
Sunday, December 10, 2023

Jolly Joys

 I decided for the season I am changing my joy list to a jolly list. It just seems more seasonally appropriate and joy and jolliness if not siblings are at the very least close cousins.  

Monday: I was able to go to my Happy Place and volunteer. Instead of actually cooking with the participants, this week we made hot chocolate and I took just abut every possible topping so they would be able to personalize their drinks. My mistake! The result was some of the most putrid looking hot chocolate I have ever seen, but they seemed to love drinking a marshmallow, whipped cream, red and green sugar sprinkled concoction with mini chocolate chips, peppermint bits, chocolate syrup and caramel sauce thrown in for good measure. Not my cup of tea, but . . .
When I drove into the driveway after returning I saw all the Exchange Club items had been picked up. Getting all those boxes of donations out of the house was an extreme joy.
After I returned home I was able to talk with Sluggy which is always a treat.

Tuesday: I got all the letters from Santa, addressed and mailed to Santa Claus. Indiana for re-mailing. Each year (14 years and counting now) my elf friend Millie and I have parents send in info about their kids and we send them a story of what is happening at the North Pole along with some personal info about each child. Amazingly Santa signs his letters just like my dad used to write. I never knew learning to forge his signature would come in handy in my adult life. I love reading what the parents write and this year Santa did not even have to tell anyone to wear their underpants or not eat the dog's food.

Wednesday: I went to my regular class, then did some shopping for both groceries and Christmas ribbons. I had the gifts wrapped and tagged but had not yet tied them with ribbons because I was totally out of all Christmas colored ribbon and little doodads to tie on the gifts. When I got home and unloaded I begin addressing the Christmas cards. I love doing them because I think of memories we have had with each card I write.

Thursday:  My Beloved Sister and I went out for the morning. We shopped a little but mainly laughed. Being with her is one of my most joyful times. Finally TheHub was home after work and could help me by getting the trees upstairs. Yahoo!

Friday: I got the trees out up and rearranged the living room and the den to accommodate said trees. I am getting kind of tired of changing up the rooms! 

Saturday: We are invited each year to a friends annual Christmas party. It is one I really enjoy. The house is decorated for Christmas on steroids . The food is always delicious and they are the most wonderful hosts  We left a little early to try and beat the storms that were supposed to hit about 11 pm.  We got inside the house right before the bottom fell out and our electricity disappeared.

Look for your job us no matter how small  They are always out there.

May all your weeds be wildflowers.



  1. Your joys sound HUGE this week. Which is lovely.

  2. You had another great week, Anne. I love esp. making chocolate at your happy place :-) Just perfect the holiday.

    1. I love being at my happy place. I know some people think the participants are bound to a less than perfect life, but I have never been around so many people who absolutely exude joy. Every time I am there, their spirits are contagious.

  3. Jolly is a great choice. It's a word we don't hear much, except during Christmas, and it should be used more. Let's all find the jolly times in these weeks of December.


  4. I like hot chocolate straight. Your description was gag-inducing. But, if they enjoyed it, no complaint here. When the storms went over on Saturday night, I fully expected the electricity to go out so prepared lights. Plus, I make sure my recliner does not have the foot rest up. I hate having a fireman or three drag me out.

    1. They did not find the hot chocolate at al gag inducing. In fact they enjoyed every bit of the horrid looking concoction.
      We had no power until mid day Sunday but it was fine.

  5. That hot chocolate sounds disgusting - but good for them eh!

    1. They enjoyed it even though it looked like swamp water. Thats all that mattered.

  6. Oh, I just loved the video of the song! Ho, ho, ho, and Merry Shopmas, everyone! Sounds like everyone had a marvelous time customizing their hot chocolates! :D

    1. They did enjoy it, and even though it looked foul it must have tasted Ok to them because they emptied their cups.

  7. Jolly Joys...I love it!! Sounds like a wonderful week.

  8. What a lovely week, Anne minus the storm. Glad you made it into the house before it hit. I love the letters to Santa. That is so sweet of you to do!

    1. I love doing the letters from Santa, especially once they are done.

  9. What a jolly week! I can only imagine the hot chocolate. It sounds like a special trea,t and they had a lot of fun with all of the choices you provided.

    1. I would never have thought to mix all the toppings but they had fun doing it.

  10. What a wonderful week you had. The letters from Santa are such a great thing for the families and the kids. I don't know how things are done here, but in my daughter's small town, it is the postal front line workers who answer the letters on behalf of Santa. It's so kind of you to be part of spreading the joy of Christmas.

    1. Every year we write a story of what is going on at the North Pole. Each story has some conflict in it which they resolve by working together. We weave their personal bits into the story so it sounds like it is sent personally to them from Santa. I love doing it___especially once they are finished.

  11. Sounds like your Christmas season is in full swing! I love the Santa letter tradition; that's so sweet.

    1. The Santa letters are fun, but the most fun is reading what the kids have been doing all year.

  12. I'm ho-ho-ho'ing big time at the hot chocolate extravaganza! What matters, I'm sure they have a great time. You didn't have to clean-up after, did you?
    Glad y'all were spared any damage from those storms!

    1. All of the participants at IP clean up after themselves and they have designated sweepers, dusters and wipers on a rotating basis, so no one gets stuck with all the work on any given day.


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