The following is what happened on the 50th week before Christmas (Sounds like the beginning of a police drama doesn't it)
I have been hawking ebay trying to find some more Byers Choice Carolers. When TheHub and I were substantially younger and our sons were just kids I bought 5 carolers that roughly represented us. At the time we were a household of 2 adults, 2 guys, and a guy toddler (all blondes). I set that out every Christmas until this year and did not set it up at all.
The main reason I didn't was because I was sick and just did not feel like digging through the holiday closet. But as I was thinking about it, our family has been added to over the years and I need to find carolers to represent us as we are now.
TheHub and I are naturally gray* (though in my mind I will always be a blonde), the sons are all adult men, we have 3 DIL's and of course Pip.
So I want a caroler for each family member, but I don't want to pay retail for them.
As is, I can use the existing blonde man for Son 1, 2 or 3 and the existing blonde woman for DIL3. I'll save the other figures because who knows what the future will bring
As luck (or constant stalking) would have it I found a woman of a certain age with gray hair, and a lovely brunette woman caroler whose nose is a little scuffed, but I can fix that easily. 4 down 5 to go!
I would like to have the rest before the end of October, so I will be looking for them daily, but I do have some time. Again this mention of having time is what screwed up my holiday plans this past year.
My mom knitted a Christmas stocking for me when I was a baby, then made one for my beloved sister when she was born. Because she never got rid of the pattern she made one for TheHub when we got married and followed with one for each of our sons. DIL1’s grandmother made her one when she was a baby and it is very similar to the one Mom made and of course she did not want an another one, The last one Mom made was for Pip. By that time her cognitive decline had begun and it took Dad counting each stitch for her
When Sons 2 and 3 married Dad was no longer with us and he was the only one who could keep her focused.
DIL3 is very skilled at knitting and had asked for the pattern. Either My Beloved Sister or I have it ___somewhere. I decided I would see if I could just find the pattern online. While looking I found not just the pattern but a kit that also included the yarn. I bought 2 kits. I know DIL3 can make her own and possibly DIL2’s. If not, I will need to hire someone to do it since my knitting skills are abysmal. Although, if you want a wonky scarf, I am your go-to guy!
So that would be the end of my prep for week 50. Maybe week 49 will be a bit better.
*Naturally gray does not mean I have that color of hair all the time. I might been seen with gray, blonde, or auburn hair. Life is uncertain and I am not about to be predictable.
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