
Sunday, July 30, 2023


This week a couple of things that were planned fell apart, but were rescheduled for this week and next week. 
Last week was another very hot week where it is too hot to indulge in my favorite morning ritual. I love sitting on the screened porch and having coffee while I listen to the birds. This week sitting out there is like being on the front porch of Hell. Coffee had to be enjoyed in the house, though it is not quite the same.

Sunday: The day was hot and steamy, but it is summer in Alabama and is to be expected. Son2 and DIL2 stopped by for a bit. It always makes my day so happy when we get to see them.

Monday. Son3 had been in NYC working for a couple of weeks, but flew to Spain for a wedding before returning to back to finish his job.The SAG and writers strike forced a few of the events he was working on to cancel so he found  flight to Nashville Monday night. I was his entertainment while he cleaned one of his best friend's apartment. His friend was in San Francisco and let Son3 crash at his place. We had a long and enjoyable talk while he worked. Interestingly even after the short time they have lived in Nashville, he could not wait to get back to a house with a back yard, and a much cheaper cost of living. 
After I got off the phone with him, I had a call from my cousin S. As always I love talking with her and will be seeing her in August at our family reunion.
Then I went to The Pig to pick up the freebies for the week: a tuna pouch and an 8 ounce block of sharp cheddar. I only get the freebies if there is a good enough sale on things I need, to warrant  the $10 purchase  requirement.
Tuesday: Went to the bank and shopping for a few items. An amazing realization hit me. If I go to the store before about 10 a.m. all bets are off. I walked through the door wearing shorts and no makeup, and the clerk still completed my transaction. And to my surprise not only were no small children or dogs harmed, but the earth's axis was not swayed and the orbit around the sun continued as usual.  So much for my universal grandiosity, huh?
I had a huge to-do list once I got home, but promptly ignored it and read a book instead. "Falling" is not deep and was pretty predictable, but it was a fun (only if every crisis known to man can be called fun) and very fast read.
Then instead of getting up and getting busy doing the tasks that needed to be done, I made the mistake of opening book two for the day. I read about 1/4 of Bad Mormon, before starting anything remotely productive. (Because not everyone is like me, and calls improving your mind reading fast paced, predictable fiction or a reality tv type memoir a worthwhile endeavor)

Remember this old commercial?___

If you move the vacuum cleaner into the den and just vacuum the main footpath, get rid of any clutter, clean the kitchen sink, and swish the toilet you can make it look like you actually did something other than read.

Wednesday: This was the day for my biggest joy of the week. I have mentioned several times how much I love volunteering at Independence Place. I am continuing to help with their life skills agenda, doing cooking classes with them. Wednesday we made wacky cake with chocolate icing. It was a huge success, and the only part they did not do was take it out of the oven. I will not be doing it again  until mid August. They decided they want to learn to make Sloppy Joe's. Do you think they object when I pad the recipe with shredded carrots and zucchini to up the nutritional value?
My Beloved Sister went with me and she loves going there as much as I do. For me, having her with me just doubled the joy!

Thursday: TheHub was not going to be home for dinner and I had no where I needed to go. Instead I had a shorts and flip flops kind of day, with a little water time and reading mixed in for good measure. My book was due and while I was reading it, time ran out with 3 chapters left. When I tried to extend the time borrowing it, I found there would be a 4 week wait. Now honestly was I going to wait 4 weeks before the last three chapters were done. Nope! The Libby app had an audio version of the book and it was available. I got it and listened to the last three chapters while I folded clothes, mopped the kitchen floor and tidied the shelves in my armoire. I really do not like listening to audio books, but I had to find out for sure "whodunit". There is a huge joy having an optional way to finish the book without a delay.

Friday: I always know I am not enjoying a book if I put it down and read another book before finishing it. "Bad Mormon" came highly recommended but I honestly and kind of "Meh" about it. As far as memoirs go this one had been pretty unenjoyable so far. My hope is to finish it before I start reading anything else, but the jury is still out.
TheHub decided he wanted to go out to eat. Fine by me! We went to a little neighborhood joint where the people actually know us and call us by our names.

Saturday: We had a nice evening with Son2 and DIL2. Nothing beats celebrating your kids birthday, even when they are well into adulthood.

Look for your joys, no matter how small. They are always out there. 

May all your weeds be wildflowers.


  1. You still managed to find some joys during a hot and humid week! It's turning hot and humid here, too, and while I'm fine with the heat, I'm not used to the humidity, anymore. The fan is doing its best, but, I think, it's time to bring in the stand fan, too, and set it up. :)

    1. Give me a/c over fans any day. It has been sweltering here and I don't do sweltering well.

  2. Well, since I am LDS (Mormon), living in a decidedly Baptist area, I am not sure what I would think about that book. Although I would probably be classified as a “kind of Mormon” since I am also southern and like sweet tea… lol. Kim is the real deal though. I am kinda half …. It is hotter than Satan at work and our air has been out for going on five weeks now. I did go to Ttown this weekend and walked by the river at 7 am and I was drenched at the end of my walk at 8 am. Guess I am going to have to start even earlier… sigh. Cindy in the South

  3. I was half way through the book before I realized the "author" was a cast member of The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City. I knew it was not particularly well written, but the 2nd half is just a deep dive into name dropping and self congratulations.
    For the record I am not LDS nor am I Baptist.

    1. Can I state for the record that I am a recovering Catholic? Organized religion is decidedly not my "thing". 8-))

    2. I have never seen that show although I do fly to Salt Lake City a couple of time every year to visit family. I hate it when I get a book to read I don’t particularly like but I always try to finish it for some reason. Cindy in the South

  4. Reading is ALWAYS a worthwhile endeavour and is my guilty pleasure. Like you, my volunteering fills me with joy. Even when it is challenging.

    1. I do feel a true calling to volunteer. For me, Independence Place is truly my happy place. I never leave without grinning from ear to ear.

  5. Love flipflops days! Wish we had some sunshine over has been a lousy cloudy rainy summer...hopefully we will have some hot days in Aug.

    1. I am pretty sure we will have some hot day in August also! Flip flop days are ok until you have several errands and have to keep getting back into the car that turns into an oven in the 15 minutes you are in the store.

  6. I had my ways to make it look like I worked all day, too. It involved picking up toys, clearing flat places into a bag, and grabbing a load of clothes to fold. It is definitely too hot to try to enjoy the outdoors here in the South even though it just the normal summer heat so far.

    1. It has felt a little warmer to me, but I attribute that to the humidity rather than the temps.

  7. I also decided that I wouldn't be finisihing a book that held no interest to me any more and have no regrets on that. Life really is too short!

    1. I did finish the book but I did my "speed" reading technique which means I read a few words from each paragraph, just enough to have the gist of what is intended. This book was such a fluff piece that it took very little to pick up on the meaning.

  8. Your time at The Independence Place sounds very joyful. It’s so nice that you and your sister both enjoy it. Reading is the best, I do some everyday. I hope this is another good week for you filled with joys.

    1. I love being with the participants of IP. Being there makes me feel good from the inside out.

  9. Sounds like a good week. Those cooking classes sounds like so much fun at Independence Place.

    1. The classes have been a lot of fun and they seem to be enjoying the class, and eating what they made.

  10. It sounds like the crew at Independence Place are enjoying the cooking classes. I'm sure there might be a couple who aren't thrilled with the extra veg, but I bet they'll be happy to eat it. (My son has no idea that I add carrots to spaghetti sauce.)
    I tend not to finish a book, if I really don't enjoy it. There have been some I've stuck with and then been so disappointed at having wasted the time with it.

    1. I skimmed the last half of the book and I am sure the only thing I missed was about collagen injections or some of the cast antics. I did not care to read details about either.

  11. Grinning out loud about you going out-n-about sans make-up. The first time I did that I felt horribly self-conscious... but it's becoming easier.
    Not so putting away an uninteresting book, but I'm determined. Life's too short!

    1. do not like to go out and about in public without being "dressed" and at least a hint of makeup, but the world did not end and fortunately I did not see anyone I know.

  12. I love your idea of "making it look like you did something other than read"!!! It was hot here too, and I also chose the inside to enjoy my morning coffee. I agree. Celebrating with your kids, no matter how old, is joy.

    1. Sometimes I just need to be a little surreptitious when it comes to housework.
      Coffee inside seems to be my new normal


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