
Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Oh no, just 51 weeks till Christmas

I began this Christmas prep post last week and plan to continue it until the week before Christmas 2025 to keep my resolve strong but also to keep me accountable. I am pretty sure there will be weeks when I do absolutely nothing and I will post that. Honest reporting! So this is my update for the 51st week until the big day.

This week saw few purchases for Christmas, other than buying some deeply discounted Christmas wrapping paper and gift tags. 

One of the first thing I did this past week was create a Christmas folder to keep hard copies of any ideas or templates I find that I might want to use for next year. I will store it with my cookbooks for easy access.

I decided one thing I need to do is to try new to me Christmas recipes (at least one a month) to possibly add to my Christmas baking, which was virtually nonexistent this past holiday. 

I tried a recipe for gingerbread cake. It is not something I ever make, but I remember Mom making it when I was a kid. I had no tried and true recipe to use, so I just tried a googled small batch recipe.* I think making the same size recipe would be a nice small addition to the assorted dessert tray I have out for Christmas brunch.

Though most of my Christmas decorations were packed away, normally I leave the Dickens village  up through January.  I really do like the way the lights from the little houses make the corner cabinets in the dining room sparkle. This year I had to take it down much sooner than I wanted to. 
To created elevations in the scene  I have always used books. I just don't like the way it looks with everything on the same plane. The houses on different levels make the village look a little visually more interesting.
Sadly I could not find a particular book I needed for class this week. After searching the house for it, I remembered all those books underneath the snow scene. So not even a week into January I had to start taking it down.
(The book was not there after all! No clue where I might have put it.)
At some point in the process of disassembling the village I had an AHA! moment. It was something I should have thought of years ago, but I didn't. 
I got some card stock and traced the bases of each house to use as  template to make wooden risers sometime between now and October. After measuring the bases I should be able to cut them out of 4x4's. I think I will cut 3 for each house, then can decide the height I want at a later date. Since my aim is to be completely decorated before Thanksgiving I want the bases cut, glued and ready to put underneath the "snow" by early November.

And that is the update for this week. I could probably do more, but why? I have a lot of time before Christmas comes again. (Which is some seriously bad thinking on my part, and why I was not prepared for this past season.)

* Small batch gingerbread cake
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
2 tablespoons butter, softened
2 tablespoons granulated sugar
1/4 cup molasses ( not blackstrap)
1 egg yolk
2/3 cup flour
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ginger
1/4 teaspoon ground cloves
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup hot water

In a small bowl stir the butter until it is creamy (a wooden spoon works fine for this entire recipe)
Add the sugar and molasses and beat well. Toss in the dry ingredients and mix well, then add hot water and beat until the batter is smooth.
Spray a 5x5 inch pan (if you don't have a pan that size bake it in 4 greased muffin tins) with cooking spray and put batter in the pan. If you want you can use a spatula to smooth the batter, or be like me and just hit the bottom of the pan several times to level the batter.
Bake  for about 25 minutes.
Let is cool a bit before serving.
It was very good and I will make it again this winter but might add chopped walnuts before I bake it.


  1. Smart idea to make bases for different elevations of the houses! Makes for a more interesting setup. After years of not putting up a tree (due to a crazy cat), I decided that next Christmas I want a tree. We thought of looking for after Christmas sales on artificial ones, but then we'd have to store it, so we decided we'll go all out and get a small real tree and see what happens!

    1. I have trained crazy cats from my tree for years. The first year I put very few breakables on it and block the bottom with fake gift boxes. The second year the breakables are wired to the branches, gift boxes are under it. In the thrid year they just ignore it. Good Luck! Oh and I have 3 full sized trees, my mom's navitity gets put up in my room Dec 23rd and put away Dec 26th for the first 4-5 years. I have a girl who knocks everything on the floor. IT might take longer this time.

    2. We have 2 very old artificial trees and I was looking at upgrading during the after Christmas sales. I found one I loved but at 867 bucks, I realized how much I love my two very old trees.

  2. I am so not ready to think about Christmas again yet. Which is probably why it sneaks up on me each and every year.

    1. It snuck up[ on me with a vengeance this year and I will at least try to keep that from happening again.

  3. I make a similar gingerbread cake - it's not too sweet and offsets some of the sugar high from the rest of the goodies. Except this year when we added caramel icing!
    A past friend (long story) used to put out a Christmas village that was huge - it took up about 1/3 of their den. They created various heights as well using risers as their collection grew. It was always fun to see but took a lot of time and effort to put it together. Have fun with it!

    1. Funny, we were eating the cake plain and I had a thought that caramel icing would be very good on it.
      I have friends who have displays like that. I am content with my two corner cabinet tops.

  4. I love the idea of trying new recipes before the actual holiday. I will add that to my list also. Making bases is a great idea to give the different elevations of the houses. That will be a good project to get done to enjoy during the holidays.

    1. If you try some recipes that are particularly successful and would like to share on the weekly post, please feel free to.

  5. I love this idea and may join you, because I too want to be ready for the holidays, with a lot less stress. We had home repairs this past season, but I have already started collecting items for a gift idea for some of the kiddos and their families (some married, some not). I actually have a Christmas binder, so like you recipes will be on the to-do list.

    1. Welcome to the party! If you would like post your Christmas preps in the comments each week. I get a lot of inspiration from others.
      I have a Christmas book I keep for everyones sizes, gift ideas and purchases, and Christmas card list, but I have never had a binder strictly for potential ideas. I think I am going to like it.

  6. You are on the ball, Anne. Kudos to you!

    1. I am not really on the ball. More like trying to rectify my behind the 8 ball Christmas '24

  7. Christmas all year? I love it. I never got my penguins made, because I was too sick and coughing for over a month. I may make penguins in the summer. I use boxes for risers because I like the elevation, too. I used a length of brushed fabric over all to make a mountain for houses higher. I loved the look. But, that has not gone up for five years.

    That is a small cake. Could you use a mini cupcake pan?

    1. I like putting them out. I have trees and people and carriages and whatnots that add to the scene.
      I am not going to do Christmas all year, but I am going to prep for it. Hopefully weekly, but probably not every single week. Of course I may throw some auxiliary holiday preps into the "Oh no" posts. I mean Chinese new year is just around the corner.

  8. Great 'fix' to enhance your little village's appeal! My Tom doesn't care for gingerbread, but I may make this yet before Winter's over. This sounds nuts, but every time I wash my hands (Mrs. Meyers Gingerbread) I get to craving it. (And no, while I never had my mouth washed out with soap, that's not on my bingo card.)

    1. I always have levels but I have used books in the past. I think wooden risers cut to fit would be a smarter way to display them.
      Pretty sure gingerbread soap might not satisfy the taste buds!

  9. I get this. It is good to think about changes while they are fresh in our minds. I am keeping a normally throw away advent to refill with a better selection for next year. My village had houses I didn't buy 20 years ago and I am stalking ebay for them. I don't need paper, bows or other present related things. I am recording who sent cards and evaluating my list. I had 2 friend say they think they got it but can't remember. This may mean it isn't a valuable activity and they need to come off my list. Not a punishment but maybe adding an elderly neighbor or old college friend back into the list would be better.

    1. This year I did not send all the cards I would have liked to. I felt rotten most of the Christmas season and did not feel like standing in line at the post office to buy stamps. I like sending them to people I know even if they don't send them back. It's a small way I can let them know I am thinking of them.
      I have way too many houses, but I do love the way they look when set up.
      I am stalking ebay for Byers Choice carolers. I have 5 of them each represented our family. However the blonde mom and dad carolers are now gray, and the 3 little boys are men. We also have added 3 DIL's and a granddaughter so I am on watch for some extras (including 2 old folks)

  10. I love ginger bread or anything with ginger flavor.

    1. I do too! I had forgotten how good warm gingerbread cake is.

  11. I think you should make lollipops out of pool noodles! Who'd have thunk it?

    1. I could but the front of our house is always decorated with a more formal look. I guess I could make and put them in the backyard, but no one but us would ever see them

  12. Will I find that recipe when I want to try it? Who knows, but sounds delicious. I didn't set my village up this year due to psychotic kitten. Maybe next year but I took like tiering the scenery.

  13. I know I'll enjoy your Christmas preparations throughout the year because I love Christmas! I hope you'll post a photo of your Dickens village when you put it up next Christmas. Christmas villages are adorable. I'm going to try making the gingerbread cake. The recipe looks like something I'll enjoy. Thanks for sharing.


    1. I will take photos once the village is in place next year. Right now they are all on the dining room table waiting for my lazy rear to pack them and move them upstairs.

  14. I think I shall try that gingerbread recipe, if only because it doesn't call for eggs. With a dozen large eggs selling for $8.99 over here, I've been looking for eggless cakes and muffins.

    1. I forgot to add the 1 egg yolk when I posted the recipe. Have you tried making flax eggs for recipes. 1 tablespoon flax seed and 3 tablespoons water = 1 egg. You just have to mix and let it sit until it is about the same viscosity as an egg. Flax seed is fairly inexpensive compared to the current cost of eggs

    2. No, I haven't tried flax seeds, yet. I did read that yogurt, bananas, and applesauce can all be substituted for eggs in baking.

  15. We're in a phase of life where we're not exactly sure on schedules (college finals, which college DS17 will go to), which impacts timing & potential ski plans for the holidays. Not to mention GF family schedules, which friends are available, etc. That's really the area I wish I could plan in advance, but I've come to terms with it not being possible until much later in the year.

    As far as decorations, we don't actually celebrate Christmas here, so we keep things very simple: lights on the exterior roof line, a tree, and a mantle piece with lights & decoration. It takes about an hour to do the interior work, and a couple of hours for the exterior.

    I bake one item each season (cardamom bread) & that can't be made that far in advance.

    As far as gifts go, I only buy for DH & my two teens, and the needs & asks also will come in likely hot, after Thanksgiving. I've tried to pre-buy, but find that needs & preferences have often changed before Christmas arrives. So, those also have to be purchased at the last moment.

    But, I love reading about Christmas prep, so excited to follow along!

    (Hawaii Planner)

  16. I have no idea if any of our sons will even be in town next Christmas, but I plan on at the very least being able to entertain some friends. I just want to be ready no matter which way the wind blows.
    I do not buy presents in advance unless I hear someone say they want something specific. I do keep a running list of things they mention. Ex. I have some olive wood salad hands that one of the DILs talked about every time she ate here. It was a no brainer to pick them up for her when I saw them early in the year.

  17. Yum! I am looking at recipes in a library this week. Finding some neat ideas for even gifting too. I may be posting soon.


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