
Sunday, February 12, 2023

Limited by Coughing

The week was neither good nor bad, but I was still coughing pretty badly and just did not need to be around people. I recognize that I have a moral responsibility to the community at large, but I do not like having to stay home, and start feeling like a big cat in a cage, pacing back and forth. Instead of just being stuck at home I start to think I am trapped, and I don't like it at all. 

Sunday: After a seriously long, hot, shower, I dressed for the day (fashionista that I am) in sweats and a camo thermal shirt to cough my stupid head off lounge the day away. I still felt pretty bad, but the upside was I managed to finish a book between naps, coughs and sneezes, and  Paramount+ released a new episode of 1923.

Monday: I had planned on feeling much better than I did. The cough was still relentless, but I needed to get a few things from the grocery store. I double masked and made a quick trip, under ten minutes, making sure I stayed far away from other shoppers and also making sure I only touched items I was going to purchase. I was even a good Girl Scout and wiped the buggy handle (that's cart for those of you who don't speak southern) with a disinfecting wipe after returning it. I do not want to share this crap with anyone. When I got home the day was so incredibly gorgeous, I sat outside on the front steps for a while.

Tuesday: I felt much better even though I was still battling the cough. 
I sat outside and enjoyed the weather a bit, plus I got to see quite a few courting birds. I saw a couple of fights too. A pair of male cardinals were in a frenzied contest vying for the attentions of a female who sat on a branch watching the melee. I am not sure who the victor was, but I imagine some nest building will be going on shortly.
I also saw/heard a beautiful woodpecker, pecking away at the tree in my next door neighbors yard.
While I was sitting outside I took inventory of all the work we have to do to get things ready for spring. Ugh! The seriously cold spell we had did some damage to some of the plants in the yard. I hope just a shave and a haircut will be all it takes to get them looking decent, but I have a feeling the butterfly bush is toast. No matter, we will have a ton of work to do to make the yard look decent.

Wednesday: Normally I would have gone to class, but this cough was relentless. I was probably no longer contagious, but if I were one of my classmates, I would not have wanted to be in the same room with me.
I stayed home, sat outside and read for a good part of the day.

Thursday: I was still staying away from all humans with the exception of TheHub. I did have a couple of nice telephone conversations with My Beloved Sister and another friend. And I watched/mostly listened to Derry Girls. What a wonderful ensemble cast.

Friday: TheHub came home from work early and for the first time in a week I felt almost human. We ran a few errands, then went out to eat. Ok not really! We went to Culvers (a fast food place) and ate a fish sandwich and had a diet root beer, which might be the best root beer I have ever had.

Saturday: Whatever this mystery illness is, it has really worked a number on me. I have been so tired and had no energy. I was actually glad it was a rainy dreary day so we could stay at home and do virtually nothing. We read/ate/watched the Alabama -Auburn basketball game/watched a new to us series/ lather, rinse, repeat. I am more than ready to feel normal again.

Look for your joys, no matter how small. They are out there!

May all your weeds be wildflowers,


  1. My husband seems to have had the same thing as you. I've never seen him so tired and coughing so much. I hope you're feeling better soon. I love being home but know what you mean when you feel like you can't leave. Enjoy your Sunday!!

  2. I hope you're on the mend this week, and able to get back out! I enjoy a day at home as well, but feeling forced to be home is no fun.

    1. I am ready to get out among the living. I particularly miss seeing my sister.

  3. After the doctor listened to my lungs, he asked twice if I had been coughing. He said something, a cold of some kind, has been going around for the last few months, and it takes a long time to get rid of it. Maybe this is what you have. I am glad you are feeling somewhat better. The birds have been active around here, too.

  4. I didn't realize Culver's was in Alabama; I'm going to Google the address now!
    Having suffered from chronic bronchitis for most of my life, I sure sympathize with you. Hopefully, 'normal' works its way back into your everyday vocabulary!

    1. Culver's is off John Hawkins Pkwy (Highway 150) near the 459 exit

  5. Oh my, I am so sorry to hear about your cough. I am currently going through the same thing. I never get a cough and all I'm doing is coughing. Seeing my pulmonary doctor tomorrow. You take care.

  6. Hope that you feel better soon and do get enough sleep...

    1. I have been sleeping well for a couple of hours then I wake to a coughing fit for about 15 minutes, then the sleep cough cycle starts all over.

  7. Hope you feel better soon. Prolonged coughs can really drain you. Take it easy and rest.

    1. The cough is not constant but the coughing spells are extreme.

  8. I feel your pain, as I cough away!!! Loved all three series of Derry Girls, found it very funny. Hope you feel better soon.

  9. Sure hope you are feeling much better now.
    It's been a weird weather winter. Good luck with the plants.

    1. I am sure the extreme temp swings we have been having is not helping.

  10. Overnight Saturday to Sunday I sat on an airplane next to a man coughing like you described. I know that it’s virtually impossible to change a reservation, so I blame the airlline not him. But i commend you for protecting your fellow shoppers etc1

    best… mae at

  11. Gosh you have been through the wringer haven't you!!! I hope you're starting to feel better by now though!

    1. I no longer really feel bad, I just can't shake this damn cough.

  12. Sissie was so sick the entire time she was here. 6 weeks of a damn unrelenting cough. Whatever this crap is it is knocking people down.

  13. Healing hugs.

  14. Coughs always seem to linger after a respiratory illness and just plain wear you out. Hope improvement is on the way.


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