I begin each week with a meal plan, and a plan for the week's activities and chores. Then I see something shiny and become distracted. That is when things change and I start mentally wandering from whatever task or plan I had.
Monday joy: I stayed home doing a few chores in the morning, before running a few errands. My latest pet peeve and the reason for one of my errands concerns the US Post Office.
We no longer have any free standing mailboxes outside the Post Office. It seems people break into them then wash checks. Even our neighborhood mail carrier no longer picks up outgoing mail from our home mailbox.
Before I could run mail to a drive up box near my house, right before pick-up time. Now I have to get out of my car, go into the P.O., and stick it in the mail slot, which means I have to at least be presentable enough so I won't scare dogs or small children. Thanks A-holes that ruin things for everyone!
While I was out and about a crew came to "trim" the crepe myrtles in my yard. Crepe murder was more like it. They had been given a flattop rather than a trim. Yes I know they will grow out during the summer, but they will look really funny until then. For the record evidently TheHub told them to do it that way. I will choose my battles carefully and crepe murder is not one of them.
TheHub went with me in the late afternoon to run a few errands and do a little shopping. The Pig's Monday special coupon was a 24 case of water for 99¢. We don't drink bottled water normally, but keep it on hand for traveling. I only get their specials if it is something we will use and 99 cents for a case was too good to pass up. I buy all my meat at The Pig and never buy it until I see what the Monday special is so I can fulfill the required $10 purchase to use the coupon. Whatever protein is on sale is what I buy to either use during the week, or freeze for later. (And that just might be why my freezer is always so full)
Monday dinner: Our neighbor's generous gesture last week provided enough for us for two meals.
Gumbo, jambalaya, cornbread, coleslaw
Tuesday joy: This was a drop dead gorgeous day but the winds were really high. I had no where to go so I stayed home and did all kinds of work around the house read. Late in the afternoon, the skies darkened, and the winds howled. By about 8 pm the floodgates opened and rain poured while wind blew, and blew. We were lucky we did not lose power like a lot in our area did.
Tuesday dinner: We observed Mardi Gras with a fattening feast.
Pancakes, bacon, fruit cup, late night blueberry shortcake
Wednesday joy: When daylight came we could look for wind damage. Other than a chair and a trash can being blown into the pool we had nothing except a few leaves and a couple of small downed branches. The winds were still high and the temperature had dropped considerably, and continued dropping throughout the day.
No matter, I put on warm clothes and made my way to Independence Place. No way I would allow anything other than being sick, and afraid I might pass it on to them to keep me from going. There is nothing more heartwarming than going somewhere that everyone is glad to see you. One of the participants knows I do not like to be called Miss Anne, so the moment I walk in I hear "Miss Anne" and see an ear to ear grin on his face. His mother told me he only messes with people he likes so I actually feel honored that he teases me calling me "Miss Anne" the entire time I am there.
Wednesday night: I just was not feeling the cooking thing so we went out for takeout. In addition to getting dinner we were rewarded with a gorgeous tangerine sky peeking through dark clouds.
Chicken green beans, mashed potatoes or coleslaw
Thursday joy: Left home at 6:30 am to head to Jasper (about 1 hour NW of Birmingham) for the 30K mile checkup for my vehicle. OK so technically we were a good bit over 30K but still needed the tune up before we drive to Dallas in a couple of weeks. We had priced having it serviced locally and all 3 nearby locations were 250-300 dollars more than the Jasper location for the very same service. For that amount it was worth the drive, and we turned it into a little mini adventure.
After waiting a couple of hours in the dealership waiting room (Actually, I waited while TheHub looked at a possible new car for him) we headed to the downtown area for brunch at Main Street Market.
It was an adorable small bakery/restaurant/gourmet food store all rolled into one.
In addition to having a delicious breakfast scramble bowl, their pastries looked fabulous. According to the person waiting on us they make them fresh every morning but I did not get one because I had decided to eat no sugars during Lent. TheHub brought a scrumptious looking apple muffin home.
And another pleasant surprise was finding both wild mushroom and sage , and black truffle infused olive oils. There was an olive oil store locally where I could buy it, but it closed about a year ago. I was almost out of both of those and was happy to find more. I told TheHub they actually cost nothing because we bought them from part of the money we saved having the car serviced at such a lower price. Logic!
Thursday dinner: TheHub wanted to have a veggie dinner but I had not even begun to cook when he mentioned it. Not only did we go to a meat and three, but after we ate we ran across the street and watched the sun set from the bluff. Dinner and entertainment?
Coleslaw, green beans, and mixed veggies/ or turnip greens, something, and something else (I don't remember what all TheHub ate.
Friday joy: The day was sunny but still windy. Other than watering the plants, I had an in the house kind of day doing a boatload of laundry.
It is time for me to start changing over my clothes. Though I am sure we will still have some cool/cold days there are things I will not wear again this year because they just look too wintery. Consequently I am washing a lot of delicate load items that all have special care needs. I am currently out of space to place sweaters on a toweled flat surface. I know. First world problem.
Additionally I had quilts and blankets from the upstairs bedrooms to launder. I am holding off, though on changing our bed into a spring summer bed. There will still be a few nights that require heavier covers, and I am not about to be cold while sleeping if it is something in my control.
Another joy, and this sounds very selfish, but I was alone until mid afternoon and loved it. TheHub worked out at the gym, ran to his old office (still doing a tiny bit of work there), met Son2 for lunch, then hit some golf balls and visited with a friend.
The absolute best thing about being alone was I could have a slice of cheese and some pickles for lunch without feeling obligated to ask anyone else what they wanted, or have anyone else question what I was eating. I should never have to explain my love of sharp cheddar and dill pickles.
Friday dinner: TheHub came home shortly before an Alabama softball double header, which we watched with dinner planned between the two games. Originally I planned on hamburgers, but changed to cook in the house rather than on the grill. Hamburgers can wait for another night.
Ground beef patty, with onions and mushrooms (lots of mushrooms because I really like them), coleslaw, tater tots (TheHub's request)
Saturday joy: What can I say? Alabama beat Auburn in basketball on Auburn's court. Women's softball also won 2 games. It was a good sports day.
Saturday dinner: We ate from the freezer and pantry. It was not great, but it was not bad.
Chicken with artichoke hearts in a cream sauce, mashed potatoes, tossed salad
Sunday joy: To add insult to injury on the first day of Daylight Savings Time it was cold and rainy. We did make it to church for both the communion and early service, then had Sunday School. We stopped at Everyday Market (Walmart's take on a grocery store) grabbed a few things, got wet, and came straight home. I could not change clothes quick enough, threw on sweats and socks to get warm, ate lunch then read.
After dinner, we caught up on 1928, one of the Yellowstone series set in '28. Crazy name huh?Sunday dinner: It was still cold, rainy and windy so I went to the freezer for inspiration and found enough for 2 servings. Hooray for a heat and eat night. This is why I cook large amounts sometimes and freeze in 2 person serving sizes.
Chili, corn chips or raw veggies.
Potential meals for the week:
1. Grilled tuna, baked potato, asparagus, tossed salad (maybe, maybe not)
2. Conecuh sausage, cooked cabbage, cornbread
3. Veggie meal TBD
4. Cheeseburger salad, rolls
5. Smoked trout toast (been a possibility for weeks, this week for sure) tossed salad
6. Out to eat
7. Chicken divan
Books read in March:
I used to like you until . . .
Have a great week staying on plan, going off plan, or with no plan at all.
May all your weeds be wildflowers.
ROLL TIDE!!!!!!!! Cindy in the South