
Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Nothing but that Joy

 I thought I would open with a song this week. I think if we all paid heed to this message it might make finding our joy so much easier. I was totally unfamiliar with this song until a Facebook friend posted this last week.

In a former life we went to elementary school together, then my family moved and I lost touch with him until about 2 months ago when we reacquainted through a mutual Facebook friend, who I also went to elementary school with, and whom I had also reacquainted with about 2 weeks prior to that. 

I hear everyone gripe about Facebook and it is not my favorite medium, but I can control what I choose to read or not, plus I can still be very good friends with people who have totally different beliefs than I do, because my criteria for friendship does not demand my friends share my thoughts or ideals. Plus, if not for Facebook how the heck would I ever have been reunited, even virtually, with L and J?

As usual for the year, I am listing the joys I find each day. Some days are chock full of joyous things and some days they hide and I have to hunt for them. But they are there every single day, even when things looks bleak. 

My intent is to re-read each week  on New Year's Eve starting with Jan 1, 202 and realize that even for a difficult year, joy could and was found every single day. I might even add to the joy while re-reading with a glass of wine or an adult beverage and some chocolate. 

So here is my list of joys for then 36th week of the year.

Wednesday: Chocolate__delicious chocolate brownies!

Thursday: My kitchen table sits in a bay window overlooking the back yard. I am not a big fan of curtains, so my windows there are bare. We also keep the light over the table on until I go to sleep each night. Bright lights through a window at night means lots of flying bugs gather on the windows. Bugs gathering on the windows brings a lot of spiders to catch said bugs attracted to the light. If I know I knock the webs off in the morning, they are back before afternoon.
I have been seeing hummingbirds flitting around the potato plants and on the lantana and marigolds in the back, but Thursday morning about 10 inches from my face I saw a hummingbird dive bombing the spider webs then feasting on bugs that had been caught in them. Next they returned to catch and eat the spiders. I had no idea they were omnivores. What a joy to see those murderous little critters up close and personal!

Friday: We decided to go to the lake for part of the weekend., TheHub thought he would get off of work early and we could scoot down mid-afternoon. No dice on that front! By the time we finally pulled out of the driveway it was rush hour so we made the decision to take our time and do a few errands instead of busting our tails to hurry up and sit in traffic most of the way down.  4 stops and a shared order of French fries later we were actually almost halfway there., We pulled in the driveway there just at sundown, but we had talked a lot, listened to some really good music and knocked 4 tasks off of our to-do list.

Saturday: I woke early when the sky was still gray to watch the sunrise over the lake. It was gorgeous, again and because I woke so dang early, I had breakfast ready butt early. TheHub and I got dressed and went out to do a few errands in a town about 20 minutes away. After finishing we stopped by a joint famous for their fried pies and each got one. (We saved them for dinner) When we got back to the lake  we had lunch then I took a nap. I never take naps and it felt great! Unfortunately after the naps I had some chores outside to do, but was rewarded with a completely clean deck and screened porch. Perfect timing to watch the moon. It was a gorgeous and huge amber moon and when it was rising it left an amber trail across the water diagonally on  the eastern part of the lake. Sometimes looking at something so beautiful moves me to happy tears.

Sunday: I woke early Sunday and was standing in front of the picture window looking at the lake while I drank a cup of coffee. As I stood 
there another hummingbird decided it would like a spider for breakfast. The bird was no farther than 4 inches from my face. I brush all the webs down when we get to the lake but the kitchen windows are too far from the ground for me to reach with my spider web getter, so they stay webbed. I am thrilled they do. About mid day we bailed on the lake, ran some more errands then visited Son2 and DIL2. I loved seeing them, but Shelby the dog was thrilled to see TheHub and me and ran in circles around us until we would pet her, then she would begin all over again finally sitting as close to me as possible so I could give her belly rubs. Because in her dog mind she knew we came to see her, not Son2 and DIL2.

Monday: TheHub and I planned a lazy Labor Day and just ran a couple of errands before puttering around the house while watching the FedEx golf championship. I have never watched it before and honestly still just like to watch the leaders on the last few holes. I had never thought of it in terms of dollars and cents, but one errant putt on the 18th cost one golfer 500k.  

Tuesday: My cousin's son came to Mom's to gather things for his new home. I am sorry for the reasons he needs a new house, when he had a wonderful home before, but life throws curveballs at all of us some time or another. All we wanted him to do was claim them, but he actually moved most of it. Until it was bare I did not realize how large Mom's den is.
Woo hoo! He did ask us not get rid of several more things because he will not know exactly what else he needs until he gets better situated.


  1. Reading along through this whole post all I could think is brownies would really bring me joy right about now lol. Sounds like another joyous week for you :)

  2. Brownies always makes a day really good. I never thought about hummingbirds eating bugs since it seems they are all about nectar.

    1. I thought so too but I was wrong. They are serious spider eaters

    2. Spiders eat my nemesis- mosquitos.

    3. Nan at the lake place I refuse to get rid of the webs around the carport door. Without them we would be overrun by mosquitos.

  3. you're the best!
    I post a mini rant about facebook about the same time you're being rational about it. LOL
    I totally agree with you, by the way, that's why I haven't actually deactivated the beast.

    I love your first JOY. I can't remember the last time I had chocolate (possibly just because my memory is lacking not because it's been weeks or days). I think I will add that joy to my life today

    1. Hope you added some tasty joy to your day.
      Re. Facebook. I refuse to read or be drawn into any vitriol. Life is short and I don't need it.

  4. Sounds like a good week! I hate driving in rush hour, so I like how you handled it. Plus you got some of those pesky To-DOs off your list!

    1. Yes we did get some things done and had a good time doing it.

  5. I have brownie ingredients. Maybe those will make their way into my oven sometime this week! I can make vegan so my daughter will eat as well. I'm looking forward to both morning coffee at the lake when we are there alone, and naps.

  6. Nick made brownies this weekend (and chocolate ice cream) & both were delish. Such a fun treat. Other awesome things: friends, my sister sending me a "thinking of you during this sh*tshow that is 2020 gift), neighbors helping each other, having a kitchen I can use, an abundance of garden herbs, sharing our vacation house with others who need a break from COVID... so many good things. Trying hard to look for the wins amongst the drama

    1. Some days it is easier to find joy than others. And for me, if the day sucks, there is always the possibility of brownies.

  7. Definitely a good week, spending time at the lake, with family, and of course with the dog. :) Thanks for sharing the music too!

    1. Yes the weeks are a little monotonous but the lake helps!

  8. That's a lovely song - very easy listening. And I'm like you, I'm glad I'm on FB because it allows me to keep in touch with people who are far away that I wouldn't maybe keep in touch with otherwise. Your time at the lake sounds lovely. Isn't it nice sometimes to just slow down and do nothing (nap)? I'm sure your husband appreciates that too!

    1. I do love seeing my friends kids and grandkids. It works forms as long as I leave most of it unread.
      The lake is a nice diversion from all thing covid

  9. I don't play FB - but am very glad it works for you.
    Love your joys but you will be unsurprised to learn that it is your close encounters with the hummers that stands out for me.

    1. I use Facebook for What I find appealing and scroll past anything and everything that I dont!

      The hummingbird up close visits were great!

  10. Wonderful list of daily joys! I loved reading about how you went to visit Shelby (and Son2 and DIL2 who just happen to be Shelby's housemates! :D)

    1. Shelby knew deep in her doggie heart we were here to see her!

  11. Oh, I would have loved seeing the hummingbirds go after the spiders. We used to have a spider that lived on our kitchen window and I enjoyed watching it every day. The song was great. Thanks for sharing.

    1. I had never heard that song until my friend shared it on FB..
      The spiders that I have during the summer are not those cool spiders that spin the gorgeous webs. They are just garden variety spiders that rebuild within minutes of me knocking their webs down.

  12. If you're able to start in the year 202, that's pretty amazing ... even for a vampire! I agree with you wholeheartedly about looking for joy, though. It would be amazing if life just constantly slapped you in the fact with it, but I think that for some reason, the world seems a bit more pissed off than that. It probably has something to do with the way we're wired, and way media plays into it. It's probably more effective to scare us than to make us feel happy. Anyway, kudos to you for taking such a positive step. I'm going to do the same.

    1. I guess I have been watching "What We Do in the Shadows" too much and lost touch with my humanness. Or maybe I just forget to proof before I hit publish. Could be either or a combination of both!
      I think life is hard and we get kicked around some, but we choose to see the glass half empty or half full. I don't think I am a cockeyed optimist, but am realistic enough to realize when something didn't work to change my path and try something else. And some days I have to look hard for that one spark of joy, but it is always there, somewhere.
      As for the media__fear sells , and it is all about getting us coming back for the next story.


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