
Monday, August 26, 2024

Foods and Fun

This was a week of large and small joys and few true disappointments. At the very least I am not still totally teed off about the road trip being cancelled, so I will take the good times, even if a few bad ones get thrown in the mix.

This week begins SEC football season and the beginning of football season houseguest. The first is due Friday afternoon, so I need to do some intense cleaning. This is not my strong suit. I could use Kim's Sissie right now!

Menu that was planned:
Chicken piccata over pasta, broccoli
Shrimp and grits, coleslaw
Korean beef over rice, Asian-ish salad
Big salad meal
Out to eat at Hot and Hot
We have a family reunion Saturday and most likely will just eat fruit  or tossed salad 
Grilled tuna steaks, tossed salad, croissants 

Joys and how close or not I followed the planned menu
Monday joy: I guess the joy was just getting the laundry done and reading, of course. Oh and did I mention the joy of air conditioning.
Monday dinner: I am trying to get out of the food rut we have been in.
Korean rice bowl, tossed salad

Tuesday joy: The day was slightly cooler, and it was actually pleasant outside Tuesday night.
Talked with Sluggy and had a lot of laughs. I know she is still recovering, but she sounds so much better than she did the last time I spoke with her! 
And another joy was getting the up-lights in front of the house installed. It makes a huge difference in the way our house looks at night. If I were a decent photographer I would post a picture, but I am not.
Tuesday dinner: Still trying to break out of our dinner rut. At least I made a different marinade this time.
Grilled tuna steaks, tossed salad, croissants

Wednesday joy: Someone told me to check out Bravo's  The Housewives Ultimate Vacation, so I did. They were in St Barths and now I know what we did wrong on our vacation. We did not dress to the  nines  have our makeup and hair done every night for dinner, while yelling and screaming at each other across the table. Instead we sat, talked, laughed and reminisced. 
Wednesday dinner: Our dinner was also one fi the days joys. We met 2 of our friends at Hot and Hot. Once again there was no yelling across the tables, just fun and laughter. I think I am very lucky to not be one of those TV famous housewives.
Tomato salad (me), grouper (TheHub) and we shared a slice of blueberry cream cake 

Thursday joy I was thrilled to go to my happy place to volunteer. Since I was supposed to be out of town most of August, we had not made plans for me to be there. As it turned out they had some free time Thursday and My Beloved Sister and I were thrilled to get to go.
Thursday dinner: I brought home a doggie bag left over from Wednesday's meal. The tomatoes needed to be used right away.
Huge salad

Friday joy: Other than running to Publix to get the bogo peanut butter, I was at home. Since I had a choice of housework or reading I naturally chose reading.
Friday dinner: Don't even believe when I went to Publix I only bought the peanut butter I specifically went to buy. I also found another sale item that meant I would not have to  really cook. To me, making a pot of rice and grating a bit of cabbage is not really cooking.
PF Chang frozen meal, rice, coleslaw

Saturday joy: Every year one of my cousins and his wife welcome the hoard to their home for a family reunion. For some reason we were not able to go last year, and it had been a couple since I had seen several of my cousins. Not only was seeing them fun, but the weather really did cooperate. We have had a few days of unseasonal really pleasant weather.  
After the reunion we stopped at a small produce stand and found some things we needed and some we just wanted.
Saturday dinner:  I knew we would not be hungry for dinner after eating such a big meal at the reunion lunch. Instead we met my cousin and her husband who live in San Antonio for drinks.
An adult beverage or two, shared flatbreads

Sunday joy: We started the day with church, came home for a less than stellar lunch, then started watching the golf tournament (or reading). It is entirely possible both sets of eyes closed during our activity of choice and a short nap followed. Sunday is the only day of the week I fall asleep during the day, but an afternoon nap seems mandatory for some reason. Of course we both "rest our eyes"  in the den. Somehow or another a nap in the bedroom would seem too self indulgent.
Sunday dinner: While at the produce stand Saturday we found something we both decided would be great for dinner, and the fact that it only had to be baked was a win in my book.
Tomato pie, mixed greens salad

Meals for the week, maybe
Shrimp and grits, coleslaw
Chicken piccata,  pasta, broccoli
Stuffed baked potato, tossed salad
Burgers, butterbean and corn salad
Ball game dinner (I will be here alone so popcorn maybe?)
Big Salad meal
Grilled pimento cheese sandwiches, coleslaw

Books read in August (I have a busy week so this might be it for the month)
The Skin Collector
Dark Archives
The Rose Code 
The Thirteenth Child
Hillbilly Elegy

Have a great week staying on plan, going off plan, or with no plan at all.

May all your weeds be wildflowers.


  1. Sounds like that you had a good week!

    1. It was a perfectly fine week. I just did not get everything done that I should have.

  2. What did you think of Hillbilly Elegy? I haven't read it. I watched the movie on Netflix and was concerned it reinforced stereotypes. One of my sisters said the book was controversial for the same reason. I'm reading Where The Light Gets In by Joyce Maynard, a sequel to Count The Ways, a novel I highly recommend. I'm glad you had time to read and go to your happy place with your sister.


    1. I was not fond of the writing style, but other than that it was a good book.

  3. I love tomato pie! Cindy in the South

    1. Me too Cindy and especially one I only have to heat to enjoy!

  4. Sounds like a good week for both food and activities. It's always good to get back to ordinary things after traveling.

    1. I figure I will get into a normal routine this week, or maybe I will decided to do the minimum and just read.

  5. Sounds like it was a very good week. I like your meal plan for the week. :)

    1. The meal plan is just a possibility depending on what I really want to do when it comes time to cook.

  6. It sounds like an excellent week. Hooray for getting to your happy place. And reading.

    1. Happy place and reading are always my favorite things in a normal week at home.

  7. I must have missed your post about canceling your road trip, but that sounds pretty disappointing. All your meals sound good. I noticed that you mentioned Durkee’s sauce — count your blessings !! It’s totally not available in our market (Michigan) because for some reason it’s considered southern.
    best, mae at

    1. My son in Oregon thought Durkee's was a southern commodity also, but was thrilled to find it at Safeway there, so who knopws?

  8. Sounds like a good week, with time with family and friends, and good meals too.

  9. Was your hair stylist, make-up artist and cameraman sick when you went to St. Barths? Whatever it was, it must have been highly contagious!

    1. Haha, yes we were unable to use all the production tools and people and just wandered around like the commoners we are really enjoying each others company.

  10. I used to be so good at meal planning, but lately it has been one day at a time. You are inspiring me.

    1. Well just because I plan does not mean I stick to it more than a few days each week.

  11. I've never seen Housewives Ultimate Vacation, but it sounds suspiciously like a few episodes of The Bachelor. (My sometimes guilty obsession.) You're so right about Publix. They must pipe something in the air ....

    1. I watched a couple of episodes and heard more yelling from women who are supposed to be friends than I have ever heard, other than moms cheering for their kids at a sporting event.

  12. Did you like the Korean rice bowl? I'm not making anything "new" this week. I got home late on Sunday, and Nick hosted teens that ate through our planned overs. So, we're digging into the freezer this week. Anyone who would like to complain can feel free to make their own meals. ;-) Last night was leftover marsala, tonight is tacos & beyond that....mystery freezer dishes! (Hawaii Planner)

    1. We thought it was great and plan on having it in our regular food rotation! Thanks for sharing the link!

  13. Tomatoe pie is so good! Yum! I was in Publix last week for buy one get one free yogurt. The new ad comes out today. I need to go. Heck it out.

    1. I skimmed over the Publix ad and didn't see anything I wanted, but I am sure once I really look at it I will change my mind. Publix is the closest store to my house so it is my stop in for just one things store, but I rarely get just one thing.

  14. I am always amazed and impressed that you make a weekly menu list. I only ever have vague ideas...


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