
Thursday, October 19, 2023

Joys and Meals a Little Late

I have been busy and have not really been taking the time to blog. My life, my rules I guess.  I thought I would take a minute to update my joy and dinner lists for the 41st week of 2023. I am not doing this for anyone but me, since I really do like to read over the joys I have had each year on New Year's eve. 
The meal part I am just including also for me. I tend to look over what we have eaten for the past couple of weeks because TheHub does not like to eat the same thing over and over. It keep me out of a rut with our meals.
And now, things will calm down in a couple of weeks, just not today.

First up are the joys.

Monday: I got to go to my "Happy Place" to do some volunteering. It is always the highlight of my week.

Tuesday: TheHub and I ate a quick dinner at home then did a little running around in the evening. 

Wednesday: TheHub was going to be out at a dinner meeting so I took it as a message from the universe to stay home and get some much needed icky tasks that would take longer than normal out of the way. The bonus? We had some much needed and appreciated rain.

Thursday: I had a little running around to do before launching into getting all the upstairs bedrooms ready for guests .  (Plus I managed to get a little reading done)

Friday: This was the day for TheHubs  birthday celebration. His actual birthday was Saturday, but Son2 and DIL2 could celebrate with us on Friday, so naturally we went then.
They came by the house and rode with us to a Japanese steak house. We were seated at a table with a couple of darling kids and watching them and seeing their expressions while the cook did his "performance" was wonderful.
After our meal they came back and had birthday cake and some fun conversation. 

Saturday: Game Day! TheHub and Son2 usually go to the games, but it was an 11 o'clock game which is just too early to have to get to Tuscaloosa. Instead we watched it on the TV, then ran out quickly to do our errands, and rushed back home to watch a few more games. (We switch back and forth so we can keep up with several teams at the same time).

Sunday: We woke, had a quick cup of coffee and got ready for church. Normally we go out to eat afterward, but we decided to just stop on the way home to get some take out. We spent most of the afternoon finalizing tax documents, and planning our yearly contributions for 2023. Not necessarily a joy filled day, but there is a joy once it is done. 

As for the meals:
It did not matter what was planned because I ignored it.

Monday: Chick fil a rip off

Tuesday: Steamed shrimp, coleslaw, baguette

Wednesday: Chopped salad

Thursday:  Cauliflower, pimento cheese, 4 hot peppers (Was alone and didn't care)

Friday: Birthday dinner at the steak place

Saturday: I honestly don't remember steakhouse leftovers

Sunday: Tomato soup and grilled cheese or chicken broth and cheese toast

Whats up for this week (which is actually nearly over) Who knows? Who cares?


  1. So glad you got to spend time at your happy place. I'm also glad you were all able to get together to celebrate your hubs birthday. Sounds like a nice week. I too blog about what I've done and what I've eaten for the week basically for myself to be able to look back on. Plus, I enjoy reading what others are doing though.

    1. I enjoy seeing what others are doing also. The two lists really are for me to keep up with my life.

  2. Hooray for your happy place - and being able to celebrate birthdays with people you love.

    1. Nothing is better than being around people I love.

  3. I too consider somethings a joy when they are done. Crossing them off my list gives me joy. :)

    1. I get a real kick out of marking things as done, especially if it is a task I hate doing.

  4. I am happy that you were able to enjoy some time in your favorite location. I'm very happy to hear that you and your family were able to spend your husband's birthday together.

    You can check out my new post here:

    Thank you

    1. Any day I can volunteer at Independence Place is my happiest day of the week.

  5. Roll Tide… whew again! This team is going to give me a heart attack! Cindy in the South

  6. Sounds like it was a good week and you did find your joys! Happy birthday to your husband!

    1. I will let him know about the birthday wishes!

  7. Those Japanese steakhouses are such fun -- both the entertainment and delicious food. Happy belated birthday to your hubs!

    1. Having the little folks at the table really made it so much m ore fun.

  8. I'm not a sport watcher but I love that you can devote the best part of a day to watching and enjoying. Add in some game food and it's a recipe for great relaxing and good memories

    1. When I say we are watching all the games, other than the Alabama game, I watch sporadically while I do other things, but we do ballgames all day off and on.

  9. It's good to be busy and active! Happy belated Birthday to your hubby!

    1. The past week was not one of the more active weeks, but it was still a good week.

  10. First time I saw a Japanese chef do his stuff was in Pittsburgh when I was in my 20s and I get those little kids absolutely. I just loved it!

    1. The little girl at the table was excited but her brother was even more fun to watch. It helped that they both had paint polka dots all over their faces.

  11. Sending you a joyous hug. Regine

  12. I write my blog for me too, to keep a record of my frugal finds. Having readers like you is an added bonus. :)

  13. Happy belated birthday to your husband. I'd say he had a pretty good couple of days, with good food, good company, and football. :)

    1. I think he enjoyed it, but we keep saying if you have had as many birthdays as we have they are just another day!

  14. Sounds like a good week! Happy belated birthday to your man. Grilled cheese and tomato soup are so comforting this this of year. Have a cozy evening, my friend.


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