
Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Sheets and Giggles!

When I remember it is Tuesday, I share Annie @Tuesday 4 's post.  She asks 4 questions and this week the questions revolve around white sales and linens. Join in and let us know what your thoughts are.

This lady is a liar!

I would need a 7 foot wingspan to do this with king bed sheets

1. White month is January when towels, sheets and household goods go on sale.  Do you replace old sheets and towels each year?

Nope! I don't replace linens until they wear out, and it takes a long time for them to become unusable. I should replace some of the towels in my Master Bath, but they still function and the only ones who see them are TheHub and me.  As it is, each time I take them out of the dryer, before folding them I trim any errant stringy edges, fold them and put them away. Ugly towels dry us just as well as pretty new ones.

2. How many sets of sheets  and towels do you feel a household need and how often should they be changed on the bed and on the bathroom towel rack?
I change our sheets weekly, but usually change the pillowcases mid week. I have three sets of sheets for our bed, but the other beds have just one set per bed. We do have overnight guests occasionally but it is so easy to wash the sheets before they come and put them back on the bed. Plus all the other beds are the same size so unless I have a boatload of guests I can always take a set from an empty bed for any emergencies.
It is kind of embarrassing but I have about 50 bath towels, 20 or so hand towels and maybe 30 wash cloths. TheHub uses the same towel for about 3 days, but I am one of those clean towel at each shower type of people.

3. Do you think the January sales are a bit too close to Christmas when people have spent their money? If you do, what month would be an ideal time to replace linens and things in the home?
I had really never thought about it until this question was asked, and truly have no opinion.

4. There is something so lovely about a linen closet with beautifully folded sheets, towels and blankets. Some place lavender in the closets for a relaxing beautiful scent.   What do you do to make your linens nice? Fabric softener? Lavender? Special folds? Of is you linen closet in serious need of some tender loving care right now?
My linen closet looks really good all the time unless TheHub is the one who puts the towels in the closet. I fold them in thirds then roll and put them in the closet very neatly with folded edges facing outward. TheHub does not stack them, he just shoves them in and has raw edges facing out. They don't stay that way because as soon as I see them I fix it.
My sheet sets to my bed are bundled very neatly on the top shelf along with 2 stacks of pillowcases, all identically folded.
Sometimes I have a sachet in the closet and sometimes I don't. I currently do because one of the presents from Son2 and DIL2 was a packet of sachets. 
I use no softener on the towels, but I do use a lavender softener on the sheets.

p.s. The best way to avoid having to fold sheets is to put them back on the bed straight from the dryer or clothesline.



  1. I have four sheet sets for my bed and figure that is more than enough. Towels and wash rags I have A LOT more of them. LOL

  2. I change my sheets and pillow cases every two weeks. It's just me and the dogs and we're all pretty clean. LOL

  3. I replace when on a great clearance price. I recently came across a set of Laura Ashley sheets I must have bought years ago. I was planning to start looking for new sheets, and was so happy these turned up. I paid $29 according to the multiple discounted price tag. I couldn't tell what they might have originated at but assume $100 with a 70% clearance and probably another 30% off from Kohl's.They are mediocre quality, but not the worst we've owned.

    1. I buy good sheets for our bed, but the other beds have no one using them regularly. One bed has nice sheets and the others are mediocre but they work for what I need.

  4. I definitely replace sheets more frequently than I do towels. When I cleaned out the house post retirement (almost 3 years ago!), I finally got rid of towels Mom gave me for Christmas the year I left home after high school. I was 18 then and 59 when I retired, so you do the math. Of course, I had other towels but these still worked.
    I currently have two sets of sheets for my bed, but I avoid folding by putting the same set on the bed when it comes out of the dryer. I use the beads and fabric softener in the washer. No scent dryer sheets thought.
    Question #3 is a probably people spend too much but linens are definitely on sale more frequently in January.

    1. Funny about the older towel. When we were cleaning out Mom's house we found towels embroidered with my initials from my freshman year in college.
      The only time I replace sheets is when they are no longer repairable

  5. We have way too many sheet sets. Some one has a passion for them and buys them often. Ditto on towels. I have a couple of sets of towels waiting to be donated to the RSPCA when they open their doors to visitors (covid restrictions) again.

    1. Everyone has things they are passionate about. For me it is dishes!
      When I do get rid of the ugly towels in my master bath, they are going to our local humane society. They will make great temporary dog bedding.

  6. 1-no,
    2--2 right now, need one more set,
    3--think it works right after Christmas,
    4--I have nothing in Tommy's linen closet, just stacks in a basket. I absolutely hate edges showing, i like the folds showing, everything folded the same direction. Nothing ever in linen closet for a scent. Clean linens smell nice.

    Fitted sheets are sort of wadded in a foldy way. I do not care.

    1. I do like my linen closet to be tidy all the time. Sometimes it feels like a losing battle though

  7. Too funny about your coming behind TheHub and 'correcting' the towels! My favorite bath sheets are the thirsty sort with a bit of nubbing. Pristine towels - particularly those with silk trim - intimidate me! I once spent a weekend with a friend whose guest bath boasted such accessories. If memory serves, I used the TP as a make-up remover.

    1. I don't like those thick velvety towels. It takes me too much time to dry off with them. I will take function over form just about every time.

  8. We could use some new towels in our master bath too. I do a good job at folding sheets but I find it easier just to wash them and put them back on the bed. I would love to know how they would be from a clothesline!

    1. I love the way sheets smell when sun dried, but my neighborhood does not allow clotheslines

  9. Oh my hell I knew you and Sissie had a thing. SHe actually puts her sheet sets together and then ties them with a ribbon. I kid you not...

    1. I don't have mine tied together, but I do have them folded into a sort of package. I guess I need to go find some sheet ribbon.

  10. I just bought brand new flannel sheets for our beds because the ones we have are tearing/patched. Opened one of the new packs and guess what? The fitted sheet is torn!

    1. Oh what a bummer! And these days who wants to go out more than necessary to return something

  11. I love a clean towel and esp. washcloth every day, but I usually just wash them every other day. Bed linens once a week. I need to replace some towels, but then what to do with the old. I have enough rags already. LOL. I agree with all of the above. Happy January!

    1. I am a firm member of the clean towel club. It gets rough in the summer when I take at least 2 showers a day though.

  12. I do the same thing with my sheets. They get washed and go right back on the bed. I like warm sheets and towels too for that matter.
    I have a crazy amount of towels too, but it is because I grabbed a lot of my Granie and Papa's towels after they had both passed away. I keep them for the memories. Loved your answers! Have a nice week.

    1. You have a great week also Lori. I have towels from Mom's and also after the lake place sale.

  13. You are very neat and orderly with you linens. In general, is that the way you are with most things?

    1. I am very sporadic about what I am neat and orderly about. My linen closet is always done, I clean and tidy my closet and clothes drawers regularly, but I have a coat closet that looks like it belongs to Fibber McGee

  14. Sheets & towels are replaced when they're worn out. I have some worn towels in need of replacing but they work well in the summer when gardening dirt puts them to the test. Some of those towels would be ~40 yrs old! I do have "guest" towel sets that get put out for company. I think 2 sets of sheets per bed are plenty although the sheets on the guest beds often get put back on the beds after laundering. I have flannel sheets for the winter and am in need of a new set. The linen closet holds sheets, towels, table cloths and is in need of some culling. I don't know why I keep the top sheets of worn sets. There are quilters who would use them. I'm not a big fan of scented laundry products because of a sensitivity to some scents. Freshly laundered is sweet smelling enough especially if hung outside. If I were wealthy & had hired help (or not so lazy) I would have freshly laundered and ironed linens every day! Bedding gets changed every 2 wks and towels weekly as a rule.

    1. When I was a kid Mom had help once a week and she very lightly starched and ironed our sheets that were hung outside. Talk about a luxurious first nights sleep.

  15. Our linen closet looks nice because our cat like to hop up on the shelf that holds extra blankets and snooze there. :-) Happy New Year!

    1. Nothing like a living decoration in the linen closet!

  16. Replies
    1. I have a functional aesthetic . I like thing to be useful, but I have too many things!

  17. I'm with ya on the putting them back on. That said I have two sets and an addition winter comforter. I'm the no top sheet type so I use a duvet cover or a quilt light enough it can be washed easily. For any beds not guest rooms I have asingme set. My linens are stored in the master walk in and the towels in the bathroom and kitchen stuff in the laundry room. Hey, it works!

    1. Everyone has what works for them and that is really all that matters!

  18. I have five towels in crimson and two towels that are gray. My living room in the tiny weekend/ retirement house is gray and the hall is crimson. I do need an elephant statute but I digress. But I am a total slacker in the sheet department. I did have one extra pair but I put them on the couch bc the dog likes to jump up there when I am not looking. Actually, I have given up bc middle son encourages dog to jump on couch. Which is why my extra sheets are on my couch. Tacky I know but oh so practical. I do need to go purchase another pair of sheets for both bedrooms. Cindy in the South

  19. An elephant statue and houndstooth upholstery?
    I understand practical!


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