
Monday, February 17, 2025

A Week in the Not So Exciting Life

This week was a fairly humdrum week around here, but still enjoyable. There was no reason for it to be enjoyable, but also no reason for it not to be.

Planned but mostly didn't happen:
1. Chili, coleslaw, cornbread
2. Veggie dinner TBD
3. Smoked trout toast, shirazi salad
4. Big salad meal TBD
5. Out to eat, or takeout
6. Conecuh sausage and steamed cabbage
7. Valentine's Day meal TBD (based on weather)

Daily joys and what we really ate:
Monday joy: TheHub and I stayed around the house, except for going to ThePig to pick up both the Monday and the weekly free items. You only have to have 10 dollars of additional purchases to get the freebies and they had 4 produce things I needed that were cherry picking prices. It was a win all the way around.
Monday dinner: I should have made coleslaw to add to the meal since I had a head of cabbage in the fridge, but I did't get around to it. 
Chili, cornbread

Tuesday joy: BIL's biopsy result was negative and there was nothing bigger to be joyful about!
Tuesday dinner: We were not really hungry and this was on hand
Vegetable beef soup

Wednesday joy: This is a huge joy. After 9 weeks in the hospital BIL was able to go home.
I had class then TheHub and I did some running around, but we stayed close to home in the event My Beloved Sister needed help transporting BIL to their house (She didn't)
Wednesday dinner:  Meal compliments of the freezer, fridge, and pantry.
Country ribs, sautéed cabbage, baked potato

Thursday dinner: I had thawed some ground chuck anticipating cooking burgers, but changed plans.
Hamburger patties, with sautéed mushrooms and onions, mixed winter vegetables, dinner rolls

Friday joy: It was Valentine's Day, and though we no longer go out with the restaurant crowds to celebrate, TheHub still brought me a gorgeous rose and hydrangea bouquet and we do exchange cards.
Friday dinner: Celebratory Valentine's dinner at home
Grilled lamb chops w/ rosemary mint compound butter, tossed salad, baked potato, brownie

Saturday joy: We did a few chores, got dressed and went out for the morning to run some errands,
I have a love seat in the den that is positioned perfectly for TV watching. We have had it for decades and I have reupholstered it 3 times and is really in need of a fourth recovering, but it no longer services my needs. It had a low back and for sitting is fine, but as I have aged sometimes I doze off for a few minutes late at night and it hurts my neck. La-Z Boy was having a presidential sale and we stopped in to have a look.  30 minute later I was the owner of a love seat with adjustable footrests. Best of all it has a relatively high back so when (not if) I doze off for a few minutes, my neck won't hurt.
Plus after our running around we made it home in time to see Auburn beat Alabama in basketball. Oh well!
Saturday dinner: Once we came home I started cooking chicken quarters to make broth. Dinner that followed was inevitable.
Chicken vegetable soup

Sunday joy: We went to the communion service, church, Sunday school, home for a quick lunch then out to see "Six".  
The play is a very high energy production (though calling it a play is really a misnomer) Their voices were outstanding and the songs were all so well written. I am really glad I saw it, and did enjoy it, but I do not have to see it again.
I took the bones I had saved after cooking and deboning the chicken meat from the leg quarters Saturday, and added them into the saved liquid I had cooked them in originally. Once the liquid was hot and boiling I turned it down to a simmer and left it for the rest of the day. The results of the entire process in addition 5 bags of cooked chicken was 7 quarts of broth. Nice return on the 5 bucks I spent for the chicken quarters.
And an entirely unrelated question: I have been wondering why after a week of springlike weather, did winter have to come back. I had to move my plants back in the house, and now have hibiscus  and lime trees blooming in my kitchen . 
Once I get a taste of spring, I am through with winter, but it seems it is not through with me.
Sunday dinner:  We just wanted a simple dinner. 
Mac and cheese, turnip greens, corn relish

What could possibly be on the menu this week:
1. Stuffed bell pepper soup, coleslaw, cornbread
2. Pork chops, mashed potatoes, green beans, cooked carrots
3. Chicken divan, cucumber slices, dinner rolls
4. Veggie dinner TBD
5. Tacos or taco salad (weather dependent)
6. Soup TBD (depending on what I decide to make)
7. Out to eat (I am meeting several of my female cousins for dinner and gabbing)

Books Read in February:
Confessions of a Christmasoholic
Long List
A Confederacy of Dunces (a re-read)

Have a great week staying on plan, going off plan or with no plan at all

May all your weeds be wildflowers.


  1. An F 1 tornado came within a mile, as the crow flies, of my current residence in the south central part of the state. It destroyed a few mobile homes and I feel badly for those folks but thankfully, they are ok physically. Power was out but it is back on now. I am not loving the afterwards ice cube weather. It needs to go away and stay away! Cindy in the South

    1. I saw there was a tornado. Glad you are ok and like you I am sorry people lost their homes but glad they are unhurt.

  2. I am so happy to hear your BIL is home now and his tests were negative. Is this going to be a chronic thing or is he one the road to recovery? I love "A Confederacy of Dunces" I first read it when I lived in New Orleans and everything he talked about was very familiar.

  3. I am also! He has some chronic conditions but hopefully all the procedures he had will make those manageable

    1. I am also so happy that your bio is doing so much better! Cindy in the South

  4. It's a great news that you bil is now home and better. So I would say it's a pretty good week, Anne.

    1. I am so happy for both BIL and My Beloved Sister. The hospital ordeal was trying for both of them.

  5. That's wonderful news about your BIL!!! I'm so happy for you all!

  6. Such good news that your BIL's test results were negative and he is home now! May he continue to feel well.
    Your meals, both planned and actual, sound great. I have mac & cheese on the yet to be finalized meal plan and maybe pork chops. I cooked salmon, today, and there are planned overs for another day, much to my daughter's delight. :)

    1. I have been trying to plan just what we will eat for one meal since TheHub is not fond of leftovers (at least if he knows they are leftover). The downside is I don't seem to be able to cook just enough for 2 servings of anything.

  7. So glad that your bil is home and biopsy was negative! What great news!
    Sounds like a good week. My husband took me to see "Six" a couple of years ago for my birthday, and we enjoyed it, but don't think I want to see it again either.
    Our week was a bit too exciting for me. We had an ice storm last week, and were without power for 5 days. Trees down everywhere, but thankfully none came down on our house or buildings. Expecting more snow tomorrow, but hopefully no ice this time.
    Have a great week.

    1. I had much rather have a boring week than face the excitement like y'all had. We have only been through a major ice storm a couple of times in my life, and it is something I do not need to experience again.

  8. We'll get fooled through April with hints of spring. By May, surely I can feel safe. I've gotten little accomplished for weeks outside bare minimum required for life.

    1. February here can be a little dicey, but we were having a very different fake spring this year. Daffodils are up everywhere and quince is blooming. My redbud trees are covered in little lilac buds and it is still just on the down side of February. Usually by March we are very temperate with an occasional cooler day and all this would be happening.

  9. So happy to hear your BIL is home now and on the mend. Your meals all sound delicious especially the lamb chops. I need to make those soon, it's been awhile. How was the book Confessions of a Christmasoholic? Sounds good.

    1. The Christmas book is not something I would recommend unless you like a lot of graphic sex in the middle of what would otherwise be a cute little Hallmark story. There were three of four sections of the book I left totally unread because it is not my cup of tea.

    2. Thanks. Yeah not interested in a Christmas story with graphic sex. lol

  10. I am so happy your BIL is home. I know it was a tough time for your dear sister, and didn't realize it had been 9 weeks. Love that you got a new chair!

    1. He was admitted to the hospital the day before Thanksgiving, released the day before New Year's Eve then back in on the 2nd. It has been a very difficult time for them, but he is doing so much better now.

  11. Replies
    1. I did not get around to the smoked trout and it is still in the freezer. I might have it this week after all.

  12. I am so happy about your BIL results. That is a huge win!

    1. Yep we all think nothing better could have happened last week

  13. Congrats on the new love seat. More so, your BIL's new lease on life!

  14. Wonderful news to hear that your BIL results were clear and he has been released from hospital. I hope he has a good recovery.


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