
Monday, May 27, 2024

Joys and the Holiday Weekend

This past week was a very nice week for me. I do like one day staying at home, but additional days when I have nothing planned away from the house can get boring. I had things going on during the day, or plans for the evening just about every day, and I really do enjoy weeks like that.
I also realize, once TheHub retires I am going to have to create plans that occasionally include him. I am considering getting an AMC movie pass for each of us. We had one before Covid and enjoyed going to movies each week, but it took some effort to find a night he was not working late. Now we could go to see a film any time during the day, which might be really nice on some of the dreadfully hot summer days.

Monday: I had a regular day filled with laundry and a general clean up. It was not particularly exciting but was necessary. Of course it did not take all day, which left some time for reading.(Just don't ask if I attacked the bedroom upstairs that is scattered with miscellaneous holiday decorations, because that answer is a big fat NO. It is much easier to just close the door until I feel inspired to do better.)

Tuesday: I read a lot and did a modicum of housework, but had to be in my CRC's* by the time TheHub got home from work so we would be able to get to TheElectric for trivia. We have found (the hard way) if you don't get there early there are no tables left. As much as we enjoy going we are not willing to stand while we eat and play.  The trivia last week was a heavy pop music set and we did not do well at all. Oh well, there is always this Tuesday.

Wednesday: I started the day with a phone call from my appliance repairman. My oven has not worked for several months, which was fine because my microwave has a convection capability, and I really do not bake much at all. However the entire family is going to be here after the St Barths trip so I decided it would be nice to have everything in working order. 
He arrived and nearly 3 hours later was still here. It is a mystery why it is not functioning properly, but he did leave with it kind of working** . He is coming back this week with a different part that might be the reason it is behaving badly.
Once he left I had about a 10 minute window to take a quick shower and throw on some clothes before a scheduled estimate for some work we needed done. 
I was throwing on my dress when the doorbell rang (made it barely in time), got the estimate and had about 15 minutes left to get my makeup on. As it turned out I could have taken my time since TheHub was running late. The minute he finally got here, I hopped in the car and we barely made it on time for dinner with 14 others.
The food at the restaurant was good, as usual, but the socializing was even better.

Thursday: This was the best day of my entire week. I had the privilege of volunteering at Independence Place. My Beloved Sister has started going with me and she loves it as much as I do.
I love her going with me, because it make the 25 minute drive there so much more fun. We talk and laugh the entire way, then we get there and laugh with the participants while we prepare food. I love every single moment I am there!

Friday: My Beloved Sister and I went to Son2 and DIL2's house so she could see it.  Instead of Greeks bearing gifts we were a couple of geeks bearing a Taco Bell lunch. Their new place is on what I call "Lake Faraway"*** and food options near them are somewhat limited.  She loved the house and all they have done to it. I was glad we were able to go.

Saturday: We did our usual running around, including exploring a new coffee shop near us. I can see me going there this summer when I need to get away from the recently retired. I love coffee anyway. I know when Son3 and DIL3 are here I am going to take them because in addition to coffee and pastries they sell Conecuh sausage cheese biscuits and they both like those.
After our errands were done we came home in time for a quick lunch before the Alabama softball game came on. At the end of 7 innings the game was tied. After 4 1/2 hours of play and 14 innings, Alabama won. Whew! It kind of blew our plans for the late afternoon/early evening, but it was all good, and Alabama lived to play another day.
Sunday:  We did not make it to church Sunday. There was just one service and no Sunday School for the holiday weekend, so we skipped it. Instead TheHub went in to the office. He is being very conscientious, leaving everything in tip top shape before he retires. It is easier for him to get a few things done when no one else is there. 
He came home in time for a bite to eat before Alabama played Tennessee for the super regional softball tournament. The winner of the game would be going to the Softball World Series. 
Alabama had a lackluster season and to have made it to the super regional was quite an accomplishment. I only hoped they would have a good game. I was surprised and really happy for them when they won! 
After the game and dinner, we watched the Memorial Day Concert on PBS. What a beautiful, yet sobering, concert it is every year.

I hope you all have a great Memorial Day (for those in The States) and Happy Monday (or Tuesday, depending on your location) to the rest of you.

 Books read in May
A Rip in Time
The Lost Symbol
The Forbidden Door 
The Poisoner's Ring

Look for your joys, no matter how large or small, they are always out there.

May all your weeds be wildflowers.

*CRC's  (Cute Rehearsal Clothes) is what a former local theater director used to tell the cast to wear the day the press would be at rehearsals to take photos. My sister and I have used his term all the time since hearing it.

** Why can't anyone make appliances now that are made to last, and have no motor boards? I do not need digital anythings to cook.

*** Their house is not truly that far from their old house, and is not far from their work, but it does add about an additional 15 minutes from our house. The location and the view from their sunroom is incredible.


  1. Sounds like another beautiful week for you. I remember when appliances were built to last decades. Now you're lucky if you get 10 years without a problem.

    1. I remember when you could keep appliances for years and years. No more!

  2. Hello, my friend! Yes. Your days will indeed change once your husband retires. I wasn't quite sure how it would be, since I have been home with the kids for over twenty seven years now! It has been different, but in a good way. He seems busier now than when he worked! He has also started doing the majority of the cooking, which has been nice. Have a lovely, cozy Memorial Day, and a wonderful last week of May!

    1. If I plan on TheHub cooking for us our menu will consist of grits, eggs over medium, and toasted cheese sandwiches. He says he is going to learn how to cook. We will see.

  3. I'm glad you had a good week. The movie pass sounds like a good idea. Even up here,there are sweltering days that would drive us to a nice Theater.

    1. The movie pass just sounds like something we could do once a week that would be cool entertainment.

  4. I have an interest in doing a Trivia night, but so far everyone I have asked is not interested. However, I'll keep trying. It may take some adjustment, but I think you and the Hubs will like it when he retires.

    1. We don't play seriously for the prizes (whatever they are). We just keep up with the answers for ourselves, but we really do enjoy going.

  5. Sounds like a lovely week of joys!
    Are you going to St. Bart's to celebrate TheHub's retirement this summer? Sounds exciting.
    Hope you have a nice Memorial day.

    1. The St Barths trip is a multi celebratory occasion with our entire family.

    2. Enjoy St. Barths. It’s on my bucket list.

  6. Yes, going to the show would be nice. We used to go often, then the pandemic hit and we haven't been back. We have an oven that is acting funny but still working. Hope yours will be okay. Sounds like a nice day with your sister. Sounds like a good Friday too! Hope you have a nice week.

  7. Great soundtrack today ... so appropriate. I've nothing to rehearse for, but want to start using CRC, too!

    1. I have nothing to rehearse for either but the term is so good we have been using it for a couple of decades (at least, maybe even 3) for anytime we are wearing nicer casual clothes.

  8. That sounds like an excellent week. I do hope your oven can finally be completely fixed though.

    1. If it cannot be made completely well I will just use it hobbling along until it dies totally. I would like to be able to nurse it along until we decide to scale down house size. We would need a new one then anyway.

  9. The Ttown house came with a cheap stove. The oven won’t go above 350 degrees. Digital of course ……. Cindy in the South

    1. Mine is all digital too. What would be wrong with just a couple of knobs to turn and a temperature knob to set?

    2. I long for the stoves with knobs and have considered getting a refurbished one! They would last 10 to 20 years. Cindy in the South

  10. You definitely had a good week. I don't read nearly enough, but once all of this house prep/sale stuff is out of the way, I'm hoping to spend more time with a good book in my hand.

    1. I know you will be glad to get everything settled.

  11. Sounds like a week full of joys! I hope your oven gets repaired so that you can do all the baking you want.

    1. Trust me when I say I have been doing all the baking I want to do with the oven on the fritz!

  12. Motor boards you say! I just went two weeks without hot water as it was determined I needed a new "motor board". Pioneer Woman I ain't!

    1. I just want something that requires nothing other than manual knobs I can turn and the magic happens. I don't need all the bells and whistles.

  13. My first stove lasted over 30 years, from Sears. What is a motor board? We are waiting on shocks or springs or something for the washing machine. He is sooo busy that I don't know when he will return. Your husband just might learn to cook. Tommy does strange yet cute things when he tries to do things like I do. It could be an adventure.

    1. The repairman will be here tomorrow and it will either be repaired then or I will never bake again until we move to a different house

  14. I asked Tommy what a motor board was and he was stumped. He thought I meant the hat to go with a cap and gown, a mortar board. He suggested I might mean a motherboard.

  15. I'll be curious to know how you like using the AMC pass. I've often wondered if it's be worthwhile.

    1. We had it before Covid and went to a movie every week. When TheHub retires I thought it might be something we could do each week during the first or second showing of the day. It gets seriously hot here and it's something cool to do during the hotter parts of the day.
      The biggest upside is being able to go to a marginal movie I would have not seen if not for the pass.

  16. Thank you for the lovely gifts. I appreciate your help. God bless you.


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