
Friday, August 6, 2021

Green, Green Laughter

I am going to have to do a little explaining about the song I used today. My Beloved Sister has a strange, yet wonderful sense of humor, and while we were in a lull at Mom's open house she told me she had a surprise for me___a new summer theme song.

But first a little back story about us knowing the song. I was in a very bad car wreck right before my 16th birthday and was in the hospital in traction for a little over a week. In addition to breaking stuff, I had pretty decent head injury.  Evidently I was a bit confused for several days and still have no memory of anything until about the 5th day I was there, which was my actual birthday. Probably the only reason I remember it was because I distinctly remember arguing with my parents who would not unhook me to let me go take the drivers test to get my license. After all, it was only my left leg that was in the cast up to my hip, and everyone knew I gassed and braked with my right! And the other stuff that was damaged? Pffft trivial. I only needed one hand for the steering wheel.*

My folks were pretty good about keeping my friends away, but one of my Mom's friends came by to sit with me and spell Mom for a bit. Evidently in my confused state, when asked if I needed anything, I told her I would love her New Christie Minstrels album. (Of course I had also called my best friend and told her I was riding a tricycle and fell, told the ambulance driver I was a 25 year old actor, and told my cousin I fell off the monkey bars at the park and was being kept as punishment for skipping school.)

Needless to say I was not in my right mind, but dear sweet Mrs. L came to the house after I was released from the hospital bearing not only The New Christie Minstrel album, but also Don Ho's version of Pearly Shells. I do remember looking through her albums when I was a kid and we would be at their house when Mom and Dad played cards with Mr. and Mrs. L but I never listened to either of those. I was much more interested in their older daughter's music. 

Anyway to make a long story even longer, My Beloved Sister and I thought my addled brain song requests were so bizarre that we would play them sometimes and die laughing. When we were going though all of Dad's music we found those two albums that made the cut of albums we actually kept, just because we laugh every time we think about it.

Now fast forward to this past Sunday when we were sitting in Mom's breakfast nook. MBS, at full volume, burst into her altered versions, singing "Green Beans they're green I say, and her pot is very filled. . . " I don't remember what came next because I snorted Diet Coke!

 My neighbor called and asked if she could bring her daughters to swim. I love hearing them laugh while having fun. Later in the day I had a phone conversation with Sluggy which is always a treat!

Saturday: TheHub and I ran out to do a couple of things, came home and ate a quick bite. I had just finished eating when I got a call from a couple wanting to see the house. I was locking the door after showing it to them when a car pulled up and slowed down. I asked if they wanted to see it so I got a two for one trip showing.

Sunday: I streamed our church service. It is not the same as being there, but I will accept it for what it is. We held an Open House at Mom's. Even though it was not well attended, we had a ton of laughs.  When I got home I saw the green beans TheHub had picked. There were almost 4 pounds, so I strung, snapped, blanched and froze 6 packs of green beans

Monday:  Generally nice day, with a bonus_____only 1 pound of green beans  were harvested

Tuesday: Had an unexpected showing of Mom's house. The weather was much nicer with a lower dew point. Hurrah for small gifts! Also I am into the Olympics. My new favorite races to watch are the steeplechase races.

Wednesday: I have been enjoying the Master Class subscription Son2 gave us for Christmas. I began watching instructions on writing and decided to begin my day as per his advice, so I sat down at the laptop to write 1000 words. By the time I thought I was about there I looked at the word count and I was well over 1800. So woo hoo!  
It was a much nicer day again. Lower humidity is always wonderful! Though not much happened because I am staying at home because of the uptake in the Covid numbers, I still had a lovely day by myself and got several tasks I had been ignoring done. After dinner TheHub and I  made some short term and long term plans for a few things we would like to do. We have decided to rent an RV in September and take a trial trip just to see if we like it or not. I

Thursday: I had a successful 1000 word morning again. I will most likely not do it every single day, but for now I am going to continue. 
I had an almost Sluggy like day today, and went to the dreadful CVS. I bought a few things I use daily and was out of. I used coupons and their buy 1 get one 50 percent off, plus bonus bucks and walked out with 13.28 cents in CVS cash to use next time. I figure I will get some of the coupons from My Beloved Sister since she does not use them and repeat the deal using my bonus bucks. I had rather stock up and go ahead and get rid of them.

So go find your joy, whatever it may be, and if anyone out there needs either of these two albums, we have a gizmo Dad bought to convert analog to digital.  Just sayin'

*I finally got my license 6 months later when I no longer needed crutches. But shortly before that, there was the Peggy Lee album incident when the folks thought I was losing my mind again and were debating whether it was a good idea for me to have a license or not. Lucky for me the mystery was solved. It turned out my grandmother knew I loved music so she sent in a bunch of  Corn Flakes box tops plus 1.00 and had it sent to me. I did love music, but at the time I was 16 and Peggy Lee was nowhere in my wheelhouse, she wasn't even near it!  (I kept that album from Mom and Dad's record stash also.)


  1. Great stories, Ann! I love when people keepa few quirky items just becasue they remnd us of a time, good or bad, that is so unique to all of us. I agree-we need to keep the look out for joys or it is too easy to let the crap tak eover. I won't give it the free real estate in my head.

    1. There are things you just have to keep just because!

  2. Oh my Mr. Bean-style sense of humour can just picture you trying to take your driving test with your leg in plaster! I bet Gary Larsen could do a great cartoon of it too. I've seen a few clips on Youtube about people saying the funniest things when coming out of anaesthesia. One young girl kept telling her male nurse that she loved him and they were going to get married (he was gorgeous), and another young girl's sister told her that she spoke Korean and she believed it. It was so funny!

    1. I do remember being very angry that they would not even consider my request!

  3. Oh this post explains so much..... just much.

    1. I had pretty much the same personality before the accident! No real change there!

  4. Love this! Sounds like you are getting some interest in your mom's house, which is fantastic. Fingers crossed!

  5. My musically ignorant self remembers this song. I didn't keep it - or the Harry Belafonte (which I regret).
    Hooray for joys. All of them.

    1. Aren't joys wonderful. I love capturing them even on so so days!

  6. Loved the green bean song! :D Maybe your sister can find a zucchini song for me! :D The one zucchini plant we kept has a zucchini ready to be picked! That'll be number 132, I believe!

    1. Between the two of us I am pretty sure we can mangle some lyrics for a theme song for you!

  7. Funny family stories often seem to come from accidents and recoveries. I'd love to see your Diet Coke come out of your nose.


    1. I think funny family stories only happen if the family laughs at things. THeHubs family never laughed at the ridiculous things the happened. They would even get mad if someone brought it up.

  8. It's a shame about the accident but I do have to laugh at the thoughts the meds brought on and the memories they evoke.

    My fingers and toes are crossed that one of these showings soon bring an offer.

    1. The accident was so long ago there is is just a distant memory (or non-memory as the case may be)
      I am hoping the house sells quickly

  9. Gosh, if that were to happen today we'd probably see you on America's Funniest Home Videos. What a generous spirit, your Mrs. L.!

    1. When I was growing up I was surrounded by a group of lovely women who were my mom's friends.

  10. I hope the showings are eventually fruitful. About your injury--it's good you did not end of in TBI unit. Those are funny things you said. We three girls collapsed in laughter with Mama about things that happened or just laughed at each other. It is a shame your in-laws did not laugh at goofy things. Life is too short to not laugh.

    1. I am pretty sure when I had the wreck there was no such thing as a TBI unit

  11. I remember that song, or at least the chorus. Sounds like you have a lot of interest in your mother's house. I'm sure you'll have an acceptable offer in no time.

  12. OH wow, I'm sorry about the accident, but I'm glad you can laugh about it now.
    Love the stories, and I have never heard of the Christy Minstrels, but I'm sure that your sister's version is better.

    We usually find something funny to laugh about every day, so thanks for the laugh today. :)

    1. My sister and I laugh about nearly everything and continue to laugh about the same thing over and over for years!


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