
Sunday, February 26, 2023

Dang Good Week

This week started with a bang and ended with one too. It has been a long time since I had so many things to do all week, but this was almost non-stop filled with old and new friends and family. 
And though I loved it, I still have a mound of sheets and towels to wash and return to the  appropriate rooms.
Even with the laundry, a little bit of chaos, and extra activities it was a great week that I will remember. I had a great time!

Sunday: We woke, went to church then hurried home to do the last details getting ready for guests. Son3 and three of his friends arrived a little after noon to spend the night, before continuing on to a bachelor party in New Orleans. 
One of the guests was a first generation son of Polish immigrants. He brought us some wonderful treats that he grew up eating.  Candies, cookies, and sausages, oh my! I immediately put bowls of candies and plated the cookies so everyone could enjoy them throughout the day/ evening. Can't wait to eat the sausages, ham, and smoked ribs another day.
In the evening we had an extended dinner with fantastic conversation.

Monday: The houseguest who had driven them from NYC wanted to have his car looked at before they left. It had started making a wonky noise as they neared Birmingham.  We told him a nearby place we have used for simple repairs and he planned on taking the car in an having it checked. When he went outside to start his car he noticed antifreeze all over the driveway. A tow truck and a several hours repair job was needed.
I was very happy (for them ) the breakdown happened in my driveway rather than down the road. At least they could have somewhere to stay while they waited, plus they were able to use my car to go do a couple of things instead of just sitting in a repair shop. 
Their joy? About 6 hours later than they planned on leaving, they finally left with a road ready  car. 
I sent the remaining candies with them because, as delicious as they were, TheHub and I did not need them here. Neither of us have ever met chocolates we didn't like.
It was great meeting a couple of new guys as well as seeing Son2 and his friend T. (the groom) whom we have known for several years.

Tuesday: My beloved sister and I left early to go to Independence Place. The participants were not there; they were busy practicing the play,  so we painted props without interruption. The no interruption was good, for we were finished much sooner than we normally would have.  But those interruptions provide so much joy and laughter.
After we finished we rushed back to my house just in time for me to throw off my painting duds and change into something more appropriate for an appointment TheHub an I had. Meanwhile, I got to talk with Sluggy until TheHub arrived at home. We left as soon as he got here, took care out a little business followed by a pick up order from our favorite wine shop along with some funny texting with both Kim and Sissie.
We came home, changed into nicer clothes then drove to Tuscaloosa to meet TheHub's youngest brother and our SIL for dinner. I love meeting them!

Wednesday: The day was a drop dead gorgeous day! My redbud trees are in full bloom and were the first thing I saw when I sat down at the kitchen table to have my morning coffee. Joy!

Thursday: The day of the long anticipated play was finally here. I went out early to do whatever gophering needed to be done. As it turned out other than picking up a few items as I drove in and spotting Son2 while he was adjusting stage lights then handing him whatever he needed, I had to do very little.  
I enjoyed a long cup of coffee and conversations with some of the other volunteers and a couple of my cousins before the doors were opened to the general public. 
Son3 's friends dropped him off at the play so he got to watch it also
I cannot tell you how much I loved watching the participants perform and hearing the audience all celebrating their unique abilities. It was wonderful. 
A most special joy was after the play. TGS (our temporary grandson who is living with Son2 and DIL2) saw  Son3, ran up to him, grabbed him and said "You Came!!!!!!!" while grinning from ear to ear. 
TheHub and I got to meet TGS's parents finally and they told us he talks to them about us regularly. One of his endearing traits is to qualify everyone. For example he never mentions his siblings without calling them  M, my sister or E, my brother. We found out when he speaks to his folks about Son3 he calls him  "Son3, my cousin".

Friday: TheHub and I drove to Nashville to drop Son3 off at a friends house. DIL3 was flying in to meet him there and they were going to spend a little time checking out the city before he flew back to New York. The joys was we had a few additional hours to talk with Son3, then TheHub and I had an uninterrupted 3 hours of conversation on the way back.

Saturday: My Beloved Sister and I had to drive about 50 miles from my house for a baby shower for one of my cousin's daughter. Normally I probably would have skipped the shower and just ordered a gift and had it shipped to her , but she miscarried her first pregnancy and is facing some complications with this one. She is such a sweet young woman and we wanted to do everything possible to be supportive.
On the way to the middle of nowhere (the shower site), there was interstate construction and the drive there took forever. For a significant length of I-59 we were driving under 6 miles an hour. The good thing was having my sister with me because we laughed about silly things throughout the entire delay. 
We arrived a tad later than planned, but still in time to see many more of our female relatives.
And the mom to be was so excited to have so many of her "people" there.
Loved seeing her be so happy, and am glad the event is now in my rearview mirror. 
I am looking forward to a calmer week now.

Look for your joys no matter how large or small they are. They are always there!

May all your weeds be wildflowers,


  1. What a fun and busy week! Where did y’all eat in Tuscaloosa with sister in law and brother in law, and was it good? Cindy in the South

  2. That does sound like a fun filled and busy week. You're blessed to have so much family! I'm sure the play was awesome to see. Enjoy this new week.

    1. The play was so special celebrating the participants abilities. I am looking forward to a calmer week though!

  3. That is so sweet you went to be supportive of her. ❤️ Bless you!

    1. Sometimes you have to just let your heart dictate what you should do.

  4. Sounds like such a wonderful week, filled with family! We had a great week skiing - the time with teens is precious & we try to enjoy it, despite the work, financial & time commitment. It was really lovely & we had so many laughs!

    1. Once the boys are gone onto a different path you will be so happy for the trips and memories you have made with them. Worth. Every. Penny

  5. Sounds like. Very good week. I’m glad your sons friend got his car fixed and road ready. How nice of his friend to bring treats with him. He’s my kind of people. 😂

    1. We had never met him before and he was a delightful man, Now I am waiting for Son3 to give me his address so I can shoot him a thank you note.

  6. What a wonderful week! Busy, but wonderful! I've had a good week, too; cold, and wet, but, good! :D

    1. I know the cold is not great but your garden should be loving the rain.

  7. I've loved little theater since belonging to a club while in high school. No way of telling, but I doubt Broadway ensembles have as much fun.

  8. it's great to be busy, and a life that has people and events filling it. We've had houseguests and things happening for weeks! Fun but a bit tiring too...

    1. By Sunday afternoon I was worn out. I am taking Monday as a do nothing day.

  9. You sound like you had such a good time this week. However, I would need a rest after all that fun. Do you have a calmer week ahead?

    1. Live and Learn here.

    2. This week I have nothing but regular week's activities. I might add I am very glad!

  10. Good to know that you had a productive and delightful week, Anne.

  11. You did have a busy week. Gophers are so important and make life easier during any project.

  12. You have worn me out with all your activities in one week. I am in hiding until Wednesday because it is going to be an unbelievable day and then I will go back in hiding to recover. That will be my week.

    1. It was a busier week that I like to have, but it was fun.

  13. Phew, I'm tired reading about everything that happened this week for you - it was definitely busy and full of joys. Spending time with family is the best!

  14. I do love a busy week! Sounds like it was also a lot of fun.

    1. I really did enjoy it even though I have some to terms with the fact that I am much like the Old Gray Mare.


  15. Just love what you said: "Look for your joys no matter how large or small they are. They are always there!" That's perfect.......


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