
Thursday, October 26, 2017

I Win!

My Beloved Sister and I have this little informal competition at Christmas called "Who can find the most regrettable food." The object is to look through the grocery store and find something that will totally gross the other out, buy it and wrap said food so the other will think it is just a random run of the mill gift. Thus far, I am winning with the gift of canned sausage patties.

This year, thanks to our wonderful blogging community, I came home one afternoon and found a package on the front porch. I did not think I had ordered anything but was unsure so I began to unwrap it. This is what I found inside compliments of 1st Man and 2nd Man over at Two Men and a Little Farm. If you have not visited the farm before hop over here. They always have something posted that interests me. What can I say except thank you over and over for assuring I will win again this year. I don't ever think I am a  competitive person until I remember a conversation MBS and I had. She told me I was winning at something. (I truly don't remember what she thought I was winning, probably something like having my Christmas presents wrapped mostly before Thanksgiving but I do remember my response)
It's not a competition, (Insert her real name here)___as long as I'm winning.

And what do you do once you have this wonderful canned haggis to surprise her with on Christmas Day! Why you get shiny paper, wrap it, tie it with fluffy ribbon and stick shiny things in the bow. All my adult life I have wrapped in unconventional containers, so the fact that it is a can means nothing. I have one of those weird can openers that opens cans without leaving any sharp edges and the top will fit back on it. For years I have used cans as "box" for small odd shaped items or gift cards. I am pretty sure  before she opens this she won't think "Gee Thanks, Canned Haggis"!

So once again, Thank so so much 1st Man and 2nd Man for helping my sinister side blossom again!


  1. Haggis! Hahahahahaha! Love the two men at the farm. I wish I could see your sister's face when she opens her gift.


  2. Laughing loudly. And very grateful that no-one will give me haggis (canned or otherwise).

  3. Someone once gave me a beer bottle opener which started singing really loudly when you used it. Kinda "I saw this and thought of you"!!!! I wouldn't mind but I can't remember the last time I had a beer - probably 3-4 months ago! Now if it had been a wine bottle opener ......

    1. I understand about the wine. I even keep a corkscrew in the car.

  4. That is the perfect year pickled pigs feet? A delicacy in lots of the world (and something that is actually tasty and revolting at the same time, I had a babysitter as a kid who fed me some, I have to say I loved it - she was a nice old mennonite lady)

    1. Never had them but they are at all the dive bars around here.

    2. I don't remember, but I've been told that I loved pickled pigs feet as a toddler. I was too young at that point to be grossed out by the idea, I guess.

    3. We have eaten pig's feet at Asian restaurants but never pickled ones. I will have to try one sometime.

  5. How disgusting! Sounds like a winner to me. Have you ever gotten her canned road kill or canned possum? They are out there, you know. Won't she read this and try harder?

    1. I have not but one year I found and printed Campbell's Cream of Possum soup labels and removed the cream of mushroom labels and glues the possum on on the can.

    2. I think I have seen them at Cracker Barrel. I would like to find that label.

  6. Just awesome. I like those two guys as well.

    1. I do too Sam and am incredibly grateful they are enabling my black heart!

  7. You wrapped it up very nicely! She'll never guess!

  8. I know, I tend to go overboard with wrapping and there is no difference between fine presents and those just for laughs.

  9. The best gift ever. Who can turn down canned Haggis, I mean really? Pardon the puns


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