
Saturday, August 4, 2018

Thursday, Friday, Saturday and All That Jazz

Well folks, another week with nothing. I have been at the hospital with Mom for the past few days and things like blogging become unessential.  Now that she is out of the woods comes the real battle. She is being released this afternoon and is restricted to a walker for at least a week so she  needs "a helper".  (Notice how carefully I avoided the word sitter) She hates having anyone but us in her house, so My Beloved Sister and I are prepared for the war she is about to wage. Detente, doubtful but fingers are crossed.


  1. Oh, I don't envy you and your sister that war! Not one little bit! I went through it with my mother (she won!), my cousins are going through it with their moms (they are winning!) (((HUGS)))

    1. Does everyone in blog world have a strong willed mom? It seems so.

  2. Good luck. Lots and lots and lots of it.
    I lost that battle.

    1. Thanks, I need lots and lots and lots of it. Plus a stiff drink!

  3. Oh my, it is your turn. Have fun, okay that was snarky but remember to have laughs with your sister, as you will also have some tears. Hugs and tears your way.

    1. Thank you so much. I know you fully understand and it is still fresh in your memory. Mom does not understand that this is not punitive, but something we have thought and thought about for her safety and as some way to let her stay in her home as long as possible.

  4. Does everyone in the blog world have a strong willed mom?

    well my mum refused to use a walking stick until she was over 70, she has harped at me to get one and I'm under 50. We both have the same disease and the same issues but she is more stubborn than I am.

    I wish you luck. Losing independence is hard but taking it personally just causes unnecessary heartache

    1. I know it is hard for her, but she is more than happy to spread her discontent.

  5. I hope your Mom gets better and she lets you get help. I hate to even say this but there is always the threat that if she doesn't allow more than just you and your sister to help her (maybe some cleaning/gardening help?) she might have to live somewhere else as in a "home" as the two of you just can't do it all based on her health and everything else in your lives. That may even be necessary depending on how much help she needs. A crappy situation to be sure

    1. Which is exactly what we are trying to get her to understand. We both would love to have her in her home where she is most familiar and comfortable. Even as a young woman Mom did not like anything to change. Now it is magnified about 1000 times.

  6. I don't know why I did not see this post yesterday! Make it her choice--go live in nursing home or accept help here. That might make her see what is going to happen. It is too bad life has to end this way sometimes. We are all taught to be independent, then life happens. Good luck.

  7. This is a very difficult situation and I feel you pain. Unfortunately, for everyone involved, change has to happen. Good luck.

    1. We need all the luck we can find! This is hard for everyone, especially Mom.

  8. It’s really a great and helpful piece of information. I am happy that you simply shared this helpful information with us.



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