
Friday, July 19, 2024

Some Things Get Better With Age

Unlike me, some things just get better with age. My knees continually let me know that I am not a kid anymore, but I digress.

If you have been reading my blog you know I have been griping talking about the need to have lunches available for the recently retired husband. One of my new lunch criteria is to have something that will be available and withstand time in the refrigerator for some do it yourself option.

I am also pretty simple minded when it comes to Google. I think I searched "easy lunch ideas", and sat with a pen in hand to make a list of potential lunch meals. 

When I found this one I decided I would give it a try, since it said in the recipe that holding time only improved it. 

Kale pineapple salad

2 big bunches kale (stem removed and finely chopped*)
20 oz. can crushed pineapple in its own juice ( all I had on hand)
1/3 cup lemon juice
1/4 cup avocado oil ( only neutral tasting oil I had on hand)

Wash, dry and chop the kale and put in a big bowl (emphasis on big) with an airtight lid. In a smaller bowl mix the wet ingredients and pour it over the kale. Toss it, then toss it some more, and toss it a thrid time just for good measure. Put the airtight lid on the bowl and stick that puppy in th fridge for at least 24 hours. Magic occurs during those 24 hours and all the bitterness leaves the kale and you are left with this absolutely delicious salad. The original recipe said to sprinkle sunflower seed over the top when serving, but we have not done that evn though I have them available. It has been delicious without them.
The upside is that it will keep in the refrigerator for several days, thanks to the "staying" power of kale

I will admit I was skeptical, but the first time TheHub tried it he suggested we keep it all of the time. I honestly agree with him. We have been eating this all week and the kale is still nice and crispy.

In a couple of weeks we are leaving to begin a road trip to Portland, and are purchasing a portable refrigerator to take with us. 
Instead of eating lunch out everyday en route, we decided we would pack easy lunch items  and just pull over at roadside rest areas for picnic lunches. 
This salad will be making the trip out, and when we get to Portland I will make another for the return trip. It is that good!  

If you are looking for a tasty side salad or lunch option you might want to give this a try. I am really glad I did.

* I did a coarser chop.  A finer chop would have a better mouth feel.


  1. Pineapple and interesting combination, but looks nice.

    1. It was a really good combo. We never did sprinkle sunflower seed over the top as the original recipe suggested, because we did not feel like it needed it.

  2. Darn, my daughter is allergic to pineapple. I wonder if another fruit would work with it. I happen to like kale..I'm not sure she does.

    1. I think if the fruit had enough acid in it, it would work fine.

  3. So kale can taste good? I might have to try this then...thanks!
    When we belonged to a csa, I tried fixing kale so many ways. I even tried making kale chips which my husband said tasted like dehydrated dirt. :) After that, I gave up on kale.

    1. I had no idea it would be so good, but the trick is letting it sit undisturbed overnight before eating it.

  4. Thank you. NOT a combination that would have occurred to me, and I am glad to hear it is good.

    1. I would have never thought of it, but it is delicious.

  5. Kale, the devil's lettuce! bleck

  6. May I say Ewwwwww!!
    That's nasty.

    1. You can say Ewwwww! But it was really good, and I am not a kale fan at all.

  7. I only ate kale once and that was too many times!
    It tastes horrible and it gave me intestinal
    cramping for three days.
    I'd eat grass first.

    1. I think there is something chemical about the acids in the pineapple and lemon juice that changes the structure of the kale. I have never been a kale fan but this was really good.

  8. We will give this a try, as we get kale reasonably regularly. Thanks for sharing, & glad you found a winner. (Hawaii Planner)

  9. I think I have to give this one a try. Thanks.

    1. It was worth trying, and now I will be making this periodically.

  10. I love kale! I love pineapple. I am allergic to pineapple and citrus, especially the citrus. I see no reason to soften the kale, but others will have to try this. Just give me a bowl of kale. Do you put a protein with this when you eat it?

    1. I rarely have protein for lunch. This week I had just ate the kale salad. We did have it with roasted chicken as a side on night.

  11. I might give it a try. My daughter loves kale, but, doesn't like canned pineapple, only fresh. I love canned pineapple, but, I don't like kale! LOL. But, I might give this a try and maybe make it with fresh pineapple for my daughter when she next visits.

    1. I think it would work with fresh pineapple, but you might need to add a little additional liquid (some juice maybe)

  12. I'm trying really hard to believe you!
    I make a mix of canned tuna, celery and cottage cheese which I keep in the fridge for sandwiches or salads. It goes well on a cracker, too

    1. You can believe or not. I know kale is not for everybody.

  13. Wow, that's unusual - and so very tempting. Will give it a shot!

    1. We both really liked it and neither of us are kale fans.

  14. Sorry to say but i cannot abide kale - it's the devil's work :=) Well, cow feed anyway. Hope you have a good trip away. Your plate for the salad is very cute tho.

    1. That plate is a wedding gift from a long long time ago. We don't use those dishes regularly but I still have them .

  15. This makes kale sound (almost) intriguing. It is visually appealing, however, and I'm so glad you discovered something you both enjoy.

  16. That's an unusual combination. I like kale, and might try this.

    1. I never would have thought of it. It seems that the pineapple and lemon juice tame the beast that kale can be.


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