
Monday, July 8, 2024

And There Were Joys?

I started this week with the intentions of enjoying Pip for a couple of days, then transforming life back to normal once they left. Well as normal as my new normal with TheHub here would be. Instead even before Pip left for Portland, life threw me a little curve. *
I am more than ready to turn the page on this week.

Monday: Pip's friend, my neighbor, came up to swim and life was perfect. They had a good time laughing and playing until it was time to go to Son2's house for dinner. Son1 and Pip had seen the house when they first bought it, before the renovation really started. They were pretty amazed at the transformation. We enjoyed eating together then they went to the boathouse to try their luck at fishing. 
As soon as we got home, M came up for some more night swimming (until almost midnight) then she and Pip went to her house to spend the night. I mean what is better than a house with 4 kids and 11 pets for an overnight?

Tuesday: Son1 had been feeling kind of bad and, not wanting to be the only one under the weather, he shared it with me. All day I was freezing and it is just too hot here to be freezing unless you are not feeling well.
I felt crappy and spent most of the day sitting in the recliner under blankets while major swimming went on outside. The girls played and swam then ran back and forth between houses several times, ending the night with another late night swim and a farewell until next time. 
Pip is coming back this year at Thanksgiving and even though the pool will be closed she and company can still have a little water time in the hot tub.

Wednesday: Sometime during the wee hours of the morning it seems like I shared this stuff with TheHub. We had a coughing duet going on until it was time to get up and help Son1 and Pip get ready to leave. I hated to see them go but knowing we will see them in August softened everything.
After driving them to the airport TheHub went into the office (so much for retirement huh) and I attacked the laundry. I continued to feel bad and by the time TheHub came home (about 3) he was feeling rotten also. We melted into the couch or the recliner and stayed that way until we summoned the strength to get up and go to bed.

Thursday: The Fourth of July came and went here, with little to no celebration. We decided one of us needed to take a Covid test so I did it. In less than one nano-second the test lit completely and there was no denying it. We had Covid. Further testing confirmed Son1, Pip, Son2 and DIL2 all had it too. 
TheHub and I lounged around (coughing and sneezing) while we watched Nathan's Hot Dog Eating contest. We didn't feel like eating so we thought we might as well watch others eat. 
Then we snoozed off and on while watching whatever was on tv, until after our dinner when we actually watched (and stayed awake for the entire show ) The Capitol Fourth. 
The host kept asking people to take and post pictures of their celebrations while watching the show. We laughed that ours would be two folks wrapped up in blankets watching it. If we both did not look so horrible I might have done it. 
The only thing I will say about our appearance is that we had both showered and dressed (wearing soft laying about shorts and tee shirts).  Fashionable? Not in the least.
So much for our plans for the day. TheHub intended to hit a bucket or two of golf balls and I planned on swimming. Maybe Friday?

Friday: I woke butt early. In fact it was just a hair past dark O' Thirty. This stuff is kicking our respective butts. We are both coughing less, but have no appetites and zero zest for life. I have been doing more laundry, some reading, and taking lots of unintentional naps (while reading or should I say trying to read).
In spite of hoping to feel like swimming, it did not happen.

Saturday: Well if this was not just another day in paradise I don't know what would have been. TheHub and I had decided we would be well on Saturday so we could swim and/or hit golf balls. Covid seemed to have other plans. Though we were no longer sneezing our heads off or coughing all the time, neither of us had the energy to do much of anything. I did catch up reading blogs, but only because I could be on the couch in a prone position with my Ipad propped against the sofa cushions. I am not sure I would have even had the energy needed to physically hold it while reading. Sorry I did not comment but I cannot post them from the tablet and sitting up at the computer for any length of time was out of the question. 
Our day was spent rotating between the couch and recliner, pretending to watch tv while we nodded off for countless naps. 
As much as feeling like this sucks, I am thrilled this variant is so much less severe than the original virus.

Sunday: Another low exertion day. Both of us were feeling much better but mutually decided we would have one more day laying low. The bare minimum was done, just enough to maintain a decent standard of living but there was a good bit of reading that happened. Earlier in the week I had an Amazon package arrive. TO be honest I was so tired TheHub brought it inside and put it on the dining room table where it stayed until early Sunday morning. I was glad to finally open it for it had 3 things I really wanted. Need? Not so much but I did want them. 
Years ago I bought stainless in the same pattern as my sterling. Through the years pieces disappeared, most likely either accidentally thrown away (possible)  or disappeared in cars of various teen drivers (more likely). 
I decided it was time to replace missing settings so I keep it on my Amazon wish list all the time. Periodically the price drops 10 bucks a place setting, and when it does I buy one. Early during the week I hit pay dirt and snagged one. One more and I will once again have a complete set, but I can wait until the price drops again.
Until we visited St Barths, I never knew I would love having an electric kettle. I am sorry I was so stupid to never realize just exactly how wonderful they are. To  those of you who grew up with one and are shaking your heads, what can I say? Sometimes you never know what you are missing!
I also bought a fantastic new to me book The Everlasting Meal. I spent all day reading it and will use it as a reference book as long as I am still cooking. It is technically called a cookbook, and though it does have a lot of recipes, its main function is ideas for totally using every single bit of everything you buy, or grow. 
Now I know to save all the small bits from a bag of chips to use as salt in a savory dish.

Books read in July
Lady Tan's Circle of Women
The Everlasting Meal
Listen to the Colors

Look for your joys. They are always out there even if they are tiny (like having an abundance of Kleenex when you really really need them )

May all your weeds be wildflowers.

*Once again I apologize for leaving no comments on your blogs, but I did at least read them.


  1. That sounds like a miserable few days but I'm glad it wasn't worse. I just looked up The Everlasting Meal and it sounds like a wonderful book. I know I keep telling myself not to buy more cookbooks but I think it may have jumped in my basket. I'm blaming you.

    1. Hahaha! I am willing to accept the blame. I sat and read and read. Now I am thinking I really need to make pickle rice!

  2. Oh my! I am sorry you and your hubby felt so horribly! I heard that was making the rounds again. You did just what we would have. Rest. Rest. Rest. I pray you are felling better, my friend. I remember when Madison and I had it at the same time. We literally did the same as you. Laid on the couch, tried to watch television, and sipped bone broth!

    1. I think being tired was worse than the sneezing and cough. Today I feel almost back to normal.

  3. Wow, what misery to have that new Covid variant. I'm glad it is less severe than the original, but I'm sure you are still not feeling your best. I hope you all get better soon! I would have sat and read too if I was sick like that. The Everlasting Meal sounds really good, and I'll be sure to look it up. We are reading Daisy Jones and the Six right now. Sounds like Pip had a lot of fun swimming, and I know your happy you get to see them again in August!

    1. We are both doing much better. Normal is getting closer!

  4. I am so sorry you felt so vile. Covid is an excellent kicker of butts isn't it.
    Get better. Soon.

  5. I wonder if they will fly home and spread covid. The house next door sounds busy. I did not have the original covid, but the later one was miserable. Yours is the best description I have heard/read.

    1. My neighbors house is busy but they are wonderful neighbors. They are an extremely creative group as a whole and also individually. We are lucky to have them as friends/neighbors.

  6. Oh, what a rotten turn of events. At least the virus had the decency to wait until you were home. (Most of you, that is.) The 'cookbook with a twist' sounds like a great gift idea. Above my paygrade, but I'm going to remember that part about using chips as a salt substitute.

    1. I am getting one for my sister for Christmas. Fortunately she does not read this blog so there is no chance she will ever see this.

  7. So sorry to read that you had Covid, but, it happens. I am only now starting to go out a bit, but, always with a N95 or KN95 mask on. Hope you and the rest of the family recover fully without any complications.

    1. Thanks, Bless. We are all fine now but did have a couple of miserable days.

  8. Oh boy, that does not sound pleasant, though I'm happy to hear you are on the road to recovery.
    The cookbook does sound interesting. I'll have to keep an eye out for it, as my daughter would likely enjoy it.

    1. The book is mainly about using up what you have with recipes/how to's for leftovers.

  9. When you said that you had no sense of smell or taste, I wondered if you had COVID. I hope all your family is in recovery mode and will be back to normal soon. From Live and learn.

    1. I will not wish Covid on anyone, but am glad it is in my rear window.

  10. I hope you feel better and that Pip and rest of family are recovering. COVID is still quite unpleasant and seems to be making the rounds again. Cindy in the South

    1. We are all doing much better., I will mask the next time I am on a plane or going through customs though

  11. So very sorry that you all had COVID. Sending you all lots of get well wishes! (Hawaii Planner)

  12. So very sorry you all had covid! I hope you are feeling better every single day!! We caught it in February of 23 from folks in the airport and on the airplane. I'm seriously thinking of wearing a mask (thought I hate them) when we fly this fall.

    1. I dislike them too, but I dislike the way Covid made me feel even more. I'll also be wearing one the next time I fly.


Hey y'all thanks for leaving a comment. They are much appreciated. I read them all and do my best to respond to them, except for trolls or spam and I delete those suckers forever.