
Monday, October 7, 2024

What Did and Didn't Happen

This week was filled with activities, a weekend trip, and gorgeous sunsets followed by my favorite part of each day, twilight.

Meals planned (aka what a joke):
Meatloaf, mac and cheese, broccoli, watermelon
Taco salad
Veggie dinner TBD
Grilled fish, tossed salad, baked potato


What really and truly happened:
Monday joy: This was my recovery day after having guests for the weekend, which meant doing a lot of laundry. Other than that the house looked pretty dang good. I should keep it that way all the time, but alas, I know me well enough to know I won't.
Monday dinner: TheHub ate lunch at Cracker Barrel and picked up one of those 5 dollar take home entrees. As long as we have something to add to the meal, one of them is enough for us to share.
Meatloaf, mac and cheese, broccoli, watermelon

Tuesday: The day was pretty dull with the exception of talking and laughing with My Beloved Sister. TheHub called after work to see if we could go to trivia, which was fine with me.
Tuesday dinner: No cooking for me. Dinner was The Electric's responsibility.
Veggie melt sandwich, coleslaw

Wednesday joy: I went to class, did a little shopping, then had a phone call with Sluggy. I can tell she was feeling a little better because we laughed more this time.
Wednesday dinner: I had a ton of tortilla chips that needed to be used.
Taco salad

Thursday joy: I met one of my longest known friends for lunch. We met the first day of first grade a gozillion years ago. This sounds awful, but we met at 11:30 and walked out of the restaurant at 2:45, and still did not catch up properly with each other. We plan on doing it again before she heads to Florida for the winter. (She has a house at the coast but hates to be there during tourist season) Hopefully we will also add one other mutual elementary school friend to the meet-up. 
Once TheHub came home from work we had a few minutes to talk before leaving to go across town to a local theater group's performance of "Young Frankenstein, the Musical." We had seen it once before and honestly I would not have chosen to see it again except one of the participants from IP is interested in theater and was in the ensemble. No way I would have missed seeing him.
Thursday dinner: We left the theater a little before 10 and had not eaten. I was not going to cook that late so we did the next best thing___take out from Purple Onion.
We split a veggie baked potato*

Friday joy: We left about noon to head to Nashville. We were going up for the ball game and to celebrate Son3's birthday, but we had to stop first at the Greek Food Festival to grab a pan of frozen Pastichio (Son3's favorite) to take with us. 
We got to Nashville in record time until we hit the city. They live in East Nashville which meant we had to go through the entire town to get to their house. Can I tell you how badly I find the interstate system there? It is no wonder why the traffic during drive time is so horrendous. 
Friday dinner:After checking in to our hotel, (we stay at the closest decent place near their house) we went to their house and had a delicious food from Pharmacy Burgers. If you are ever in East Nashville give them a try.
Stroganoff burger, (me) Pharm burger (TheHub) Chicken sandwich (DIL3) White oak BBQ burger (Son3) coleslaw, sweet potato fried and tater tots were the sides. I had the coleslaw and it was fantastic.

Saturday joy: TheHub, Son3 and two of his friends had tickets to the Alabama Vandy game. I stayed at the house with DIL3 and her friend M. We had a good time talking, looking at M's wedding photos and kind of sort of watching the game. I am glad I was not really invested in it because it was a stinker of a game if you were for Alabama.
Though the game was disappointing, the companionship was great and as a bonus, DIL3 had forgotten about a gig she had booked. Any ball game blues disappeared when we listened to the performance. It featured 4 singer songwriters playing and singing in the round, so we got to hear 4 very different styles of music. (Of course DIL3's was the best)
Saturday dinner: Various items from Phat Bites (the venue DIL3 played) 
I had the veggie sandwich, and cottage fries, plus something I did not order**

Sunday joy: We met Son3 and DIL3 at Rose Cafe to celebrate his actual birthday at brunch. After a nice meal (except for me because I do not eat at 10:30, but they did have great coffee)
We said our goodbyes and headed home. The ride was uneventful with the exception of getting caught in 3 different traffic standstills. We made it home well before dark. . . 
Sunday dinner: . . . but even so I was not going to cook. Purple Onion to the rescue again.
Veggie baked potato (shared once again)

Whats up for this week (possibly, maybe)
1. Veggie dinner TBD
2. Steak, tossed salad, french bread
3. Bulgogi chicken, rice, mixed green salad
4. Spaghetti with meat sauce, tossed salad
5. Out to eat
6. Big salad meal TBD
7. Some surprise meal, whatever sounds good, or is left over

Books read in October:
Bicycles, Bloomers and Great War Rationing Recipes***

*  The baked potatoes at Purple Onion are just slightly smaller than a Nerf football. Way too big for one person.

** Our very stoned waitress had no idea who was getting what. There are occasions when you just should not come in, or at least wait and do Saturday drugs after you get off from work.

*** I have no idea why I am so fascinated with rationing recipes, but I am. This book gave a glimpse into the wartime kitchen and the work of Dorothy Peel's efforts with the Ministry of Food during WW1, creating the recipes used by the nation during that time.


  1. Monday has been my laundry day for a while now too. I like to get mine all done, folded and put away immediately, which makes me feel better. The meatloaf at Cracker Barrell is so good and I like those $5 add on dinners. I'm glad to hear that Sluggy is feeling better. If you ever get a chance to try the vegetable potato from McCallister's Deli, do, as it is very good. W have a restaurant in Chattanooga called The Purple Daisy. A lot of people have been talking about THAT game this weekend. I need to check out th Bloomers and Great War Rationing Recipes

    1. Hats off to the Vandy quarterback. He ran a masterful game.

  2. Since I've been on my cruise I've not had to think about meal planning. My biggest decision has been what to order. I'm not looking forward to being home and responsible again.
    What other veg is included in the baked potato?

    1. How nice to just be able to order whatever you want. I need to get back to cooking and really want a week of doing next to nothing.

  3. Up 'til now, I'd no burning desire to visit Nashville, but Pharmacy Burgers sounds worth the drive. (Yes, I Googled their website.) Provided I can find some ready-made bechamel, I'm going to try and replicate your stroganoff burger.

  4. Your weeks always make me realise how boring and antisocial mine are...

    1. I would like this week to be much calmer. The last little bit has been excessive for me.


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