone options, I was able to have a call with Sluggy and Mr. Sluggy on the drive home. Laughing is good for the soul.
Wednesday dinner: Monday afternoon I had cleaned and organized my "Stash" which is non-perishable food items that I store in my laundry room, because my pantry is always at full capacity. It means checking the dates on the cans (which I truly believe is just a suggestion and has nothing to do with the quality of the food inside) and rotating them so the nearest expiration dates will be used first. 
I found a can of pumpkin puree (I had no idea it was even in there) that was past its "best by" date by 3 years (if you will notice most cans are not labeled "expiration"). I pulled it out as a "use immediately" item. I opened the can and it looked and smelled no different than one I had bought and used recently, so it became part of our supper. 
(Plus I do not mind living life on the edge, but please do not tell TheHub. He is an extreme rule follower and even though he has been eating what I cook for decades and lived in spite of my disregard for the dates, it would freak him out.)
Pumpkin sausage chowder*, dinner rolls

Thursday joy: Our tomatoes are still producing like gangbusters and every day I am getting 4 or 5. For the past several days, I cooked them into either thick sauce or cooked them down even more to a paste consistency to be frozen for future meals. Today was no exception and I put them on before I was having my first cup of coffee.
Then it was off to tackle the laundry room. TheHub promised me he would help me defrost the freezer, so I needed everything to be ready for said chore. It is a cold messy job, but with four hands rather than just mine, the process should go much faster.
Thursday dinner: I had too many leftover items so we had a smorgasbord of sorts.
Conecuh sausage, mashed potatoes, green beans, broccoli, cauliflower, sliced tomatoes 

Friday joy: This was not terribly joyful other than the joy that it was over and I don't have to think about it for another 6 months. I have a fairly large upright freezer that was filled to the gills, but so much frost had accumulated that it was hard to move things to find what I needed/wanted. 
When that happens, the only thing to do is defrost the dang thing.  I always dread doing it because no matter what, at the end I am a freezing cold damp mess.
TheHub was here and I had guilted him into helping, which he did.  And I truly do thank him for lugging the large pot of steaming water to the freezer, then taking it out and dumping it x 4. I normally have to do it all and it does take longer when you are doing everything. Then he did hold the hairdryer while I scraped the buildup. I am fairly certain if I had kept it all I could have built a very tiny snowman. 
However, once it was defrosted I had the honor of cleaning the insides, wiping each item that was going back in and reorganizing.  And anyone who messes with that organization will meet  the wrath of Anne.
One upside was finding several single serving frozen leftovers that I placed in a separate plastic bin for grab, thaw, and warm lunches. TheHub was not too sad I also found an apple strudel that needed to be cooked right away.
An aside: I am pretty sure we could eat for 3 months buying only produce and milk, and if I buy anymore Conecuh sausage before the first of the year I need to have my head examined!
Friday dinner: So of course after cleaning out the freezer and seeing such an overabundance of food available without leaving the house, we did take out from Zaxby's.
Chicken tenders, coleslaw

Saturday joy: It was ball game day and our plans were to stay at home, watch games, and do some chores whenever the games were boring or in between them. We pretty much accomplished our goals. 
Bama beat LSU which I was not expecting, but was happy with the outcome.
Saturday dinner: We needed a quick meal that we could scarf down between football games
Grilled tuna steaks, baked potato, tossed salad

Sunday joy: We woke and went to church, came home and talked with two of our sons. Of course we/they talked about the ball game.
The day was gloomy and TheHub decided not to hit golf balls. Instead we had a leftover soup lunch and a catnap. I am not one of those people who can actually get in or on the bed during the day, but I can curl up on the loveseat in the most uncomfortable position known to man for a 20 minute snooze.
Sunday dinner: The roast had thawed and needed to be cooked. It was delicious but we have tons of leftovers.
Rump roast, potatoes, carrots, onions, tomato slices, cucumber slices, dinner rolls

Menu plan for the week (based of things I had forgotten were in the freezer)**
1. Corned beef^ and cabbage
2. Hot dogs^, coleslaw, corn on the cob^
3. Chicken fried rice^ shishito peppers
4. Beef stew with traditional stew vegetables + green beans***^, tossed salad or coleslaw
5. Grilled salmon^,  dilled potatoes, tossed salad
6. Meatloaf^ squash casserole, brussels sprouts
7. Out to eat

Used from the freezer:
1 pack spaghetti sauce - dinner
2 keto hot dog buns (not particularly good, but they were eaten anyway - lunch
1 bag riced cauliflower - dinner
1 pack Conecuh sausage ( 4 pound pack separated into meal size portions ) - dinner
2 tuna steaks - dinner
3.5 lb rump roast - dinner
2 s/f popsicles (had no idea they were even in the freezer, purchased by TheHub who had forgotten them) - snacks
4 keto "cornbread" mini muffins - lunch

Added to the freezer:
Leftover cooked roast for beef tips and rice some other week
2 strip steaks (too good of a deal to pass up)
1 lb Italian sausage  "

Books read in November
What Have You Done?
The Goddess of Warsaw

*This was delicious
** All I really need to buy for the week is cabbage, lettuce, and possibly a cucumber or two. Unfortunately Aldi has their Holiday baking supplies on sale so, most likely, I will succumb before Wednesday. But at least there will be no freezer purchases.
***Odd stew ingredient, but it will get rid of one small pack of cooked green beans, and the extra vegetable surely won't hurt us.

^ Found in the freezer when defrosting