
Saturday, March 15, 2025

Watch Out!


Beware the Ides of March!!!!

My Beloved Sister has issues with the month of March. In fact, throughout her life, nearly every thing unpleasant that has happened to her happened in the month of March. 
She has a particular aversion to the Ides. And of course being the sweet person that I am, for decades on the Ides I give her a call, pitch my voice as deep as possible (which is remarkably deep) say "Beware the Ides of March" then hang up.
 Of course she calls me immediately after and we both laugh. You would think after decades of doing it, it would lose it's humor. Not So!

Now the Ides is throwing a different complication our way, as we prepare for what I hope will amount to not much, but it sounds treacherous. Intense storms with possible tornados are heading our way and it seems Birmingham is in its direct path. We have battened down the hatches and have everything charged and ready for possible power loses.

I called My Beloved Sister again and told her I am putting the blame of this entire weather system on her.

If you are in this storm's path be careful!


  1. It is nonstop here in Birminham/Hueytown! We charged everything and have our chargers on the lift chairs. The wind was so strong it sounded and felt like the carport was coming off the house.

    1. We have had some intense gusts but no sustained winds . . . so far. I am as prepared as I can be in the event things change, but I hope it skirts us like the first wave of storms ddi.

  2. I hope the storms fizzle out before they reach you. We're supposed to have rain tomorrow. Lake Junebug is still muddy from the last storm. I'm glad you're prepared. That's all you can do.


    1. Me too Janie. Thunderstorms don't bother me, but I am not a fan of tornados.


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