
Sunday, April 23, 2023

Finding Well Hidden Joys

Our week was filled with emotional ups and downs, and by intention we decided to do very little. We really did need a week to rest, relax, and take stock of our plans moving on.

Sunday: I already wrote about these last week, but I am just trying to get back to my regularly scheduled program. So not to repeat myself, it was a good day and ended with a dinner out with friends.

Monday: It was not a personally spectacular day, but it was beautiful outside!

Tuesday: Though grocery shopping does not sound like a lot of fun, I spent about an hour browsing my favorite Asian market.  I love looking at all the things that are so strange to me, trying to decipher the Mandarin labels (which I neither read nor speak)
On the way home I stopped and bought a BLT which I took to a small lake near my house for another car picnic while I watched the ducks and listened to classical music.

Wednesday: I got to talk with Sluggy, and laughed a lot. Nuff said! The patio set still remained untended.

Thursday: Should have made hay while the sun was shining since that wonderful patio set I bought was not going to re-paint or re-cover itself. Instead, I read, but I had too because my library book was due to be returned in a couple of days. 
TheHub had a cardiac stress test and we were thrilled when his friend/cardiologist called Thursday evening with the good news that everything looked great. 

Friday: Another day and I was able to talk with Sluggy! I think I am going to need to take a road trip before too long.
Oh, and yes, the day was gorgeous and the patio set still sat in the basement waiting for me to start work on it. It is amazing how well I can ignore a chore isn't it?

Saturday: After a cup of coffee we began our day going to our favorite produce stand. Benny and Mrs.Benny are back back and will be stocked with fresh produce as it is available until the first freeze in the fall. This week I only bought tomatoes, cukes, and several plants. I have had great success with their plants and managed to over-winter several of them.
We had a few other quick errands to run, then came home to get ready for a funeral. We needed to be there early, and felt very honored that the family members included us in some things they intended for family only.
After the funeral and the graveside service, we went out to eat with some of our friends who were also included in the family events.
For the record a 2 martini early dinner meant we came home, changed clothes, splayed out on the couches then fell asleep for 4 hours. As I am writing this it is now 2 a.m. and I am wide awake. TheHub evidently stumbled to bed sometime while I was asleep on the couch and he is still asleep. I think it is about time for me to try and sleep some more, but I hope getting ready for bed will not wake him.* 

May all your weeds be wildflowers,

* It did. 


  1. It's good that you are still able to see the joys during the tough times. Sorry for your loss. I hope this is a bit of a better week for you.

    1. Some weeks are just better than others. I should be slapped for not painting the patio set when the weather was drop dead gorgeous. Totally my fault.

  2. If he wanted to go back to sleep and went right back to sleep, good for you both. I hate to wake anyone. Someday, you will have to face the patio set. But, if I want to read, I will read.

    1. I am hoping the weather holds out and I can do the set this week.

  3. You should have more days like Wednesday and laugh a lot!

  4. I love Asian stores too. Our local one has quite a lot of African products because of the large African community here and I find them more intriguing than the Asian products to be honest! But I love all of it! And I'm glad your husband's stress test went well!!!

    1. There is supposedly an African store here too, but I have never been there. Iwill have to add that to my bucket list.

  5. I am sorry for your loss. Your husband obviously is a MUCH lighter sleeper than my partner. Waking him is a very rare thing (and goodness how he complains).

    1. TheHub is a very light sleeper and requires much more of it than I do.

  6. Big congrats to your hubby on passing his stress test with flying colors! I could go for a good martini right about now.

  7. Oh, thank you for choosing this song to link! I used to love it when it first came out and I'd forgotten all about it! There are some weeks when we need to just relax although it sounds like you still got quite a bit done! Maybe you'll get to the patio set next week or the week after! Glad your husband passed his stress test.

    1. I had forgotten about the song until I wrote the last sentence at the opening to this blog post. Then out of nowhere I started humming it.

  8. So sorry the week was stressful and for your loss. I am the world’s best procrastinator on personal stuff so go ahead and read! I didn’t go to A day game bc I was not sure my back would make it up steps of stadium. I did go do a slow walk (stroll) at Snow Hinton park, since it is flat, and they had the parking blocked off. Cindy in the South

    1. I would not have gone to the A day game even if we did not have the funeral. I am not a big fan of being in a crowd, plus there is the bum knee and steps thing!

  9. There will be many more sunny days for you to paint the patio furniture! It can wait.

    1. It is going to have to wait because I have already found several excuses to not do it this week!

  10. I've got you beat. Last spring I had the basement flooring and baseboards repaired. I decided I could caulk, sand, and paint the baseboards. The caulking is complete...the sanding partially done, and the paint still sits on the shelf. I'll do it soon...maybe. :)
    My sympathies to you and your friends on the recent loss. Glad to hear your DH's tests results were good.

    1. I did go to the store yesterday to buy the paint, so I am at least one step closer to actually doing something.

  11. I've been catching up on blog reading. It can't be a coincidence . . .I, too, go to a farm stand with Mr. and Mrs. Benny in a church parking lot. We may have seen each other! Also, by any chance, was the Saturday funeral for Ann Caton? If so, we were there, too. I believe in small worlds but if these are the same, our paths may be crossing all of the time. :-)


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