
Tuesday, June 11, 2024

I'm Late!

I am running a day late (and most likely a dollar short) this week. I have more to do than I have time to do it, because I am an excellent procrastinator and it caught up with me. Now, with no one to blame but myself, I am running around like a chicken with it's head cut off, making little to no progress.

Monday: I had a mostly regular Monday. I like to start my week with no real plans so I can get the week in order, even though I might be the most unorganized human in the world.

Tuesday: I was very excited to get to go to  Independence Place (my happy place). Because it was National Cheese Day, they made and really enjoyed mac and cheese. I smile more there than I do anywhere else I go.
Later that night we went out to eat and played trivia. I found out that we were really bad when it came to naming all of Britain's  Prime Ministers from 1991 forward in order. 

Wednesday: I did little that was noteworthy other than laughing with My Beloved Sister, but that is enough to make my day great.

Thursday: My SIL was coming through town on her way to Tuscaloosa for a class reunion. TheHub and I met her for lunch. He had to get back to work, but she and I sat at the restaurant for about an hour and talked. She was picking up one of her classmates at the Birmingham airport in the afternoon then they were continuing their trip together. 
Since I was already at The Summit there was no reason for me not to do a little shopping (not that I needed anything, but why not?)

Friday: I have been in a bookclub for years and we used meet for dinner at each others houses to talk about the book we had read. Now with some retirements, we meet at lunch and though we all still read, we don't even bother talking about books. We just catch up with each other's lives. 
Friday we met (we always meet after the midday lunch rush hour) for a meal and conversation. These are the women I am closest to who have known me at my best and at my worst and are still my best friends. I am extremely fortunate!

Saturday: TheHub and I did some of our usual running around, then came home and did some chores. Yard work is seriously hot now, but it is looking like a summer yard now. The patios, deck and screened porch got their last de-pollening for the year and are now ready for summer enjoyment ( at least we can enjoy the screened porch at night as long as the fans are on). Any deck or patio enjoyment requires liberal applications of mosquito repellent and/or sunscreen. Ah . . .summer on the south.

Sunday: We went to church then met my SIL, Son2 and DIL2 at a local restaurant. She was on her way home and wanted to see us (mainly wanted to see Son and DIL) again. We ran a couple of errands on our way home from lunch then changed into work clothes do do a little more outside.
After a quick dinner, we got our inner pirate on and settled in to watch another episode of Black Sails

Books read in June
The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek (Thanks for the heads up Live and Learn)
All We Ever Wanted

Look for your joys. They are always out there, no matter how small they seem.


  1. I'd love to belong to a 'book club' like yours ... particularly if there's wine involved. Ha!

    1. There was always wine involved when we met at night. Now that we do lunch, it is not something any of us choose. Probably because we are all older and would just go home and fall asleep

  2. Sisters are the best unless they are bossing you or putting you on a diet.

    1. My Beloved Sister knows better than that because I would just ignore her.

  3. I haven't made it to book club for months, as I was always away when the met. They, too, had been together for a long time and although a short discussion about a book ensued, it was mostly catching up. It's nice that your group gets together with each other.
    I'll gladly take a wee bit of your heat. Not too much though. :)

    1. We have been having a lot of heat, but it is June in the south and pretty normal for here.

  4. The bookclub that I was in for years finally fizzled out. Some died, some moved, some got new jobs, etc., but it was fun while it lasted. Hope you liked the Book Woman. There were some difficult scenes, especially since they were based on things that actually happened. But I really enjoyed it.

    1. I did like Book Woman and found myself researching the pack horse library project and of course the Fugates.

  5. It sounds like it was a really good week. Your book club sounds like a lot of fun. :)

    1. We are no longer terribly literary, but we do mention book titles we have read and enjoyed. Mainly we are just a long time group of friends who enjoy each others company every other month for lunch. We talk about doing it once a month, but we are all older and have to schedule around various appointments and grandkid activities.

  6. Ha, I had to look up British PMs too (although I got most of them, to be fair). But remember when I set about learning all the French Presidents since the beginning of the 5th Republic (1958) - and then they never asked me a single question about it at my naturalisation interview. I felt cheated!

    1. We got most but we could not think of a couple of them, particularly the newest pm who was totally off our radar.
      I would have felt cheated too if no one asked me what I had committed to memory.

  7. Sounds like you had a good week. Thanks for sharing it with me.

  8. A good week. Regine


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