
Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Just In Case You Don't Understand The South

I am new to the podcast world.  For some reason I didn't get the podcast memo and had no idea how much fun they could be. Go ahead and call me tragically unhip. It won't offend me because I know I am.

Son1 tries to keep me in the loop of what is hot and what is not, generally unsuccessfully, but he insisted I snag S-Town, set in Woodstock, Alabama.  It is an extremely small town located between Birmingham and Tuscaloosa so I thought I would give it a try.

The podcast is part of an NPR hour long broadcast, This American Life. It is an investigative murder series hosted by Brian Reed.  It began with a series of telephone calls to Reed from a rather eccentric Woodstock local, John B. McLemore, horologist, gardener, depressive,  and master critic of life. It can be found here.

I am adding this warning, the language is strong, and this story is anything but typical of our area, but people like this are around.  It took about 15 minutes for this series to suck me in completely. The best thing about a podcast is that it is like a teacup poodle, easily totable.  As long as I have a pocket and my cell phone I can listen to it anywhere and any time.

If you want to hear a tale of drinking, drugs, rednecks, death, tattoos, racism, secret mazes, misfits, conspiracy, global warming, and every other thing you can imagine  (or even things you've never begun to imagine) this might be for you. Even if you those things are not in your wheelhouse this series is so compelling that you might want to at least listen to episode 1.

If you do listen to it, tall me what you think.  I plan on heading to Woodstock soon just to see what is out there, and maybe go to the lumber yard there just because I feel I need to go.


  1. Anne,
    I made it to 3:07 and quit. It does sound very interesting, but nothing is loud enough coming from my computer. I will get J to tell me how to get this on my Android. Who am I kidding? I will have her do it! Maybe exbf listens to this. If not, I will have him listen, sure he will love it.

    If I am going to listen to something, I like it loud enough I can go to the bathroom and still hear it. Or, I can walk around the kitchen working and not have to strain for words spoken. I suppose I will get out my boom box and see if it will pick up this. MAYBE, I would like to listen to in the car.

    Great idea and sounds so interesting. I jist love the local crazies! But, I have to figure out how to get this going. Thanks

    1. Oh, I got to thinking, just realized. This is not NPR on radio! So, radio won't work for that nor can exbf listen in his car. So, the Android it is.

    2. I just keep my phone in my pocket and go from room to room listening

    3. Anne,
      My phone is not as loud as yours, I suspect. Maybe I could hang it around my neck.

  2. Remember I didn't tell you about this one and if anyone asks I will deny it.......

    1. OK, and what was the first thing I did? Search for the podcast, oh yeah!

  3. Anything from This American Life will suck me in.

  4. I occasionally listen to "The Big Listen" on NPR which reviews podcasts. I heard discussions on both the one you and slugmama mentioned. There are so many podcasts I want to listen to, so I'm gonna have to figure out the best way to do it. Presently I have a flip phone so I'll have to look beyond that.

  5. They are an easy way to listen and do other things.

  6. Podcasts? Colour me ignorant.
    Later perhaps.
    Thanks for the nudge...

    1. I had heard of them before but never indulged. Now I know why I didn't. Color me addicted!

  7. I have rarely listened to a podcast, i don't listen to radio either. I must miss out on a lot of good stuff but I just prefer quiet.
    having said all that, you make S town look pretty attractive!

    1. Attractive or horrific? I am not exactly sure which but I was reeled in immediately.

  8. I will have to give it a listen once I'm not at work.

    1. It centers on one particularly colorful character and his thoughts about___well, about everything.

  9. Not my cup of tea. Blessings to you dearie!
    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage

    1. It is not for everyone, which is why I made sure no one would download it without warnings.


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