
Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Oh No, Just 43 Weeks Till Christmas

I am becoming less and less enthused about prepping for Christmas next year, when everything in me is excited about spring. 

I did find a cute door decoration that was a nutcracker printed on canvas made to hang from a doorknob. I was not about to pay 10 bucks for a printed piece of canvas, no matter how cute it was. However, I saved the photo of it, have some balsa wood around the house, and decided to try my hand at painting my own. Heaven knows, I have a multitude of door knobs in this house and at least 3 or 4 of them could stand a little Christmas cheer.

I also added a few recipes to my Christmas cookbook. I have found Google knows no end to a search simply titled Christmas. There seems to be no limit to the number of rabbit holes I can disappear in, which is fun but time consuming.  With that time, though I have found a plethora of recipes  and traditions I had never seen before. 
Now I have to be on the lookout for lomaconi to use making a traditional Spanish Christmas soup. I was thinking that our  entertaining plans for the next holiday season needs to include having close friends over for a simple soup dinner, with three or four different soup choices. Might as well try soups from different parts of the globe, but I will want to try them first.

Did I even set foot in the room that is covered in Christmas and other holiday stuff?  Nope not at all.
There is always next week, right?


  1. Your soup idea sounds interesting, though neither of my adult children likes soup...I do!
    I did buy my first Christmas gift when I was in Arizona - actually two, as the purse is for my daughter from me, and the wallet will be a gift from her son. :)

  2. I never got around to making my lollipops for a yard decoration for Christmas. I do like your weekly alerts. I was sick before Christmas and did not make the penguins and other things I planned. But, I never had company to give them to, so no problem. Close the door to that room and make way for spring.

  3. Even with your waking interest, you are making forward progress. Certainly more than I am making for Christmas.

  4. Oh, the soup tradition sounds so nice. I would love to do something like that.

  5. I enjoy reading your updates! I have found, in all my years of being in charge of Christmas, that oftentimes the more long range planning I put in to the run up, the less I enjoyed it. If I started a full year out like you are doing, I think I would be sick of all things Christmas by June!

  6. I went to a soup dinner once. It is a great idea. Easy and hospitable

  7. 10 bucks for a printed piece of canvas? geez..that's a robbery. I am sure you can print it yourself.

  8. A holiday Soup Supper sounds great! Do you serve with an assortment of munchies on the side?

  9. You crack me up, Merry early Christmas!

  10. Good for you to think about making something yourself. Some items are so expensive now and honestly not that well made.
    I saw a cookbook that I want on another blog. Christmas by Donna Hay. I keep promising myself that I'm not going to buy another one but I really want this one and I am weak.

  11. LOVE the soup dinner idea! Totally going to steal it, with credit to you, of course!


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