
Monday, December 28, 2020

Plans, plans, and foiled plans

 Meal plan for the week: This may or may not work and if it doesn't so be it! Whatever we eat it has to come from things that are here because I am not going shopping for a little while. 

1. Taco salad

2. Spaghetti with meat sauce, tossed salad

3. Heavy appetizers, veggies and dip

4. NYD meal: Ham, black eyed peas, collards, cornbread 

5. Chicken pot pie, coleslaw

6. Pizza, tossed salad

7. Smoked sausage, potatoes and kraut

Have a great week staying on plan, off plan, or with no plan at all


  1. I like Heavy Appetizers and Veggies and dip-balance right! I have my possibilities but no real plan.

    1. I figured for NYE apps and dips sound good and pretty easy

  2. Tommy never seems to want appetizers, veggies, and dip. One of these days, I am not going to ask his opinion or give him a choice like I do He eats stuff. When I get the taco soup out of the Crock Pot, I am going to cook blackeyed peas. I love them.

    1. I don't love them but I don't dislike them either. I just know I eat them every single NYD

  3. Sounds great, especially your New Year's Eve appetizers. I could live on appetizers and dips. I'm not doing anything special for New Years Eve this year, I'm back on the health and fitness wagon as of tomorrow.

    1. I can't think of a single reason to cook real food on New Years Eve when I can make some appetizers and we can have those instead.
      I am waiting until Monday after New Years to get back on the keto wagon.

  4. Good luck. I am still consuming left over fruit salad. And am happy with that. The other resident not so much.

    1. A really good fresh fruit salad sounds delicious, but fruit is no in season so I will wait!

  5. You've reminded me that if we want to have something special for New Year's, now is the time to plan. We don't have a tradition like you do with black-eyed peas, but my mother usually cooked pork and sauerkraut.

    1. Pork and sauerkraut is a tradition just like our silly peas!

  6. Appetizers foe dinner. One of my favorite things.

    1. I rarely think to make them but this is definitely the year for some in home merriment.

  7. We are doing appetizers for New Year's Eve dinner too. Kids look forward to our fancy apps dinner that night.

  8. A meal of appetizers on New Year's Eve sounds great! I usually make milk rice for breakfast on New Year's Day, as is our custom, but, that is all. In previous years, we used to go to an aunt's house for her annual open house, but, aunt passed away, so that tradition died with her!

    1. Unfortunately it has died with your aunt's passing, but my sister and I started some new things that might become new traditions!What is the saying? "The only constant in life is change"

  9. Heavy appetizers works for me! New Years Eve dinner here is usually Chinese, having it delivered this year due to no dining at restaurants here. New Years Day dinner is roasted chicken, first time ever not having pork roast, maybe we'll have pork sausage for breakfast. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Then a few G&T's to celebrate! Take care

    1. Have a fun New Years. The G&T's sound like a nice way to celebrate!


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