
Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Joys for the 28th week of the year.

As has become my weekly Wednesday post, I am listing the daily joys I had for the week. The aim is to review them at the end of this most hellacious year. I honestly hope the joys improve for everyone, but I look and find at least one joy each and every day. And if I am honest I have more than one joy daily, but some days I forget to write them down and by the time I do my daily post I don't remember to add them.
I have several friends right now, both in my 3-D world and in my blog world who are struggling right now. I count it as a joy to know them locally and virtually and include them in my daily thoughts and every prayer.  Life is good, and I am blessed beyond anything I deserve.

Wednesday: We are calling this our "Let them eat cake"day. Son3's former high school band director has been using the isolation time to hone his cake decorating skills. I think it was accidental honing though. Since his wife is pregnant with baby4 and he had 3 other kids under 7, they played it safe and stayed home. All of their celebrations occurred during quarantine, so he made cakes for the kids' birthdays, his wife's birthday and for their anniversary with a set of decorating tools he and his wife bought pre-kids. Like with much of the world, post children life and working leaves little time to try decorating cakes. During this time with no school he tried all sorts of techniques and his cake pictures were posted on Facebook. When I asked him if he was selling them, and if so would he bake one for us, I got an immediate yes! Pretty cakes are pretty, but delicious beautiful cakes are THE BOMB!

Thursday: Mom's house was ready and everything was out and displayed for the estate sale! We even had a couple of pre-sale buyers who called and asked if they could come by early. Since I love Allison and Laura it was easy to say yes.

Friday:  The first day of the estate sale was done. It was a little slow in the beginning but we did have one person who more than made up for anyone who was not there early. She stayed about 2 hours and bought a huge amount of stuff. Thank you Miss 2 Hours. Also 4 of my cousins came so we got to visit with them a little bit.

Saturday: End of estate sale. It is over, done with and we don't have to do it again. I will try and sell the furniture via Facebook Marketplace, and whatever does not sell we will donate. As a special joy on Saturday people were at the sale specifically to look at the house. We got the names of two people who are interested in buying it right now. Woo hoo!
Also 3 cousins came on Saturday. 2 of them had been the day before and I had a little more time to spend with them during a lull Saturday.
After we got home, Son3 and DIL3 had company who stayed and ate dinner with us. Son3 did most of the cooking which was an added joy.

Sunday: I woke in time for our online church service, then had a wonderful lazy day filled with "Killing Eve".

Monday: We sold Mom's car. They got a really good car, a great deal and as soon as the check clears, we are done with it forever!
An added surprise was Lola. She is not a showgirl but is Son3 and DIL3's cat. Lola and Ella are relegated to the upstairs portion of the house because I am allergic to them. I am a late night person and was sitting on the couch in the den when I saw movement out of the corner of my eye. I looked over toward the stairs and saw nothing, then a little black and white head popped out between the stair rails staring at me. She did it about 5 times, looking and surveying but not moving from her position midway down the staircase . I let them know they had an escapee and as soon as she heard them she made her way back up. She really is a cute cat. Ella, on the other hand, hates me and wants to eat my face!

Tuesday: One of the items I took from Mom's house is called a Turks Cap pan. I had no idea it even had a specific name until a local cast iron specialist came by Mom's house to look at things none of us wanted. We always just called it the corn muffin pan. It was the only piece I wanted, I guess because I remember eating those corn muffins made in that pan when I was a kid. The pan itself was dated (by the cast iron guy) as being from the early 40's which meant it was most likely my grandmother's pan first. Tuesday night at dinner I used it like Mom always did, including putting about 1/8 teaspoon of bacon fat in the bottom of each "cup" and heating it in the oven before adding the cornbread batter. The results? Cornbread perfection!

Now go into the 29th week of the year and look for the joys, large and small. They are there and are worth finding!


  1. This year has been pretty hellacious for most of us, I think, but definitely for you. You've endured So much. Glad the estate sale went well -- you were able to get that organized pretty quickly. Glad you hear you have some really interested potential buyers for your mom's house, too -- it'll be a relief, I'm sure, when that's sold.

    1. As you understand all too well, dealing with the aftermath of the end of life is difficult. I will be glad when Mom's house sells but at the same time we are in no hurry to sell.

  2. Love the cake! And, always appreciate reading your joys. I've been journaling daily, and adding a few things I'm thankful for. On some days, they are tiny, but it really helps me focus on the positives.

    1. The cake was delicious!. I am finding that just listing the joys daily have made a huge difference in how my attitude adjusts positively.

  3. I wanted to come! I thought you were going to let me know. I have a list of things i need and need furniture!

    1. I guess I just got caught up in all the preparing and doing that I forgot

  4. You've worked so hard to get the estate sale done and I'm glad it went so well for you. It's got to be hard getting rid of your mom's stuff but at least it sounds like it has all gone to people who will treasure it!

  5. You are doing so well with your moms things. I love corn bread, I would eat a whole pan myself.

    1. It was near perfect cornbread! Of course anything hot out of the oven slathered in butter is pretty darn good.

  6. Wow. That sounds like a joy packed week. And, with the exception of cake, a calorie free cluster of joys.

    1. I moved all the calories in the cake into the last piece and didn't eat that one!

  7. I love sunflowers! Perfect looking cake. I am glad that you did well with the estate sale. You put in so much effort into it. Turk's Cap ha? Well in the past they did wear such headgear. During the reign of Ottoman Empire.

    1. I laughed when the guy told me the name, but I looked Tham up and lo and behold he was right. It is probably a good idea to trust someone who only deals in cast iron to know what is what.

  8. Another week of wonderful joys! That cake looks lovely, and Lola (who isn't a showgirl) sounds delightful; too bad about Ella, though! You did a ton of work to get ready for an estate sale so quickly! I'm glad it went so well.

    Hope all your days will be filled with daily joys.

    1. The cats are cute__for cats!
      We still have a lot of stuff left over from Mom's but we can take our time now.

  9. What a cake! I'm sure he'll be able to use those skills for years to come with four children.

    It sounds like the estate sale went very well, with the potential of selling the house and the sale of the car.

    Take care and stay well!

    1. The cake was great looking but mainly it was delicious. It might have been the best cake I have ever tasted!

  10. Sounds like a good week. Thanks for sharing.

    1. It was fast, furious and now it is over. I am ready for some down time to do thing s like laundry and general cleaning here.

  11. Glad to hear that the estate sale went well and you sold the car. Hopefully you will be able to sell the house quickly as well.

    Your son’s cake looks so pretty.

    I miss going to estate sales and yard sales. There are none in the area because of the pandemic.

    1. We irritated a few people because we made everyone wear masks and sanitize, plus we allowed no more than two people in each room at a time

  12. Your son's decorating skills are great. He should definitely look into selling his cakes. I'm sure people would buy them!
    So glad that somany people went to your estate sale. You must be glad that things were cleared out of your mother's house.

  13. Replies
    1. It was so good and I am giving all credit to the well seasoned old cast iron.

  14. You've had a very busy week. That cake is a work of art and I find it amazing that all the calories could be moved into that one last piece. Ha. Who was the lucky recipient? I guess it doesn't matter, as long as it wasn't you. Your son's former band director could possibly quit his daytime job.

    I'm glad to hear that the estate sale went well and that the car is sold. Good luck with selling the remaining furniture on-line and a possible sale of the house. I hope things wind down for you quickly.

    1. Son3 took the bullet for all and ate the last piece!
      I think we probably could have gotten more money for the car but we would have had to mess with selling it longer and right now our focus is just getting rid of things.

  15. How nice to have a family heirloom pan. I bet those cornbread muffins were something special. The band director did a lovely job on the cake. Wishing you peace and joy.

  16. It must be so nice to have the estate sale behind you, Anne. I know how much work is involved in one of those and it's exhausting. The sunflower cake made by the band director is beautiful.

  17. It is nice to have it done but we still have a ton left to do.

  18. Am Laura Mildred by name, i was diagnosed with Herpes 4 years ago i lived in pain with the knowledge that i wasn't going to ever be well again i contacted so many herbal doctors on this issue and wasted a large sum of money but my condition never got better i was determined to get my life back so one day i saw Mr. Morrison Hansen post on how Dr. Emu saved him from Herpes with herbal medicine i contacted Dr. Emu on his Email: we spoke on the issue i told him all that i went through and he told me not to worry that everything will be fine again so he prepared the medicine and send it to me and told me how to use it, after 14 days of usage I went to see the doctor for test,then the result was negative, am the happiest woman on earth now thanks to Dr. Emu God bless you. Email him at: Whats-app or Call him +2347012841542 


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