
Monday, April 8, 2024

The Week That Was

Returning home from a trip and getting the house ready for guests was a little hard on me. There is clean enough for us to live and a little cleaner than normal for guests. I have not begun the great purge in the upstairs rooms so they had not been cleaned other than a cursory cleaning since Christmas. It needed a lot of spiffing up.

Monday: I needed TheHub to go back to work so I could do a few things I wanted/needed to do. My Beloved Sister came over and we visited for a little bit before doing a little joint business we have to do monthly.
I talked with Sluggy for just a minute before I was interrupted. I will not be able to speak with her until she gets back from the cruise. Bummer for me,  but good for her!

Tuesday: I spent most of the day doing laundry.  I needed sheets on the beds in 3 bedrooms, along with towels and washcloths needed for four nights. The joy was not doing the laundry, but having it done.

Wednesday: I spent the morning cleaning the bathrooms, vacuuming upstairs, moping floors that can be mopped, dusting (again), fluffing all throw pillows, rearranging the table scape in the dining room, (It still looked a little too Easter-ish.) and doing all those little things you do before houseguests arrive. I had time to shower, put on fresh clothes and makeup, and have a little unwind time before they got here.

Thursday: I was up early and ready for the day when they wandered downstairs. While we were waiting for the 13 year old to get moving we saw 2 gorgeous goldfinches in the apple tree. I always have beautiful birds in the backyard, but this pair was brilliant .
After breakfast I took them to my happy place, to meet the participants of The Independence Place. We walked into a dark room, said hello and were pelted by foam "snowballs". Evidently once I called to say we were coming they decided a snowball assault was the best way to greet us. I am not sure you could have a better ice breaker than that. 
My company really did enjoy meeting them, and all joined right in the "snowball" fight.
We went out for a late lunch, then they decided they wanted to go to a local garden.  While they were at the garden I ran to the grocery store. I do not shop for kids anymore and we don't have things kids want  like milk  (or Little Debbies) at our house. A few years ago we started using almond milk in cereal and that is truly the only thing we use milk in.  If I am baking I use reconstituted powdered milk or evaporated milk, neither sounded appetizing to 13 and 9 year olds. I guess Fruit Loops do call for the real thing.
When they came back we had dinner, some conversations, then they headed for bed.

Friday: They had planned a quick trip to the Space Center in Huntsville. I probably should have gone with them, but I needed to do a few other things at the house, including going back to the store to pick up a couple of things for dinner. I made sure the meal would hold since I had no idea when they would be back. I am glad I cooked early because they came home much sooner than we expected they would.

Saturday: We had a slow morning while the 13 year old watched Rainman. Several of the participants at Independence Place are on the spectrum and she was interested in learning more about it. 
After she watched it we met Son2, Dil2 and TheHub's cousin B at a restaurant near the zoo.
The youngest sent a message to his middle sister  who was in L.A. having a solo vacation with their parents, saying "Call me. I'm bored'. * Bored until the talked turned into a male kid friendly subject and then he came alive. Nothing like mild toilet humor to crank up a 9 year old guy. 
They visited the zoo while TheHub and I ran a few errands. While they were in the area they took a side trip to Vulcan. It was not a great trip for my SIL because she is afraid of heights.
Son2 and DIL2 came and joined us for dinner, before we watched Alabama's game in the Final Four. Even though they did not win it was still great they made it that far. The 13 year old was a very gracious Georgia fan and actually rooted for Bama.
Son1 and Pip went to Phoenix and were at the game. They sent pictures during the game, and afterward where Pip got to meet a few players and got her Alabama sweatshirt autographed. In the photos she was grinning from ear to ear. So we have created a PNW native Alabama fan! They are coming for Thanksgiving because Pip wants to go to the Alabama/ Auburn game. Guess who will make sure she has tickets?

Sunday:  They woke had a leisurely breakfast then got ready to head back to Georgia, after stopping to go to church where a friends Son in Law is the minister. TheHub and I had a slow day watching the final game of the NCAA women's basketball tournament, and watching Alabama Softball. We both dozed off at some point then woke in time to see the end of both games. TheHub was pulling for Iowa, but I wanted South Carolina to win. And of course we both wanted Alabama to win the softball game. I lucked out with both teams winning.  I wish we had bet something like the loser had to cook dinner! I am always too late with my brilliant ideas!

Look for your joys no matter how small. They are always out there.

May all your weeds be wildflowers.

* If I am being perfectly honest I was getting bored too. The mark of someone who acts old is someone who talks about their ills and the medical conditions of everyone around them. When she was alive my mom used to say no one wants to have conversations about the sick, afflicted and dying. I agree! 


  1. It sounds like a good visit. And yes, I try NOT to talk about my ailments (but sadly sometimes fail). Must try harder.

    1. It is not talking about ailments that bothers me. It is dwelling on them and the ailments of everyone around you that seems to be the topic of conversation at the table that afternoon.

  2. Ha ha, ain't that the truth about talking about your ailments! Poor kid!

    1. Yep he was in misery for a while until the conversation turned. Then he was "In Like Flint!"

  3. From the sounds of it, they had a full vacation seeing and doing lots of fun things. I'll bet the snowball fight will be a highlight.
    Do boys, no matter their age ever grow out of bathroom humour?

  4. Sounds like a nice visit but I agree, that is a sign of getting older that I will always try to avoid.

  5. Oh my- that's my mother- in-laws fall back conversation- icky details on people I don't know, and wanting me to fill her in on people she thinks I should know about on their health. You sound like such a gracious host though.

    1. I grew up in a family that did not dwell on ailments so it was never a primary topic of conversation. Even when my dad was dying of cancer if you asked him how he felt he generally said I feel fair to middling.

  6. You may share my post with your Sunday School class. I hope I don’t bother you with talk of my ailments. God Bless you.

    1. Regine, you talk mainly about acceptance and what you are doing to improve. There is a huge difference between that and dwelling on the downside.

  7. The 9 year-old that once was me can sure empathize with your young house guest! My parents were always taking me along to places where I had zero interest. Unfortunately, in those 'olden days' I hadn't a cell phone to summon help. (lol)
    Myra (aka Mevely 317)

    1. I was honestly as bored as he was.(I am just older and can hide my disinterest a little better)
      I am sorry that their grandparent died young, but I felt no desire to relive the end of his life and physical condition or lack thereof. (He passed away in 1961, and like the young guests, I never knew him either.)

  8. Sounds like such a good visit and the snowball fight sound fun! I use almond milk here too and wouldn't switch back to cows milk for anything else.

    1. I have a lot of milk leftover that I am going to have to do something with. No idea what yet

  9. You did have a couple of busy weeks, back to back! I must remember that dwelling on my ailments is a sure sign of old age! :D

  10. So happy you got to see Pip. I am sick afflicted and dying.

  11. I can't stand laundry. It's my least favorite household chore.

    1. I don't mind doing it and folding it, but I despise putting it up. Ironing is another category of distaste entirely. It belongs by itself since I only iron on demand as needed.

  12. Hello! You explained the process of getting ready for company perfectly. I love having visitors, but as I am cleaning for them, I always think about how I will be cleaning again as soon as they leave! LOL Have a lovely Sunday afternoon, my friend.


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