
Monday, July 11, 2022


You all know what they say about where the road to good intentions leads. This was one of those weeks that my intentions and actions did not coincide. I had every intention  of beginning keto on Tuesday, but I didn't. I did not eat badly, but ___.
Anyway I regret declaring I was beginning it, when obviously I did not.

As soon as I typed the word "regret" I knew what song I would use for this post. I think Miss Otis Regrets has such a beautiful melody and I especially love Ellis Marsalis' touch on the piano. This is one of those songs I play often. Hope you enjoy. 

Stuff I planned on making:
1. July 4th meal: ribs, corn on the cob, coleslaw, watermelon
2. Greek chicken, green beans, rice pilaf or caulirice pilaf
3. Grilled steak, salad
4. Big salad meal
5. Veggie dinner TBD after I hit the produce stand
6. Out to eat
7. BLT's

Stuff I actually made (or bought):
Monday: The Fourth of July came and with it brought a traditional 4th meal.
BBQ ribs, corn on the cob, coleslaw, watermelon, ice cream bars

Tuesday: I made a quick run to the produce stand and this was the result.
Peas, okra, tomato slices, cucumber slices

Wednesday: I wanted to have a dinner that could be made and in the refrigerator. We planned a pre-dinner night swim and after swimming I hate to cook.
Huge chopped salad with cheese

Thursday: My sister and I swam laps, then just had a pool day. I did not even begin to feel like cooking so I didn't.
Meatloaf, okra, turnip greens, cornbread takeout from Fried Green Tomatoes

Friday: It was hot, miserably hot and who wants to heat up the kitchen when the outside is steamy?Thanks to the grill and air fryer for salvaging some semblance of cooking.
Cheeseburger salad, sweet potato fries

Saturday: TheHub worked at the office and I ran our usual Saturday morning doings. We both got home in time for a late lunch. I meant to swim but I kept hearing thunder in the distance. It did not stay distant very long and with the lightning we had high winds and a gully washer. So much for grilling out 
Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches

Sunday: It was hot and humid. Much to hot to cook inside 
Grilled steak, corn on the cob, tossed salad

This week our peppers and green beans are coming in like gang busters so meals have to be planned around them:
1 Philly cheesesteak casserole, coleslaw
2 Italian sausage with peppers, onions ,squash, green beans and tomatoes
3 Raw veggies and cheese or dip
4 Grilled chicken, basque peppers, lettuce wedge
5.Turkey cheeseburger salad
6 Fettuccine Alfredo, green beans, salad
7 Out to eat or takeout 

I am not using the K word though with very slight substitutions everything above is K compliant. Fingers crossed!

Have a great week staying on plan, going off plan, or with no plan at all.

ps. The storm Saturday knocked out everything but electrical power. I can’t post comments from my phone but know I have read every blog from the past two days


  1. I have a great grilled zucchini recipe I've discovered, if that's your jam. Easy & so good! Especially easy if you're already firing up the grill

    1. This looks great and we fire up the grill several times a week during the summer.

    2. Grilling is our favorite way to cook zucchini.

  2. Having a lot of peppers would be a great windfall. I love them cooked irritated, or raw with dips and hummus. Our farmers market was lean, but by August hopefully the tomatoes and peppers will come. Love peas too.

    1. We have peppers coming out of our ears right now. I am incorporating them in everything and eating them raw as snacks.

  3. We only lost power for a little while; unfortunately, the lightening killed my aging computer. After confirming there was no hope, the folks at Office Depot were happy to sell us another. :( Fingers crossed they can successfully transfer most of the content from the old hard drive!

    1. We did not lose power, just everything Spectrum related. I am not complaining because several streets adjoining mine lost power from Saturday at about 4 until sometime this morning. I had coffee, a/c, and books so life was just fine.

  4. That was one noisy gully washer with wind blowing it all sideways. It was quite spectacular, but we lost nothing, thankfully.

  5. Hello there! Don't you just love the fresh produce this time of year?? Makes meal planning easier. Although sometimes I get overwhelmed with so many choices! And LOVE peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

    1. I do love all the produce, but right now my peppers and green beans are over-producing!

  6. Din Din is a phrase I haven't heard in years. And took me time travelling...

  7. I do love a good storm as long as it does not affect me:)

  8. My 220 wall plug and my air conditioner/heater combo was fried at my work house. I was at weekend home in ttown when the gully washer happened so didn’t know until I came back. Yikes! I am just glad it didn’t burn the house down. Apparently, lightning……Cindy in the South

    1. I'm sorry about the house. I guess the entire state got the storms!

  9. I've been planning to start a keto diet for the last 5 years. HA! Great menues. Glad to hear your peppers and green beans are thriving.

    1. I am starting tomorrow! Definitely tomorrow unless something comes up and then I will start Wednesday, unless . . .

  10. pool days and cheeseburger salad sound good. Huge storms and high temperatures, less good

    1. The huge storms come every summer along with the excessive temps. They did bring a tad cooler weather so that is a bonus.

  11. I would love some grilled steak too. We are going to have some really hot days this week, so I just filled my freezer with lots of ice cream :-))

  12. Your meal plans always seems really tasty. That sounds like it was a really bad storm!

    1. The storm was a real storm but not as bad as some I have seen recently, so its al; good.

  13. I just picked a mess of beans last night from our garden. We'll probably have them tonight.

  14. I really like the idea of Philly cheesesteak casserole -- much as I love the traditional sandwich, this is a much more rationale way to serve this dish.

    1. It is truly good. I don't even bother sticking it in the oven anymore because we just don't care.

  15. Replies
    1. They are mostly pretty basic, keeping as cool as possible with this blooming heat.

  16. we are freezing here in brisbane (it has been a long and cold winter which is sooo unusual for brisbane) so it is funny to read how hot it is in the UK and US. oh the weather these days ...

    1. It is never truly cold here. We have occasional cold snaps but they rarely last more than three days.


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