
Monday, December 16, 2024

And So It Continues

This stupid virus did not want to leave, much to my irritation. I am behind in everything Christmas, and don't really give a flip. What gets done will, and what doesn't, doesn't.

Monday joy: I still did not feel well. The stupid cough and sneezing seemed worse, which really did irk me. I was ready to be well and my body was not cooperating with me. I was overwhelmingly tired, but not sleepy. Just tired. If TheHub were not so lethargic also, I would have thought it was all in my mind.  Whatever this crap was, it definitely had a hold on us. 
It broke my heart to have to cancel volunteering at Independence Place, but there is no way I would go there and expose them to this junk. I did feel really sorry for myself though, then got some texts from a couple of the participants sending me get well messages. Melted my broken heart!
Monday dinner: I had some meat in the fridge that needed to be used. It was the driving force of our meal plan, even though we could not decide what, if anything, sounded good.
Pork chop in orange sauce, rice pilaf

Tuesday joy: TheHub woke feeling a tad better. I was still coughing my head off and wanted to do little. Even the thought of walking upstairs and pulling out some Christmas decorations was more than I could bring myself to do. 
I really wanted to stay in my pj's and languish on the couch. Instead I put on my most comfortable, but quite unattractive clothes, and spent a good portion of the day wrapped in a shawl. There was real joy having something I received as a Christmas present last year, that had rarely been used, available when I was freezing. I tackled a mountain of laundry and did the very minimum of  housework in spite of not wanting to do anything at all productive.  
The day was much warmer and my Even the overnight temperature was warm enough that I could set the plants back on the deck. They appear much happier there instead of being stuck in the house.
Tuesday dinner: Neither of us were particularly hungry, but we both wanted something that had a lot of flavor. It wound up being just a one pan mishmash of things I had on hand.
Mexicanish stew, biscuit

Wednesday joy: A full week later I was still not on the mend. I was feeling a little better, but was worried that I might possibly be contagious so I did not go to my Wednesday class.  I did venture to CVS (masked) for a quick drug grab. I claim innocence about how 3 bottles of nail polish jumped in my basket amid the meds and cough drops.
Once home and fully medicated, I sat down and did the first round of Christmas cards. By evening they were stamped and ready to mail.*
Wednesday dinner: We were still not feeling like eating much.
Canned  Progresso soup (can't remember which kind)

Thursday joy: TheHub had a meeting and then planned on going into the office, but was still sneezy so he zoomed the meeting and canceled plans to head to work. After his meeting I dressed in real clothes, even putting on makeup and earrings and we headed on our big trek to run some errands. TheHub needed something from Target (I stayed in the car for the approximately 3 minutes he was in the store) then we dropped the Christmas cards off at the Post Office. I am really peeved with the idiot thieves who were stealing mail from the drive by mail drop boxes. Now the convenience of staying in the car to mail letters is gone and you have to go inside the facility. A$$#@!*$ ruin things for everyone else. Uncool! 
The day was gorgeous and while we were out driving it was apparent that true fall was finally here. The colors of the tree leaves, especially the reds, were just gorgeous so we rode around and looked at how beautiful things were.
Once home we had a delivery from a firm TheHub had been doing business with. Much to our surprise we received a cooler bag filled with steaks, ground round, chicken breasts, pork tenderloins and pork chops, all of which were already vacuum sealed (hooray) so they could go straight into the freezer. It is going to take us much longer than we planned to use everything!
For a little free nighttime entertainment, we decided to head out after dark to see some Christmas decorations. There are several houses in our neighborhood and the surrounding ones who do Christmas decorations on steroids. It was fun to see, especially the houses with lights and music coordinated. You just sit in the car, tune to whatever fm station they have posted on a sign in their yards, and enjoy the "show". 
Thursday dinner: TheHub did not want what I had planned for dinner. Instead we just had . . .
Baked potato

Friday joy: I finally felt like a human being, and it was a good thing I did. We had tickets to see Preservation Hall Cajun Christmas. After having to cancel several planned things it felt great to be able to actually go to something. The concert was very good and  lively . 
It was just what I needed to bring me back to life in the land of the living.  Even so I would not really call it a Christmas concert, however; during the song St. James Infirmary the trumpet soloist managed to weave a brief jazz version of Silent Night into his solo.
Friday dinner: The concert was pretty short and we had not eaten. Purple Onion to the rescue.
Burger, fries and their signature mint tea

Saturday joy: Hooray I felt well enough to go to The Independence Place Christmas party. I have surely missed the participants, especially after having to cancel 2 times volunteering there. TheHub went with me and we were treated to lunch, general visiting and a performance of Christmas music. One of the participants is taking dulcimer lessons and we got to hear her solo.  Never ever doubt the abilities of the differently abled.
After the party we stopped at 4 or 5 places running errands and doing a little shopping. 
Once we got back to the house I was fried. I can really tell I have not been doing much lately. 
Saturday dinner: We both needed something that had an intense taste so I whipped up a somewhat bastardized version of a favorite Thai food.
Pad Thai chicken

Sunday joy: We were able to go to church, then hit Publix for the second time this weekend. When Angel Soft toilet paper is on sale, it is time to refill my to storage in the jacuzzi tub that no one uses. I was in a panic because I was down to my last pack and if you have been reading me long you would know I like to keep at least 5 packs ahead. During covid and the tp scare, we were not affected at all. I was even able to give some to both Mom and My Beloved Sister.
Speaking of My Beloved Sister, she is still in the middle of a difficult time, but will at least let me make dog food for Trinket and Riley. Today I made enough to last them 3 days, but if you make more than that they turn their noses up at it. I will be making it again Wednesday morning. I still wish I could help her more, but she is leery of my cough.
Sunday dinner: We messed around and did not eat (nor did I make anything) until about 20 minutes before Yellowstone was coming on. That meant opening a can and heating it.
Italian wedding soup

I am still not feeling the need to make a plan for the week. We are loaded with food so I will just do the "whatever suits my fancy " thing each day.

Books read in December:
We Used To Live Here

Have a great week staying on plan, going off polan or with no plan at all.

May all your weeds be wildflowers.

* Second round of cards may or may not happen. If I normally send one to you and it did not get sent, I am sorry, but truly wish you a heartfelt Merry Christmas with a promise to do better next year.


  1. I am so happy to hear you are feeling better, my friend. Steve has a cough that is nagging, but I am feeling better. Do what you can, and like you said, if it doesn't get doesn't! And Christmas will still come and be lovely!

    1. Christmas may not be as lovely as the Christmas in my mind, but it will still be a good day.

  2. This is my second week of the same thing. UGH Same sorts of things here. I was going to Christmas parade Saturday and we were involved involved in hit and run. We weren't the runner. And, the parade was the Saturday before. So, still sick, too.

    1. I don't like having this at all, and am still coughing during the night time.

  3. Glad you're feeling better now. I've been down with it since the first part of the month, and just now starting to get around and feel better.

  4. Feel better!! That's an order.....

  5. As long as you have the grandchild’s Christmas gift taken care of, everyone else can wait. Thst is my motto. Cindy in the South

    1. THe best thing about her gifts is they are all bought online and delivered to DIL's office. She is a jewel and wraps and tags them for me.

  6. I am sooo glad that you got to the Independence Place Christmas Party - and hope you continue to improve. What every that virus is it sounds truly ugly.

    1. It has been an ugly little beast and I am ready to send it packing, but I don't want to send it to anyone else.

  7. Glad you are feeling better; continue to take it easy, though as you don't want a relapse.

    1. I really have no options but to take it easy. My body is not in full steam ahead mode at all,.

  8. I would love a jacuzzi tub :-) Hope you feel better and good soon, Anne.

    1. We used the jacuzzi when we first moved into the house, but neither of us are tub folks. Now to clean it I just vacuum it

  9. I’m glad you’re feeling better. How nice of the company to send those steaks and other meats and how great that they were already vacuum sealed. I would have loved to hear the dulcimer. 💕

    1. Seeing what some of the participants can do almost brings me to tears.

  10. My sister and BIL just left and they too are just getting over a protracted cough. I'm glad to hear you're starting to feel better now. Better now than over Christmas I guess!

    1. I just hate we missed a few social events, but I would not have felt like being there anyway. There is always next year.

  11. Glad that things have finally turned around with your viruses and the holiday spirit continues.

    1. THe holiday spirit is alive, the decorating? Not so much!

  12. I'm so happy to hear you were able to make it to the IP Christmas party. That would have been sad to miss. I hope you continue to be on the mend.

    1. I know I am on the mend, but I have not been mending as quickly as I thought I should. I don't want another soul to catch this.

  13. Glad to hear you are feeling some better. It sounds like a really lousy illness.
    Very nice of the company to send a meat package. That's quite the Christmas gift!

  14. This bug sounds particularly brutal, Anne. So glad you're both feeling better in time for Christmas.
    I think one of the best benes (no one talks about) is giving ourselves' permission to look both unattractive and cozy while practicing self care.

    1. I truly looked like a haint and could not have cared less. Of course I stayed in the house and no one but TheHub saw me. Bless him. He has seen me at my best and worst and still hangs around.

  15. Feel better. Medicated myself with a sinus infection.

  16. I am so glad you finally started to feel better! I wonder if you did have covid but since you self isolated, no need to really test. As long as I can forsee, I will be wearing a mask into stores and in the building I work in (but makes no sense at restaurants/plays/parties)

    1. We tested for covid and it is not that, but it is a really creepy garden variety virus.

  17. I'm sorry to hear that but I totally understand. I have a serious ankle issue and seeing an orthopedic surgeon tomorrow. I've been instructed to stay off of it. So my decorations are few. The tree is up but no ornaments will be put on. My husband has a bad cold. So much going on in your life. I'm glad you are feeling better. Glad you were able to go to that party. Glad you were able to do all of those errands too. Take care and God Bless.

    1. I hope you get good news from the surgeon and your recovery will be fast.

  18. I am so sorry you have had the crud. It is a lovely bug this year.

    1. I will have to admit as far as a virus goes, this one was is very successful. I am just tired of being its host.

  19. I love that you're not feeling well, so you just whipped up pork chops in orange sauce! I would probably be eating cereal! Hope you feel better soon!

  20. I have been cooking so long thta there are meals I don't even have to think about. That is one of them.


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