
Monday, January 15, 2024

And It Is Back

Week 2 of January has come and gone. I am still unsure how that is possible. I also will admit there is a certain joy posting meals and joys together. I am not as likely to forget about either one if they are together. Of course it is only the 2nd week of the year, so the jury is still out!

Monday: This was not a big day around here, but I did have a wonderfully long phone conversation with My Beloved Sister. We were both doing chores and used speaker phone options to provide each other diversions while cleaning. (Neither of us is hip enough to use a blue tooth option) There is joy when laughing while cleaning cabinets.  
There is also a huge joy having my daily coffee in my new mug

Thanks to DIL2 and Son2 who "get" me

Monday night we watched the NCAA football championship.
Dinner: Because the game was going to be played when we would normally eat, we decided to have a quick game day meal.
Grilled cheese sandwich, veggies and dip

Tuesday: I attacked some more places in the common areas of the main level of the house and found several things I no longer wanted or needed. What a joy to have a local Buy Nothing facebook group. I was able to give 5 very nice household items to people who wanted them. 3 of the things had never even been used, so I felt great. Each thing I posted had at least 10 people who wanted it. Whenever my home phone rang I would ask the caller (either TheHub, Sons, Cousin S or My Beloved Sister) to pick a number 1- however many people wanted that item, and that was the person I gave it to.  
Dinner: We met BIL C and SIL P at Evangeline's in Tuscaloosa. We have been trying to get together since before Christmas and it is always wonderful to see them.
Steak, asparagus (me) pecan crusted redfish, asparagus, blackberry cobbler with caramel ice cream (TheHub)

Wednesday:  I went to class, did a little non-grocery shopping, then drove to Independence Place to celebrate T's birthday. Every year each participant has a birthday party, and this year I plan on being at as many as I can make. For the ones I can't get to, I will have a card with a little surprise in it at the party. 
Slightly sad news was the Alabama football coach retired. Nothing lasts forever and I am so very glad the school had him for 17 years. He did a lot for the school and the community in general.
Dinner: Neither of us were very hungry, so___
Veggie beef soup (TheHub) turkey mushroom soup (me)

Thursday: The day was gorgeous, windy but gorgeous. I probably should have gone to the store, but really needed nothing worth getting ready to go out. Instead I had a glorious day doing laundry and reading. 
Dinner: TheHub went to a baseball fundraiser for our local high school team, and I did not feel like cooking just for me.
Cauliflower florets, ginger dressing

Friday: I had planned on being home and organizing/getting rid of stuff. As luck would have it, in the middle of getting rid of things, UPS came with a huge box of dishes. I hate to even admit that, but at least it was not a new set. It was just some additional pieces I added to existing sets. After I unpacked them, I was left with  17x16x14 inch box filled with degradable packing peanuts and that brown waffle type paper used to wrap around breakables. On a lark I listed it on the Buy Nothing site and within. few minutes I got a message from a woman who will be moving soon and wanted it. Whoo hoo! Passing it on is much easier better than recycling
Dinner: Instead of going out like we do most Friday nights, we stayed in, ate a simple dinner and coordinated our calendars for the next 3 months. Afterward we watched an episode from the final season of Better Call Saul
Roasted chicken, tossed salad

Saturday: TheHub needed to go into work for a bit. Some Saturdays he works for about 4 hours because the office is empty and his phone does not ring constantly. Our weather is supposed to turn much colder, so while he was working I was busy making soups, chili and various broths. A little food prep never hurt anyone, and the new week should be a lot easier. (Major joy having part of the week's meals ready)
After he got home we watched Alabama's new coach have his first press conference following  the very quick hire. I have no idea how you convince someone to uproot their family and move across the country in just 49 hours. I know nothing about him but his first impression was good.
We set out to run a few errands before eating lunch. By the time we finally got things done it was after 3 pm.
Dinner: Because we ate lunch so late we did not eat dinner, or maybe we ate dinner at 3, your call. Either way our meal was late afternoon.
Pita sandwiches, tabbouleh, grilled mushrooms 

Sunday: After church we ran a couple of quick errands and gassed up my car for the week. If we are together when I am getting gas, TheHub pumps it. (Joy)  Don't get me wrong I pump my own most of the time, but if he is driving my car and we stop I never fight him to let me do it.
We came home, had a simple lunch, then each of us went our separate ways to do a few things we each needed to get done for an easier week.
We ate before watching another episode of "Better Call Saul". I have enjoyed watching it but we are just a few episodes away from the finale and I am ready for it to end.
Dinner: Our meal came together in two separate ways. I have said before TheHub cannot cook worth a flip, but he is excellent at procuring food. Saturday, while we were running around, he decided he wanted some seafood, so he went to our local fishmonger and bought a pound of steamed shrimp. Meanwhile, after I was reorganizing the laundry room fridge I found a forgotten bag of TJ's cruciferous vegetable shreds (it was just about beyond using), and a huge ham bone. Though I would normally never serve the two things at the same time, it actually worked fairly well.
"Cabbage" and ham soup*, steamed shrimp

Meal plans
It is going to be much colder for us than we are used to. We are kind of cold weather sissies, and I did some serious prep to keep from having to move about too much this week. Life is much warmer sitting under a blanket on the couch and reading while dinner just needs to be heated. Cold weather meals are the name of the game here this week.
1. Turkey vegetable soup (already made)
2. Chili, coleslaw, cornbread (already made)
3. Broccoli cheese soup (prepped just needs to be thrown together)
4. Faux bean and sausage soup (broth is already cooked)
5. Meatloaf, greens, mashed potatoes
6 Out to eat
7. Leftover soup, sandwich , salad

 Have  a great week staying on plan, going off plan, or with no plan at all

January Books Read
Demon Copperhead - Barbara Kingsolver
Paper Names - Susie Luo

May all your weeds be wildflowers.

p.s. Who says people in Alabama aren't smart???

* The soup was probably a little better than it might normally have been because that ham bone
swam in simmering water for about 6 hours.  The broth was some of the best I have ever made, andI have enough to make another batch of soup later. Win!


  1. A week of joys and good meals, you can't get much better than that. I have soups and chili's in the freezer that I will be pulling out this week. It's SO cold they will hit the spot, plus, only have to heat up and do something on the side. Win!

    1. We do not experience the same level of cold as you do, but cold is cold and soup feels really good on cold days.

  2. Soup is the most forgiving meal. Cook it long enough and even mediocre soup becomes more flavorful. It's very cold here -8, so ridiculous even for us cold weather people. I'm happy with a blanket and the fire place on and staying put.

    1. TheHub and I have only had the fireplace going a couple of times this winter, but that is going to change tonight!
      You are right about soup. I actually prefer pretty basic broth based soups and the longer it goes the better.

  3. Roll Tide… what a week!!! Cindy in the South

    1. Isn't that the truth. I did like what I heard at his press conference.

    2. Yes, new coach was very respectful and Saban is keeping an office in the stadium! Whew! Saban does care about what he has built, it is not all about the money for him. He wants kids to succeed. Cindy in the South

  4. As a transplanted Southerner who lived up North since 1982, as for the current weather down here, hold my beer. lol
    And I like that self-portrait new mug of yours. ;-)

    1. I like that they found a mug that is my doppelgänger

  5. Demon Copperhead is on my huge tbr pile. And edging closer to the top. Hooray for joys.

    1. I had loaned it digitally with my library app and gotten it before Christmas, then somehow accidentally deleted the loan after reading just the first 2 chapters. Instead of finishing it then, I was put back in the queue and got it back on the 5th.
      It is really well done. I did skim through David Copperfield (again) while I was waiting for the book to return

  6. We often eat things together that normally we would not if they need to be cooked or are already cooked. Tommy does not care. Laughing here--Tommy cannot cook at all but is also a good procurer. But, left to his own devices, he often comes out with several bags of chips. Of course, I never say anything. At least he buys things that do not tempt me.

    1. We usually don't things that are not usually served together. The soup and the shrimp was a real stretch for me.

  7. What's "Paper Names" about? Did you like it?

    1. About a Chinese immigrant family who gave up wonderful careers in China to establish life in the States. Yes I liked it very much.

  8. Replies
    1. I do too. I just wish TheHub could bring himself to watch more than one episode at a time.

  9. Sounds like such a good week, Anne. (Even though Alabama's coach retired). I love decluttering and how neat you were able to give those items away on the Facebook group. I like how you picked who would get which item too. I mostly pump my own gas too but do love it when someone else pumps. LOL

    1. Truth be known, when TheHub pumps the gas it is almost like a gift!

  10. Love the mug! You had such a busy week. How do you do it? Stay warm and enjoy your week.

    1. I did not think it was a very busy week, but I did get some home things done.

  11. I have to say I am like you, love talking on the phone when I am doing little jobs.

    1. It makes the time pass, plus my sister and I comment on what we find while we are cleaning

  12. If I saw that mug on a shelf it would definitely be coming home with me! It doesn't happen often, but I live it when Tom pumps my gasoline.

    1. I am the usual pumper, but if we are together and he is driving he does it. I will never refuse!
      I adore that mug and use it every morning for coffee.

  13. I like how you combine the joys and meals in one post. I picked up a few groceries today, so, the meal plan will include spaghetti with meat sauce, cold cuts sandwiches, and maybe tomato soup. And leftovers from Sunday night's dinner compliments of my lovely neighbor S!

    1. You do have some lovely neighbors. I picked up a few more groceries today also but I am not really sure I needed them.

  14. I have a feeling that the answer to "I have no idea how you convince someone to uproot their family and move across the country in just 49 hours" is $$$.

  15. I cannot believe how fast this month is going by!!

  16. Isn't it great that you were able to donate that packing material. They say there is a market for everything!!! And I absolutely adore that mug!

    1. I put the packing material on as a lark, assuming I would have to just recycle it. I guess there truly is a lid for every pot.

  17. yum! yum! yum! I love soup! I need to get on that "give away" page!!

    1. I have never tried to get anything on the buy nothing page but I do love it for getting rid of stuff


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