
Wednesday, October 7, 2020

New Month, New Joys

                                                        Otis Redding "The Happy Song"

If you have been reading my blog you know I keep a list of the joys I find each day. At the end of the year I plan on sitting down and re-reading these weekly posts so I can remember just how joyful life can be, and what I might have missed if I did not actively look for it. Even the worst day or days have something joyful if I really look for it.  It is there!  Every.  Single.  Day. 

 Wednesday: A woman whose aunt lives up the street from Mom's house came to the estate sale and bought quite a lot, but asked us if  we would put a few things aside so she could wait a couple of dayss before buying/taking them. We agreed because we knew we would not have the house emptied by then. Fast forward, after nearly two months of her arranging to get them, me going down to wait for her and her being a no show or texting me her excuses for not coming, she finally called and picked up her things.  At last the stuff is gone. 

When I returned home things changed rapidly. I was freezing and felt less than stellar. So I made a light lunch which turned out to be a bad move. This is a weird joy, but I was very happy to have the ability to see things on demand. I tuned in to The Alienist, curled up in the recliner with a thick blanket, and watched, napped the afternoon away

Leftovers caused extreme joy because TheHub could warm them up while I remained n the den. On my brief walk to the kitchen to grab a ginger ale, the smell of food made me nauseous.

Thursday: Got a lot of the laundry room reorganized. House work itself is not a joy, but the room is large and was crammed with everything imaginable. Getting things in a much more controlled state is fabulous, plus I made a space for Mom's sewing machine. It is an old Singer in a cabinet and is the best machine I have ever sewn on. When we were young my aunt and grandmother would come to our house because Mom had the best machine, and they would have a sewing marathon. My grandmother would cut out clothes for the four girls, Mom would sew and my aunt would press all the seams.  The only downside is all four of us would have several matching outfits at the end of the day.  The real loser in the 4 matching outfits was my sister. She was the youngest of the four of us and we were stair stepped. She got everyone's hand me downs so she had to wear the exact same outfits for  four years in a row.

Friday: Yee Haw! The movers came and we were so happy. Mom had three hand tied rugs that are gorgeous and we had decided she would want them to stay with us. Since Son2 and my sister and I all live in town it made sense that they would go to our homes. The rugs look great in their new respective homes as do all the bits and pieces of furniture.
I had been a little worried about how her things would look in my house with my existing furniture. I am very happy that it looks pretty dang good.

Saturday: Ball game day!  TheHub and I worked and ran a few errands before getting ready for most of the day of ball games. Then mid afternoon Son2 and DIL2 came over to watch them with us. My biggest joy though was Shelby, the dog. When they were leaving they called Shelby to come with them. She walked into the foyer and stood there with her tail between her legs, refusing to go any farther. It secretly makes me happy that she loves us enough that she does not want to leave.

Sunday:  Evidently I forgot to add Sunday until a commenter mentioned it. Thanks Heather! We woke and attended our church streaming service, then had a Webex Sunday school class before heading to the lake. It was gorgeous on the drive down and back, and the lake itself is always beautiful.

Monday:  I was home alone most of the day and spent the brunt of the day in the kitchen making things for the freezer. Not meals, mind you! Just things to have on hand that can be warmed quickly to make staying on keto much easier. Occasionally the call of bread gets strong and it is nice to have keto compliant rolls, muffins or cornbread already made. And did I mention cookies?  Then right after dinner I had a package delivery. When I was looking at keto cookies a few days prior,  I found a recipe using white chocolate peanut butter cups that were sugar free! I had never heard of such animal before, but off course I ordered them immediately. Of course after looking at their website I ordered more items also. They came and TheHub and I both tried one (well he tried two). If you are on keto and need something delicious (albeit kind of costly) look up Choc Zero .

Tuesday: My Beloved Sister and I met at Mom's because we go there all the time to do whatever needs to be done. It's odd to go in there now. With the rugs and nearly all of the furniture gone the house echos as you walk through it, All of it except my sister's childhood room. We have used it as the catch all room for things we have no idea what to do with but know we don't want to get rid of. We sat on folding chairs (the only chairs left there) and went through a box that contained pictures, letters, bulletins, announcements and anything else Mom thought was important. We both laughed and teared up looking through each and every piece of memorabilia. It was a nice way to spend some time and we did get rid of a garbage bag filled with things that meant nothing to either of us. I am pretty sure I do not need  even one of the 10 or so
high school graduation announcements we found. 
And  a lesser joy, but joy just the same was going to CVS. I had gone to pick up a couple of items and noticed Reese's  peanut butter cups in a bag on an endcap for 1.99. These are the full size single cups and I bought 5 bags.  I scored inexpensive Halloween candy and I got a bag for TheHub so he can satisfy his non keto sweet tooth and leave my Choc Zero alone. (I don't mind sharing but he never stops at just one__or two.)

And now I move on to the next week of the year. I will continue to look for the joys I find each day. Some are harder to find than others, but there is something joyous in each day. Look, listen and feel each day  to find your own joy. Peace



  1. My mom had an old Singer sewing machine in a cabinet. The cabinet was so pretty that when she eventually got newer, better machines (she had both a regular sewing machine and a surger), she put the old sewing machine in the entry hall to use as a place for keys and mail. And junk, of course. :-)

    1. I think Mom bought the caddie of Singer machines. It still sews like a dream! I had my grandmother's old cabinet machine and used it as a catchall by the front door for years, because the machine itself was kind of crappy..

  2. I had to laugh when you mention how four of you had the same clothes. I once bought my sons identical shirts. My kids have a 4-year age difference and one day when I dropped them off to catch the school bus my oldest noticed that he and his brother were both wearing the same shirt. He said he was absolutely mortified! And I know what you mean about going through photos. You don't get much else done do you. So bitter sweet though!

    1. We mainly loved reading the notes my grandparents had written to both Mom and Dad. Though they just lived a few miles away when they had something special to say they put it in writing and mailed it!

  3. Replies
    1. Went to the lake and just forgot to post it. Guess I need to edit right quickly!

  4. Hooray for the joys.
    As the only girl in the family I missed most of the hand me downs. Most of them.
    I do hope you are much, much better now.

    1. You were not unlucky to have missed out on hand me downs. I was lucky and grew quickly. By the time I was 10 I had reached my full adult height and was taller than my two older cousins so I never had to wear another hand me down. My sister, who was tiny until she was 15 when she finally grew, got stuck with them forever.

  5. I had to laugh at your sewing joy as my mom and grandma bought material by the bolt. You could get it for a nickle a yard that way. We got to choose 5 different dresses for school every year, but always the same fabrics, until they were used up. So i have a pictures three years in a row in a different dress, same fabric.

    1. My mom and aunt would go fabric shopping and buy off the remnant table. Code word for stuff that had not sold for a few years and was dirt cheap. They would buy 5 different fabrics and make five dresses for school but__if there was a lot of fabric in one of the pieces we would also have matching shorts and if they got a really good deal on a lot of it, matching shirts to go with the shorts. We have pictures of us at the zoo several times and there we are, 4 identically dressed stair step girls.

  6. I enjoy reading about your daily joys. What wonderful memories centered around your mom's sewing machine. :)

    1. They are good memories but my sister was remembering wearing one particular outfit for 6 consecutive years.She does not remember all the outfits with the same fondness I do!

  7. Keeping positive is a great way to go! I guess my blogging does the same thing without being specific, just remembering good food, good walks, and good back yard imeages.

    be well... mae at

    1. For me keeping my eye on the positives is the only way to go!

  8. I wore a lot of hand-me-downs, but not my younger sister so much. The clothes would start with my older cousins and go through two of my sisters to me. By the time my younger sister was the right size, the clothes were usually in bad shape, so she got new ones. I thought it was a great injustice.

  9. My mom learned to sew when I was young, and my sister and I wore the same clothes (different colors) for years. As the oldest I hated it. We did get hand-me-downs from our cousins - that I liked because they were store bought clothes not handmade. Silly kid!

    Have a good week ahead!

  10. I had one cousin several years older who wore all purchased clothes. By the time I was about 15 she was midway through with college and I got all her hand me downs. Talk about heaven!


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