
Sunday, June 2, 2024

Come And Get It

I was not inspired to cook this week, and not even really hungry. I either made dinner or we bought it somewhere else. It didn't really matter much to me either way. So whether it was bought and put on the table or made and the same; we came, we sat, we got it.

What was planned:
Grilled steak, tossed salad, mashed potatoes ✓
Grilled pork chop, coleslaw,  corn on the cob, dinner rolls ✓ (kind of)
Veggie meal TBD
Big salad meal TBD✓
Out to eat✓
Stuffed bell peppers, coleslaw
Grilled tuna steaks, smashed potatoes, cucumber tomato onion salad.


What we actually ate:
Sunday:  We had stayed in most of the day to watch the Alabama ball game, which ran late because of a rain delay. Thankfully PBS looped the Memorial Day concert, giving us time to fire up the grill and eat before the second showing came on.
Steak tossed salad, dinner rolls

Monday: TheHub went into the office for part of the day to get some things done while no one was there to bother him. (Hopefully the person who replaces him once he retires will appreciate his attention to detail)  On his way home, he noticed a grocery store nearby had a grill set up outside to cook ribs. That was all it took to change our plans. The planned pork chop now lives in the freezer.
Pork ribs, tomato cucumber onion salad, dinner rolls

Tuesday: Trivia night at The Electric
Pastrami sandwiches, coleslaw

Wednesday:When I planned the week's menu I did not anticipate having leftovers, but we did.
Leftover ribs, squash, black eyed peas,  

Thursday:  TheHub worked late which meant cooking later and I just did not want to take the time to make stuffed peppers from the ground chuck I had thawed.
Sloppy joes, tomato bell pepper cucumber onion salad, giardiniera.

Friday: Once TheHub came home from the office, we had a couple of errands to run, before Alabama played softball. Instead of cooking we just picked up a quick meal to eat at home before the game started.
Pad Thai  (TheHub)  Bulgogi (me)

Saturday: TheHub worked much later than he had planned. By the time he got home (nearly 4) neither of us had eaten lunch so we opted for a combo lunch and dinner.
Mediterranean salad with a side of chicken salad I had made for lunch (there is still a lot of this left over so I know what my lunches for the next few days will be)

What's up * 
1. Out to eat
2. White bbq chicken, caulitato salad, baked beans (?)
3. Veggie meal TBD
4. Buffalo wings, celery sticks, tater tots
5. Latin(ish) lettuce roll ups
6. Cajun chicken, rice or mashed potatoes, tossed salad
7. Grilled tuna steaks, mashed potatoes, broccoli

Have a great week staying on plan, going off plan or with no plan at all.

*cucumber and tomato slices are probable w/each meal


  1. It's not cucumber and tomato season already in the south is it? I love them both so happy to have in every meal.

    1. Oh yes, beautiful vine ripened tomatoes and cucumbers. I have them every day now.

  2. Take out Morgan co white sauce bbq chicken from Jim and Nicks is on the menu this week. I meant to get it this weekend but was sidetracked. Cindy in the South

    1. I am making the white sauce tonight so it can sit in the fridge and get a little better before I use it.

  3. Tomatoes in season are bliss. Something I happily eat every day. Not a fan of cucumber though.

    1. I love them both and when they are seasonal I have them daily. Often I have what a friend calls cukes and juice (cucumber slices with a splash of vinegar)

  4. Leftover ribs??? 😄
    You're making my mouth water.

  5. I think you had a delicious week. I love ribs and steak.

  6. Yes it's hard to get up enthusiasm for cooking some days tho i did put up some sauerkraut this morning to ferment for the next 2 weeks. And last week i cooked heaps! Hope you get your mojo back :)

    1. Looking at your blog I saw how much you cooked and how delicious it all looked!

  7. Sounds like you had some tasty meals last week and some equally tasty ones planned for this week. I like cucumber salads made with vinegar, but, when my daughter is home, I make them with lemon juice, instead, as she doesn't like vinegar. Oh, and I almost always add some finely sliced green chilies to the cucumber salad. It takes it up a notch. :)

    1. I have never thought of adding chilies. I am going to have to give that a try.

  8. We had ribs for Memorial Day and over the weekend my husband smoked two pork shoulders for a party. Leftover pork is what's on the menu for this week.

    1. I have a couple of brisket points in the freezer I need to smoke, but am finding no incentive to do it.

  9. All of your meals sound delicious. White BBQ chicken is one of my favorites along with tomatoes and cucumbers. I hope you have a wonderful week.

    1. I like them too. Now if the weather will cooperate so I can get the grill fired up for dinner.

  10. Your meals always sound delicious, and it is clear you are a much better cook than I. I'm happy to get a protein, a veg, and usually a starch on the plate. Last night was BBQ burgers and grilled corn on the cob.

    1. I usually like to cook but lately I have not been in the mood.


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