
Monday, January 20, 2025

And another week's rollin"

It seems like I have just turned around from Christmas and now January is headed toward its end, and time just keeps on rolling.

What was planned that mostly did not happen:
Greek lamb chops, rice and some green vegetable side (TBD)
Grilled steak, baked potato, tossed salad
Eggroll in a bowl
Veggie meal TBD
Take out
Chicken bulgogi, broccoli, rice

Monday joy: I was able to volunteer at my happy place and nothing is better for my soul than to be around the participants of Independence Place. 
Before I left to go there Son2 stopped by the house for a minute. It is always good to see him. 
And I think TheHub is maybe, perhaps, finally officially retired. (The jury is still out though)
Monday dinner:  We decided to grab some take out from a nearly Persian restaurant.
Spinach hand pies, Sharizi salad

Tuesday joy: This was one of those stay at home and do little days. I was happy to oblige! Laundry took up a little time but other than that I did some reading.
Tuesday dinner: I had thawed some chicken and had everything else on hand.
Chicken bulgogi, rice, coleslaw

Wednesday joy: I had plans to have lunch 3 cousins at a spectacular meat and three place. We ate at Nikki's on Finley. I have no idea how long it has been operating but it has been around as long as I can remember, undergoing several additions. The food is so good and is my absolute favorite place to go fro a veggie meal, but you had better know what you want the minute one of the people on the cafeteria line ask what you want. The place is a little intimidating for a rookie!
We enjoyed the food and had a lot of laughs shared lots of stories from our childhood.
Wednesday dinner: Unfortunately for TheHub I had eaten a big lunch and did not want to cook. This is when having leftovers comes in so handy.
Wednesday dinner:Vegetable soup

Thursday joy: TheHub and I went out to lunch and ran a few errands. It was a lovely day with very mild temperatures. 
Thursday dinner: I had forgotten TheHub had a fundraiser dinner that night so I scrounged through the fridge to use some leftovers. Was it good? Nope but it was filling.
Leftover beanie weenies, coleslaw
Friday joy: TheHub was bored being at home and went grocery shopping with me. I am not crazy having a shopping buddy, but will admit after cherry picking 3 different stores, it was pretty nice to have another set of hands to help get the groceries in and put them away. I stocked up with enough produce for the week. The forecast for the week was severe colds and I don't do cold well. 
Friday dinner:  We had eaten a bowl of veggie soup for lunch Friday and neither of us wanted much for dinner. 
Cilantro lime chicken over naan

Saturday joy : I got a phone call from My Beloved Sister fairly early Saturday morning. She was backing out of her garage and clipped the garage door, which knocked it off of its track. It would not go down, but she needed to get to the hospital before the docs made their rounds. She found someone who could do the repair, so I volunteered to go meet them so she could get on her way.  TheHub went with me which turned out to be a good thing because he got the guy to check places on the door I would never have thought of.
After taking care of that we came home and watched Alabama basketball. While we were watching, I did some preemptive cooking for the predicted cold weather. I like having some heat and serve meals when the temperatures drop so I can spend more time under a blanket on the couch reading rather than cooking.
Saturday dinner: We are absolutely not opposed to meatless meals and had leftover naan to use
Veggie pizza on naan

Sunday joy: We are trying very hard to establish a new church habit that includes going earlier to include a 30 minute communion service before church. 
I am not a morning person and to have hair done, a face on, and appropriate clothes (tights are needed right now and somehow I get them twisted nearly every time I put them on then have to re-do) and be out the door in a somewhat reverent mood by 7:30 is very hard for me. But I am doing it and love hearing the informal message prior to receiving communion.
Plus, there are coffee urns right before you enter the chapel. Our traditional church service is liturgical and a little formal. I would never drink a cup of coffee there. I guess this is a reward for being there so early.
I wonder if the church might consider having a sweats and slippers morning?
After that we went to the traditional service, then to Sunday school, rushed home and ate a piece of cheese toast before heading downtown to see "Annie". 
I was not excited when I saw it was on the Birmingham Broadway series this year, but we started buying season tickets many years (like very many years) ago, and each year we were able to get much better seats. We have been in our current seats for years now, and as long as we continue purchasing the season, we can keep them. My theory is if we buy the season we might as well go ,whether it is a play we really want to see or not. 
Have any of you ever had zero expectations of anything and then were blown off your feet? That happened Sunday. Equity shows always have some very talented performers, but this particular cast was filled with them. I thoroughly enjoyed everything about the play, but hope Annie will not be repeated for a long, long time. 
In our playbill we got a sneak preview of the next season. Looks like I will be seeing "Wicked" for the 5th time (groan) but I'm looking forward to seeing "& Juliet" and "Kimberly Akimbo". The rest of the season I am pretty neutral about, but that is OK.
Once home we turned on the remainder of the Eagles game, ate a quick supper, then watched the Baltimore/Buffalo. Being at home and watching the games both played in the snow was much nicer than being there. At least for me it was. Crowds and freezing would be a no-go for me, even if I lived in either of those places.  Fly Eagles, Fly!
Sunday dinner: We were not particularly hungry
Chicken soup

Planned (maybe) for this abnormally cold week:
1. Soup and roll
2. Soup and cornbread
3. Hamburger patty, yellow rice, broccoli
4. Pork pastor salad
5. Out to eat
6. Eggroll in a bowl
7. Chili, coleslaw, cornbread

What I read in January:
The God of the Woods
Half Mammals of Dixie
The Secret Book of Flora Lee

Have a great week staying on plan, going off plan, or with no plan at all.
May all your weeds be wildflowers.

*My great aunt was named Flora Lee so I had to borrow the book. 
Likewise I have to occasionally listen to this version of Willie Mae (another great aunt's name)


  1. It sounds like a good week. I am so glad that you could get back to your happy place and that you could help your beloved sister. And how well I know that need to get to the hospital before the doctors finish their rounds.

    1. Yep, if you are not there by the time they are making their rounds you might not find anything critical until the next day.

  2. It sounds like you had a nice week and I'm glad you were able to visit your favorite place. It was 5 degrees when I came to work this morning. A tad bit chilly. I hear you all are in for an artic blast with possible snow. Good plan on cooking ahead. Naps and reading under a cozy blanket are mandatory for that kind of weather. Have a great week and stay warm.

    1. 5 degrees just make my southern self cringe. A tad chilly for me is 35. 5 is beyond cold!

  3. If your church allows coffee in with communion service, the should be okay with sweats. They could get some recliners, too.

    1. I am not sure it is "allowed" but it is available and I took advantage of it. I am pretty sure God does not give two hoots what anyone wears to church, but I grew up wearing "Sunday" clothes and even though slacks are perfectly acceptable now, I can't do it.
      Recliners would be a dead giveaway if the sermon was boring.

  4. Kay has been cold since fall here. I think it must be a different kind of cold.

    1. My body can handle hot weather just fine. I might be hot but I can adjust, plus I know the rules about wearing only cotton and keeping my hair up. I like winter but I like our normal winters Days below freezing are not our norm.

  5. It's been a long time since I've heard Professor Longhair. That was fun. :)

    1. I listen to him off and on all the time. There are a couple of his songs that I love, especially Tipitina which is on one of my often listened to playlists.

  6. Have a great day my friend.

  7. All of our meat and three places have shut down, it’s too bad s they were so good. I’m glad to hear your dh is finally, hopefully retired. Not holding your breath though? 😂 Annie and the church service both sound enjoyable, especially the coffee, how nice.

    1. I would never take coffee into the sanctuary, but the chapel for the early service is an exception I am willing to make.

  8. I am freezing.
    Cindy in the South

    1. Also, I am sort of comatose from a flight out west Friday morning and flew back to Atlanta Sunday night, then drove four hours home. It was snowy and cold out West, and it will be icy/snowy and cold here this week. I cannot believe we are having a snowstorm in South Alabama! Cindy in the South

    2. I am cold too! I know it's cold when I need to wear socks and shoes in the house instead of my normal house footwear___flip flops.

  9. You had a good week. What's a Sharizi salad?

    1. It might be just what the restaurant calls their minced cucumber, onion, tomato, mint salad in a vinaigrette dressing. Whatever it actually is the dressing and the fresh veggies are delicious.

  10. I'm not a morning person either (yay retirement) but right now I'm up at the crack of dawn in freezing weather waiting for my electrician to arrive. I'm ok once I'm up, but getting out of that nice warm bed in the freezing cold is hell!

    1. To me the most brutal thing of this cold weather is getting out of a hot shower. Our master bath is never warm and this cold makes it feel like walking from a steam bath into a refrigerator.

  11. Sounds like a lovely week. I hope it warms up to your normal temperatures, soon. :)

    1. I'm not asking for hot, just normal. I think it is supposed to be back to normal by the end of the week

  12. You may have mentioned it before, but is the place you volunteer a nursing home or similar?

    1. It is a day only non-profit aimed at spiritual development, living skills, recreation, and socialization for special needs adults. I love the time I get to spend there because I leave having been given so much more than I could ever give them. The entire place radiates joy (most of the time)

  13. You didn't mention your husband going into work once - he truly must be retired!
    As a Canadian, I feel the need to apologize for the cold. My son texted on Sunday that it was -35C/-31F with a windchill of -45C(-53F). That cold weather had to go somewhere, I guess.

    1. He did have to run and take care of a few things at the lawyers office, and he has had several phone calls each day, but he can handle them from his office at the house. It is not yet complete retirement, but he is mostly retired.

  14. Not a fan of Annie, yet I love live theater. Unfortunately, we've few nearby venues; probably just as well since 'someone' has a habit of falling asleep. Did you ever have an opportunity to see "Forever Plaid"?

    1. Annie is not my favorite play but this cast was exceptional. Each traveling cast usually has a couple of performers who are outstanding, but this cast was filled with them. Really fine talent can turn a ho hum play into something spectacular!


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