
Monday, January 9, 2023

My No Plan Results

This is the first week of my unplanned meal plan, using what I have here at the house. My first step was to start by seeing exactly what I have on hand. This meant cleaning out everywhere I keep foods stored, which is a lot of different places. 
I have a standard side by side refrigerator/freezer, a double free standing bar type cabinet that contains all of my baking supplies, a lazy Susan in a corner cabinet filled with spices and seasonings, plus a small closet pantry in the kitchen. 
The laundry rooms holds a smaller refrigerator/freezer, plus an upright freezer. Additionally I have 2 deep shelves of dry goods and staples, plus 3 boxes filled with canned fruits, veggies, and a few cans of meats.
 Then comes the butler's pantry. Since my butler is named Anne I figure she can use it any way she wants to use it. Along with cabinets of dishes and glasses, it also holds all of our adult beverages and snack type foods (chips, crackers, pretzels,  etc) 
I have not made it to sorting the freezer yet, but I have been through everything else and am amazed  (horrified) at what we have accumulated. Though some is by design, a lot of it is my  shopping  habits, forgetting what I have in stock and buying it again (and again sometimes). Nothing I can do now but take inventory and move on.

Because I am doing a use it up challenge I am listing each meal instead of my normal dinner only list. This is mainly for me, so I can keep up with what I am truly using.
Unless it is the weekend the breakfast and lunch meals will only be mine. TheHub goes out to eat every workday at lunch, most days for a working lunch, thus I am not including his meals (unless he brings home a doggie bag that becomes a meal or partial meal for us).

Monday Meals  
Breakfast: Cheese toast, coffee or hot tea               
Lunch: Out to eat, Brunswick stew, coleslaw (me) Pork bbq sandwich, baked beans (TheHub) 
Dinner: TheHub: Leftover taco soup, bread slathered with butter
              Me: Open face turkey on sourdough with turkey gravy over it, coleslaw
**Our neighbor texted me to see if I would like fresh out of the oven sourdough bread. 
Yes please! We had planned on having turkey sandwiches but did not want to ruin really good bread with a traditional sandwich.**
Snacks: Remnants of Christmas past (cookies)

Tuesday Meals
Breakfast: Sausage casserole, coffee
Lunch: Wasn't hungry, diet Dr.Pepper, handful of pecans
Dinner: Meatball beef stew, fennel/apple salad, sourdough bread
Snacks: Mandarin and some cherries

Wednesday Meals
Breakfast: Coffee
Lunch: Taco soup, less than stellar English muffin
TheHub called to say he would not be home for dinner. No point in cooking just for me.
Dinner: 2 or 3 bites of assorted leftovers (not satisfying but it cleaned out some containers)
Snack: Persimmon muffin (failed baking experiment. Ate one before tossing the rest)

Thursday Meals
Breakfast: Coffee
Lunch: Picked up a fast food meal on the way to volunteer at IP
Dinner: Kraut and wieners, niblet corn (got home late and needed a quick meal)
Snack: Spicy pistachios (found when cleaning out the baking center cabinet)

Friday Meals
Breakfast: Coffee
Lunch: Out to eat with Son2, TGS, and My Beloved Sister
Dinner: TheHub did not feel great, so we just had a baked potato
Snack: Biscotti and coffee

Saturday Meals
Breakfast: Grits and tea or toast and coffee
Lunch: Leftover stew, leftover 1/2 club sandwich (from TheHub's lunch Friday)
Dinner: Taco salad
Snack: Chips and some chocolate

Sunday Meals
Breakfast: Granola (remnants of a recreational shopper purchase) coffee or tea
Lunch: Soup (TheHub still is not feeling great) or leftover kraut and wieners
Dinner: Chicken pot pie, brussels sprouts
Snacks: 1/2 apple (split it with TheHub) 2 graham crackers, envelope of hot chocolate mix

Bought this week
Nothing, zero, zip, nada

Used this week
From the freezer 
Sausage casserole* 
1 pack ground chuck
1/2 pack meatballs
1 pint chocolate ice cream (TheHub)
1 cooked chicken breast
1 ready made pie crust
chicken broth

From the fridge (on hand) 
leftover taco soup ( totally gone now)
sliced turkey
butter for bread and cooking
leftover green bean casserole (went into the beef stew)
English muffin (somewhat stale but toasted it was ok)
1 pack Hebrew National hot dogs
1 jar sauerkraut (for some strange reason we had opened it but never used it)
leftover apple fennel slaw
leftover beef stew (about 2 bites)
leftover green beans (about 2 bites)
macadamia nut milk (end of the carton)
almond milk (about a cup)
cheddar cheese 4 oz.

Produce used (on hand)
tail end of the coleslaw
fennel bulb and stalks
2 apples
2 potatoes
2 carrots
4 stalks less than stellar celery
1 onion
cherry tomatoes
1 persimmon 

From the pantry
 partial jar turkey gravy (bought for Thanksgiving but never used)
1 envelope beef stew seasonings
1 can stems and pieces mushrooms
coffee, duh!
1 can niblet corn
flax meal
brown sugar
granulated sugar
baking powder
4 individual snack bags of chips (counting TheHubs 3 bags in this total)
shelled peanuts (TheHub)
leftover tortilla chips
pack of taco seasoning
tail end of a bag of granola
spiced pistachio nuts
quart size tea bags
individual tea bags
1 can veg-all
graham crackers
pouch of hot chocolate mix
4 dehydrated** mini marshmallows

Have a great week staying on plan, going off plan, or with no plan at all!

Going into this week I know we will be watching the NCAA National Championship football game, so there will be some type of football watching meal. No clue yet what that might be but whatever it turns out to be will most likely be something from the freezer. In fact we should have a week of things mainly from the freezer since the only leftovers this week are small amounts which will become lunches for me. 
I will be volunteering at Independence Place a couple of times this week, and plan to go sit with my cousin another day.  I see crock pot meals happening. Whatever they might be still remains to be seen.  
I still have many salad fixings, some fruit, carrots, onions, 2 potatoes, a gigantic head of cabbage and a whole cauliflower in the crisper, plus several bags of frozen veggies. Other than bananas for TheHub, I should be ok without buying additional produce this week. But the jury is still out. I have not seen this weeks ads, and the possibility of stock up prices for proteins is still out there.

*The sausage casserole is not a casserole in the traditional sense. It is breakfast sausage, brown rice, herbs, celery, onions, peppers and tomatoes sautéed in butter then mixed together. It has no binders or sauces other than the juice from the vegetables. Still it is pretty dang tasty and is honestly better for breakfast than it was for dinner when we originally had it. I am just glad I opted to freeze those leftovers  in smaller packs (about 3 breakfast servings each).

**I found that we never used an entire bag of mini marshmallows before they became dried out and stale. I started dehydrating them and storing them in a jar with a tight lid. When we have hot chocolate (the only time we ever use them) I put a few on top of the hot drink and stir. In about  minute they have rehydrated and start to melt like fresh marshmallows. 


  1. You're brave attacking your food storage! I've just about finished pulling everything out in my living room and next is the kitchen and the ground floor "pantry". I absolutely dread starting on the freezers but you've inspired me so thanks!

    1. I still have not braved the freezers. I know I will be even more horrified when I do.

  2. This is amazing! I am so inspired! I did a small clean out and was amazed at how many things I bought that I already had. Thank you for this. I will try to make with what I have here, which is great because prices are ridiculous! Have a cozy Monday!

  3. Excellent job! It's always a good feeling to organize everything and know what you have.

    1. I feel more horrified than good! Obviously I have been out of control when I bought groceries.

  4. I hate it when I have something and accidentally buy it again. I once ended up with 5 large jars of honey--more honey than I would use in a lifetime. Of course, at times I also think I have what I need for a recipe and then it's not in the cabinet when I reach for it.


  5. If my teens were living with you, they could polish off those marshmallows in a few days. They never outlast the packets of hot chocolate at my house, because people eat them like candy. ;-)

    1. It is the difference in having young people and old folks in the house. These dehydrated marshmallows have been here a good 6 months and the jar is more than half full.

  6. That's my plan for this weekend when I have free time and not thinking about feeding extras. There's hidden food everywhere that needs a plan for using up.

    1. The using up is hard. The good thing is that I do have some portable lunches to take with me this week.

  7. I ended up with three jars on cinnamon and two nutmeg! It has been hard to organize here, but since Tommy no longer cares, but is participating in organizing, things are better. I have food storage everywhere. The woman who cleans just happens to be LDS, so she said nothing about all the food everywhere.

    1. I only have it in the kitchen and laundry room. The butler's pantry connects the two.

  8. Yay! You did well with not needing to buy anything for the week's meals! I did some grocery shopping over the weekend, but, now, I think I have most of everything I need for this week's meals. I have some canned and boxed food that I bought at the beginning of the pandemic which need to be used up, but, I don't want to deplete my pantry too much; with prices going up, restocking becomes more expensive.

    1. I just need to turn mine over and restock some things

  9. If I am being totally honest, exclusive of produce , an occasional loaf of bread, coffee, tea and eggs, I could probably have enough food for 4 months

  10. The quantity is what has alarmed me. I had no idea how much excess was in the house.


  11. Wow! That is a lot of food. Your butler must be real busy these days trying to clean out and taking an inventory.

    1. Yep, plus add laundry, general housecleaning (she hates that BTW) and other obligations. I think she needs a raise

  12. Replies
    1. It might not work for anyone else but it is a good thing for our household.

  13. Wow, that is pretty amazing. I've done something similar before and inventoried all the food I had on-hand in an attempt to at least know what I had (so I wasn't buying another bottle of something that I already had, which happens not infrequently), and to try to use stuff up. It's not easy! Especially if using something up requires you to buy more stuff to go with it, and that leaves you with just as much stuff as you had in the first place!


    1. That is why I am limiting any purchase this month to produce, minimal dairy and eggs, and bread if needed. I did get a sourdough starter from my neighbor this morning and I do have a lot of flour on hand. No sourdough skills so we will see how that works out.

    2. Well, the nice thing about the starter is that it's self-perpetuating, so you get plenty of chances to try and try again. Best of luck!

  14. Yes I am overloaded with several types of rice, so I get it!

  15. I am so inspired! I really need to do this. I know I'm spending way too much at the grocery store. I can't tell you how many times I've bought something and then realized I already have it buried in my pantry! This is going on my winter to-do list for sure! : )

    1. I am doing this by necessity as much as anything. I am out of room to store food items!

  16. great idea to use up everything in the fridge and pantry. I try to keep up with it but i always seem to have some lingering item ...

    1. I don't even think I am trying to use everything, but I am trying to at least use the stuff that has been lingering the longest.

  17. Anne, hoping all is well with you - I've been hearing about tornados in your state on the news.


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