
Sunday, July 7, 2024

Dinner that Didn't

When I planned last week's menu, I said the plan was subject to change. I just did not realize how much it would change.  The only thing I can say it that almost the entire plan bit the dust.

1, Burgers and all the fixings, tater tots, something green
2. White bbq chicken, baked beans, caulitato/regular potato salad
3. Veggie meal TBD
4. Big salad dinner TBD
5. Un-fried chicken, rice, gravy, broccoli
6. Out to eat
7. Veggie meal TBD

What we really ate:

Sunday: Son2 and DIL2 came over to swim with Pip and have dinner.
Burgers with all the fixings, fries, baked beans

Monday: We all went to Son2 and DIl2's house for dinner, on the condition that they would let us pick up the food. They live on what I call Lake Faraway with limited options for takeout. Consensus was to just do a massive pickup at Taco Bell. BTW their veggie/rice bowl is pretty dang good.
Various Taco Bell items

Tuesday: Son1 wanted to go to a meat and 3 before he and Pip left to go back to Portland. I was not feeling well and did not want anything to eat. (I did not even want to move) so they left and ate at Fried Green Tomatoes.
No idea what they ate, I had a cup of hot tea.

Wednesday: Pip and her dad were gone, I did not need to think about preparing anything, and we had virtually no appetites because TheHub caught what I had.
Cheese toast

Thursday: Happy Fourth of July! We were still feeling bad and had that traditional 4th dinner for those who are not feeling it.
Chicken noodle soup

Friday: . TheHub retained his sense of taste, but I could only decern. Sweet, spicy, salty etc. it did not matter at all to me what we ate. Refrigerator to the rescue
Pork ribs, potato salad

Saturday:  I was still without a sense of taste, but had some things that needed to be consumed
Leftover hamburger patty, new potatoes, broccoli, sliced tomatoes

And what is planned for this week?
I have no idea. I still cannot really taste anything . Nothing sounds good and nothing sounds bad. I am just going to let the refrigerator, freezer, and pantry be my guide.
1. Something
2. Something else
3. Another something 
4. Whatever might be leftover
5. Anything that is an easy meal
6. Whatever sounds good 
7. Who knows?

Have a great week staying on plan, going off plan, or with no plan at all.


  1. So sorry youve been sick! That stinks. Hope you feel better soon!

  2. I'm glad you waited until all the fun stuff was over to get sick - but glad you're feeling better now, all the same!

  3. Sorry you were ill; glad you are starting to feel better. I like your meal plan for next week! I think I might copy it as the fridge is full of leftovers!

    1. With compromised taste buds this menu was the best I could come up with.

  4. Replies
    1. I am very thankful for my overfull freezer and pantry right now.

  5. I hope you both feel much better soon - and that you regain your sense of smell and taste.

    1. It will happen. The upside is I am not tempted in the least to overindulge.

  6. I'm so sorry you have been sick, but I'm glad that at least you were home. Being sick on vacation would have been the worst. Hope you feel better soon.

  7. Sorry to hear you've both been sick. At least it didn't happen on your trip. I hope you're feeling better soon.

    1. I will always be so thankful it waited until we were home!

  8. Sounds like you were miserable this week, so I'm glad you're feeling better. Now you deserve a nice leisurely week after all the travels, guests, and illnesses.

    1. I need to get the house back in order and adjust to having a full time roommate!

  9. Glad to hear you’re starting to heal.

  10. "...the best laid plans of mice and (wo)men"...Glad you are feeling better.

  11. So glad you are on the mend!! I'm so glad you were home when you got sick!

    1. I am glad we were home too. It is much easier to feel rotten in a familiar place.

  12. Your menu sounds like mine most of the time. I'm not really a planner though at my daughter's we've been trying to have a few ideas in mind.
    Glad to hear you are feeling some better. Take care!

    1. I like to have a plan, even if I ignore it totally.


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