
Monday, June 17, 2024

An Old Week With A New Start

This week marks new beginnings for us. The big family trip coming up which is a celebration for several occasions. We are wrapping Mother's Day, Father's Day, our anniversary, and retirement in one weeklong event.
TheHub officially retired, Friday, (even though he went to the office Saturday morning and then again this Morning to finish up a couple of straggling issues), which means for the first time in forever there will be no paycheck coming into the house. What a different mindset for both of us. Finally and Yikes!!!

And now for the joys of the past week.
Monday: This was my day to go to my happy place with My Beloved Sister. Monday was National Frosted Cookie Day, so of course I had to plan what they would make accordingly. We did not have the time required to make and bake cookies, so I bought them and let the participants make buttercream frosting. 
We were able to be there at lunch time to keep and eye on everyone while the staff had a meeting. As soon as lunch was over they made it, then inhaled the cookies. Powdered sugar may or may not have gotten on several participants clothes.
The staff came back to a group that was experiencing a very lively sugar high, and we left laughing all the way to the car.
Once home I began getting ready for dinner (cleaning what I had neglected to clean before I left for Independence Place). Out niece had called Sunday night to let us know she was going to be in town for job training for her new position, and of course we wanted to visit with her. I had told her we would have spaghetti, but realized I did not have everything needed to make it on hand. Because I was only going to use things I had on hand last week, spaghetti turned into a big taco salad.  And thankfull,y TheHub has a  wine stash, so that was taken care of also.

Tuesday: I had planned on being in the house the remainder of the week so I could get things in order.  Tuesday the pool guy came by and gave the pool the thumbs up for swimming. We opened it late this week and it always takes at least a week to get the water in shape for swimming. I wish we could leave it uncovered year round, but the one year we did that the leaves from the oaks and hickory trees won. I was able to get some of the sitting areas around the pool looking a bit better.

Wednesday: Son1 and Pip are coming here for a week after the trip, which meant I needed to get the upstairs in order. Unfortunately a good book popped up on my Libby app and I could not resist.

Thursday: It was a beautiful morning and My Beloved Sister came over to swim

Friday: I was able to talked with Sluggy, which is always a fun thing to do. TheHub came home from his last official day at work and we had a little pool celebration. Nothing beats a swim before dinner, except possibly a swim before dinner that is already made. 

Saturday: I finished packing all my clothes for the trip. 
We have a villa with a furnished kitchen, and will eat in most nights. Everyone agrees we had rather enjoy the place than have to stop and get dressed for dinners out. Not a problem, and one of the services that was offered was to have the kitchen stocked prior to our arrival. We did submit a shopping list to have what we needed for a few days, but figured we will get the rest ourselves. I am kind of funny about buying produce and fish sight unseen.
After perusing a couple of the island's grocery stores and the price of various things, I checked with customs and there are no restrictions on bringing in food. I did pack a carry-on bag with a few things like coffee, tea,  snacks and seasonings. As much as I love coffee, I had much rather use a pound I already have, than pay upwards of 17 euros.
Sunday: We went to church. Afterward we stopped at a couple of places to get a couple of things we needed for the trip. I do not sleep well when we are not at home and bought Advil pm which usually does the trick. There were a couple of other necessary and non-necessary things we picked up also. I mean who does not want to use Downey fabric release rather than setting up the ironing board to get rid of wrinkles caused by packing? (Look away here Kim and Sissie) Raises hand high!
The rest of the day was spent getting all the remaining details about leaving the house and any remaining trip details taken care of. I think I was finally getting a little excited!

Books read in June
The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek (Thanks for the heads up Live and Learn)
All We Ever Wanted
The Passengers

Look for your joys, no matter how small. They are always there!

May all your weeds be wildflowers.



  1. oooh, where are you going? It sounds fabulous & I want to live vicariously through you! We leave our pool uncovered (it's a non-standard shape) & it requires a daily pool patio area sweep (and, it's a large space) as well as pool cleaning several times a week. But, the effect of getting to see it...we've decided the trade off is worth it.

    So excited for you for an adventure, and a HUGE congrats to the hubbie on his retirement!! (Hawaii Planner)

    1. We are headed to St Barth's Wednesday.
      We have tried to leave our pool open, but there are so many really large oak and hickory trees around, we get the leaf dump. There was a period of about 4 weeks when the entire surface of the pool would be covered and I was scooping leaves three or more times a day. It is just easier to go ahead and cover it from late October through mid April.
      This year was a delayed opening because of the landscape guy who left a huge pile of dirt on the pool deck while he dawdled.

  2. Congratulations to the hubs on his retirement!! I hope you all have a wonderful week celebrating all of your joys. I can't wait to hear all about your trip. Enjoy.

    1. It is going to be great just getting away. It will be the first time ever that everyone is together for a trip.

  3. Congratulations to your hubs! So exciting to be starting a new adventure! I'm glad that you will be able to celebrate with all the family and make lots of fun memories. Safe travels and have a wonderful time.

    1. Thank you Kathy. We are looking forward to a new way of living, but it will be an adjustment for both of us.

  4. I actually have used Wrinkle release on my bedspreads and it works! Hubs retired? Don't kill him. Pip coming? Hurrah! A kitchen where you are vacationing, I would refuse to cook this is your vacation.

    1. He officially retired Friday afternoon, went back in the office all day Saturday and then until 2 today. Shortest retirement on record!
      We will have a cook but still have to purchase everything.

  5. Looks like that you had a great week! And have a wonderful vacation, Anne.

  6. Congratulations to Hubby on his retirement. Retirement income or lack thereof does require a different kind of thinking, and I'm still working on it. (I'm still a job, but there's no way we could begin to live my salary.) How a wonderful trip. Sounds like a great way to celebrate the beginning of retirement.

  7. Congratulations on the retirement and hurrah for a fabulous family trip!!!!! Cindy in the South

  8. What a wonderful week and another lovely couple of weeks to look forward to with the vacation and Son1 and Pip's visit. Congratulations to your husband on his retirement. Having been retired for almost 6 years, I can highly recommend it!

    1. I just hope he will learn what being retired means!

  9. Congratulations to your husband on his retirement. I do hope he realizes that his former employer needs to learn to get along without him.
    Do enjoy your visit to St. Barth's. That is an island I have not visited, but I've heard good things. Having Pip there (and your sons too) will be wonderful.

    1. We have never been there either. I am just looking forward to relaxing with the family. Typing that reminds me of something one of my friends mom's typed years ago on her facebook account. It was Easter and someone asked her what she was doing for Easter. Her reply: Having dinner WTF (which she thought meant with the family) I still laugh whenever I think of her doing that.

  10. I hope his business functions as well without him as it has over the years that I have used it. Can you build a structure over the pool that is screened so leaves will not dump into the pool? Tommy makes more retired than he did when working, so no stress without an income.

    1. TheHub was never in operations.
      I could have a structure built, but it would mess up our view from the screened porch, which we enjoy all year except for the weeks of the great pollen dump.

  11. Congratulations on your hubby's retirement! (Well, and yours -- it's a shared thing).
    I hope your vacay is all you've dreamed of!

    1. I hope I get to retire also. Ive been doing the laundry and cooking the same amount of time he has been working.

  12. Congratulations to your hubbie on his retirement!!! Wonderful news! I was on St. Barths years ago (we hopped over from St. Martin). That's where all the rich people keep their yachts. Sylvester Stalone's yacht was there with a full crew on board at all time "just in case"! Have a wonderful time and how great that Son1 and family will be coming over after your trip. Happy days!

  13. Congratulations to your dh on his retirement!

  14. Congratulations on the retirement! On to a new adventure! Have a wonderful time on your vacation, my friend. Soak in every moment!

  15. This sounds like a fab-u-lous celebration trip! I hope every minute is joyous and you make great memories

  16. Congratulations on all the things you're celebrating, especially retirement! I hope you and your husband find it peaceful and fulfilling!


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